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79th Thirunakshathram of Srimath Azhagiya Singar : Dec 10 , 2005 at Bangalore , SrI sthuthi SlOkam 23 : Part XXVII

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SrI :


Dear BhakthAs of SrI Lakshmi Nrusimhan :


The 23rd slOkam is recited for being blessed with Kaimkarya PrApthi

(realization of Service) to the Divine Couple :


MaathA DEvi ! Thvamasi BhagavAn VaasudEva: PithA mE

Jaatha: sOaham Janani yuvayO: yEka-lakshyam dayAyA :

dhatthO yushmath parijanatayA Desikair-api ata: Thvam

Kim tE BhUya: priyamithi kila smEravakthA vibhAsi


The key passage if this slOkam is : " Aham YuvayO: DayaayA: yEkalakshyam

Jaatha: "

( Oh Sri Devi ! adiyEn has become the target ( key object) of both of Your Dayaa

" .

Swamy Desikan exults here over the many anugrahams recieved from the Dhivya

Dampathis .


Word by word Meaning


Devi Thvam mE MaathA asi = Oh PirAtti ! You are my Mother .


BhagavAn VaasudEva: PithA asi = EmperumAn with all auspicous gunams

is my Father .


Janani ! Sa: aham yuvayO: DayaayA: yEkalakshyam jaatha: = Oh Mother !

Myself with You both as my parents has become the key object of both of

Your DayA .


Desikairapi Yushmath parijanatayA dhattha: = adiyEn has also been presented by

my AchAryans as Your Daasa bhUthan / servant (That is another blessing ).


atha = therefore


BhUya: tE priyam kim ? = (You seem to be asking) what else would you wish to

have ?


ihti kila smEra vakthrA Thvam vibhAsi = SrI Devi ! It appears as though You

are asking me with a smile on Your face as to what other boons I wish to have .


Meaning according to Dr. M.NarasimhAchAry:


You are my Mother and Lord VaasudEva is my Father. I am the sole object

of the compassion of both of You . I was entrusted by my AchAryans to both

of You as Your servant . Oh Sri Devi ! You seem to be asking me with a shining


smiling face : " What other favors do You want ? " .


Meaning according to Villivalam Sri Narayanachar Swamy


Divine Consort of the Lord ! You are my Mother . EmperumAn VaasudEvan

is my Father. I am the one , who was born as Your son as a result of both of


Dayaa . Further, my AchAryans have presented me as Your daasan ( Parijanam /

servant) to You . Therefore , You seem to have a smiling face with the query :

" What else is there for Me to grant You as additional boons ? " .


Additional observations on this slOkam passages :


Oh PirAtti ! Through Your compassionate nature of overlooking adiyEn's

trespasses ,

You serve as my Mother . Your Lord , who has the intention of correcting me for


my trespasses stands in the role of my Father. As a result , I have become the


object of both of Your dayaa as You take on the role of my Father and Mother .


to Your grace , adiyEn is blessed to have noble AchAryans . They in turn

presented me

as Your servant to perform kaimkaryams for You . Oh Mother ! When adiyEn looks


Your smiling face , it appears to me that You are asking me the question : Are


contented ? What else can I do for you ? " . adiyEn is indeed blessed to have


these soubhAgyams .


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan









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