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Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam: Part 162( Paaasuram:183-184)

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Dear BhakthAs of Swamy Desikan :


Today , we will study the reasons advanced by

Swamy Desikan to reject KaNAtha Matham

for creating concepts (padhArthams) not accepted by

PramANam like Prathyaksham ; they also do not accept

Iswaran as revealed by the sabdha pramANam of Vedam .

They declare that the timeless Vedams were created by

ordinary humans (PourushEyam ) instead of by the eternal

Iswaran (apourushEyam ) .


183) kaNDathu alAthana kattuthalAl kaNDa vittathanAl

paNDu uLathAna MaRaikkup-pazhamayai maaRRuthalAl

koNDathum Isanaik-koLLA vahai yenRu kURuthalAl

kaNDakarAy ninRa kaNAthar vAdham kazhaRRuvamE


(Meaning ): KaNAtha Matham invented concepts that are not

consistent with Prathyaksha PramANam .Some of these strange

concepts are different from avayavam such as avayavee, SaamAnyam ,

VisEsham , SamavAyam , abhAvam et al . KaNAthAs also reject

Tatthvams approved by the VedAs such as Prakruthi , MahAn et al.

They accept Iswara tatthvam but reject Vedam as apourushEyam .

They do not recoignize Iswaran as revealed by the eternal

VedAs and accept Him as being revealed by the pramAnam

of anumAnam (inference) alone. KaNAthAs are like thorn in the flesh

and we (Swamy Desikan ) removed that thorn from the Vaidhika

SiddhAnthams .


184) The strange doctrine of KaNAtham to explain Iswaran & Moksham


aagamatthai anumAnam yenkayAlum

azhiyAtha maRai azhikka ninaitthathAlum

bhOgam aRRu ohr upalam pOl kidakkai tAnE

puNNiyarkku veedenRu puNartthalAlum

maakam ottha MaNivaNNan padiyai mARRi

maRRu avanukku ohru padiyai vahutthathAlum

kAkam ottha KaaNAtan kaNNai vAngik-

kAkkaikku aar yenRu alaRRak-kaattinOmE


(Meaning): The KaNAthAs do not accept Sabdham as

separate (independent) PramANam and bury it inside

the pramANam of anumAnam . They treat the eternal ,

Nithya PramANam , Vedam as apourushEyam and

make it short lived . They state that the state of Moksham

enjoyed by the Jeevan is the state when it exists without

any anubhavam like a stone without possessing any

Jn~Anam or aanandham .They say that Iswaran is nimittha

kAraNam ( like potter for a clay pot ) and not upAdhAna

kAraNam ( like the clay ). They declare Iswaran , who is

without any admixture with Prakruthi as one without SarIram

(Suddha Satthva maya sarIram) and deny Him as possessing

limitless bliss (aanandha mayan ).The KaNAthAs are like

the crow , which committed huge apachAram to SithA PirAtti

and lost its eye to the BrahmAsthram sent after it by Lord

Raamachandran . We (Swamy Desikan ) have pulled out

the eye (the doctrine ) of KaNAthan and made him cry

with desperation about not having any place to resort to in

this adhikAram through our refutation of his doctrines .


Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan ,

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadikaLE SaraNam


Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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