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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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71. vikarshan oormijaalaani

brhanthi lavaNaambhasaH


pupluve kapiSaardhoolo vikiran iva



Hanuman, the tiger among

monkeys, flew pulling the waves of the

sea as if spreading them in the sky.


kapiSaardhoolaH- the tiger among



pupluve- flew


vikarshan- pulling along

with him


oormijaalaani- series of waves


brhanthi- which are big


lavaNaambhasaH- from the ocean.

lavana =salt. ambhas =water. means the sea


vikiran iva as

though he is spreading


rodhasee- the sky




72. merumandharasankaasaan

udhgathaan sa mahaarNave


athyakraaman mahaavegaH tharangaan



Hanuman of great speed, went past

the waves of the great sea, like the mount

Meru and Mandhara, as if

counting them.


mahaaveghah- Hanuman of

great speed,


athyakraman- going past


iva as if


gaNayan- counting


tharangaan- the waves


merumandharasankaasaan- like mountains

Meru and Mandhara


udhgathaan- that rose


mahaarNave- in the big





73. thasya vegasamudDhootham jalam

sajaladham thadhaa


ambarasTham vibabhraaja Saardhaabhram iva



The water and the clouds that rose

up with the speed of Hanuman appeared in the sky like the autumn clouds



Jalam – water


Sajaladham along with the clouds jalam dhadhaathi ithi jaladhaH thena saha



vegasamudDhootham= that rose with

the speed


thasya of him


ambarasTham- being in the sky


vibabhraaja- shone


Saaradhaabhram iva –

like the autumn clouds

Aathatham – elongated


74. thiminakrajhashaaH koormaa

dhrSyanthe vivrthaaH




vasthraapakarshaNeneva SareeraaNi sareeriNaam


The sharkas, crocodiles, fish and

tortoises were clearly visible like the body of humans without clothes.


Thimi ankra jhashaa koorma- The large fish

or whales, thimi, , crocodiles, nakra , small fish, jhashaa

and tortoises, koorma.


dhrSyanthe- visible


vivrthaaH- clearly.


iva- like


SareeraaNi-the bodies


SareeriNaam- of humans (

because they alone wear clothes!)


Vasthra apakarsheNa- devoid of




75. kramamaaaNam sameekshya aTha




vyomni tham kapiSaardhoolam suparNa ithi



Seeing Hanuman, who was a tiger

among monkeys, flying in the sky, the

serpents residing in the sea thought

that he was Garuda.


aTha –then. aTha is

used in the sense of `besides' here.


Sameekshya- seeing. eekshaNam

is seeing and `sam' added to show the eekshaNam was perfect. Well- seeing.


tham kapiSaardhoolam- that tiiger

among monkeys.


kramamaaNam- flying


vyomni- in the sky,

bhujangaaH – the serpents


saagaraalayaaH – residing in

the sea


menire -thought - perfect tense of `man' to think


suparna ithi- that he was

Garuda. Sobanam parNe yasya saH suparNaH, meaning one with splendid wings,

denotes Garuda.



76. dhasayojanavistheerNaa

thrimSath yojanamaaythaa


Chaayaa vaanarasimhasya jale chaarutharaabhavath


The shadow of Hanuman, the lion

among monkeys, 30 yojanas long and 10 yojanas wide, became more beautiful in the water.


Chaayaa- the shadow


Vaanarasimhasya- Of the lion

among monkeys, meaning Hanuman


thrimasath yojanam aayathaH- 30yojanas long

( one yojana is approximately 9 miles.


dhasayojanavistheerNaH- 10 yojanas wide




chaarutharaa- more beautiful


jale- in the water



77. Svethaabhraghanaraajeeva



thasya saa SuSubhe Chaayaa vithathaa



The reflection of Hanuman,

following him in the salty ocean,shone like the row of white clouds close

together laid in the salty ocean


thasya saa Chaaya- His shadow

(reflection) saa qualifies Chaayaa meaning `that shadow of his `



vaayuputhra anugaaminee- following

Hanuman, the son of Vayu




iva- like


svetha abhra ghanaraajee iva- white rows of



vithathaa – spread


lavaNaambhasi- in the salty




78. SuSubhe sa mahaathejaa mahaakaayo mahaakapiH


vaayumaarge niraalambhe pakshavaan iva



The great monkey of big form and

lustre, shone like a mountain with wings flying in the path of the wind without



mahaakapiH- the great

monkey, Hanuman,


mahaathejaaH – of great



mahaakaayaH- of big form




Iva – like


parvathaH- mountain


pakshavaan- with wings


vaayumaarge- in the path of

the wind (sky)


niraalambhe-with no

support(in the space)




79. yena asou yaathi balavaan

vegena kapikunjaraH


thena maargeNa sahasaa dhroNeekrtha



The sea was reduced to a

water-vessel wherever the mighty elephant among monkeys went by his speed.


arnavaH- the sea


dhroNeekrthaa- was reduced to

a water vessel (shrunk in size)


yena maargeNa-

by whichever path


asou kapikunjaraH-

that elephant among monkeys


balavaan – who is mighty




sahasaa- fast



80. aapaathe pakshisanghaanaam

pakshiraaja iva aababhou


hanoomaan meghajaalaani prakarshan

maarutho yaThaa


Hanuman shone like Garuda in the

path of the birds dragging the clouds like the wind does.


hanoomaan- Hanuman


aababhou- shone


iva –like


pakshiraja- king of birds meaning



aapaathe- in the path of (meaning

the sky)


pakshisanghaanaam- the birds.

Sangha denotes the multitudes of birds


prakarshan- dragging


meghajaalaani- rows of clouds


yathaa – as


maaruthaH – the wind does.




81. paanduraaruNa varnaani

neelamaan jishtakaani cha


kapinaa krshyamaaNaaani mahaabhraaNi



The large clouds dragged by

Hanuman shone with colours of white, red, blue and yellow.


mahaabhraaNi – the large



krshyamaaNaani- dragged


kapinaa- Hanuman


chakaasire= shone


pandura aruNavarNaani- white and pink

in colour


neela maanjishtakaani cha –blue and red



82. praviSan abhrajaalaani

nishpathan cha punaH punaH


pracChannaScha prakaasaScha chandhramaa

iva lakshyathe


He appeared like the moon entering

into the clouds and coming out again and again, hidden and shining



Lakshyathe- he appears


iva- like


chandhramaa- the moon


pravisan- entering


abhrajaalaani- the clouds


nishpathan emerging out


punah punaH-

again and again


pracChanaaH cha- hidden


prakaaSaScha- and shining


Hanuman flying through the clouds looked

like the moon entering in and emerging out of the clouds as he was

alternatively seen and not seen



83. plavamaanam tham dhrshtvaa

plavagam thvaritham



vavrshuH pushpavarshaaNi dheva ganDharvadhaanavaaH


Then the devas,

gandhrvas and dhanavas showered flowers seeing hanuman flying fast.


Thadhaa –then


dhrshtvaa –seeing


plavagam- Hanuman ,

plavaga means monkey


plavamaanam- flying


thvaritham- fast


dheva ganDharva dhaanvaaH- devas

gandharvas and asuras


vavarshuh –showered


pushpavarshaaNi – rain of





84. thathaapa na hi tham sooryaH

plavantham vaanaresvaram


sisheve cha thadhaa vayoo

raamakaaryaarTha sidDhaye


The Sun did not emit heat and the

wind served the master monkey, who was flyong for the fulfillment of the

mission for Rama.




sooryaH –the Sun



na hi thathaapa- was not at

all hot


vayoo – the wind


sisheve- served


tham vaanareSvaram- that master of



plavantham- who was flying


raamkaaryaarTha sidDhaye- for

fulfilling the mission fr Rama



85.rshayah thushtuvuh cha enam

plavamaanam vihaayasaa


jaguScha dhevaganDharvaaH prasamsantho



The rshis praised him who was

flying through the sky and the gandharvas and the devas sang his praise.


rshayaH -the rshis


thushtuvuH- praised


enam vanoukasam- this monkey


plavamaanam- who was flying


vihaayasaa- by the sky


dhevaganDharvaaH- devas and the



jaguH cha – also sang


praSamsanthaH – praising him



86.nagaaScha thushtuvaH yakshaa

rakshaamsi viviDhaani cha


prekshya sarve kapivaram sahasaa





Several kinds of beings, naagas,

yakshas and rakshas . all praised Hanuman at once seeing him go fast without any



viviDhaani –several beings

(such as)


nagaaH yakshaaH rakshaamsi cha- nagas, yakshas

and rakshasas


prekshya- seeing


kapivaram- the best of



vigathaklamam- being without



thushtuvuH- praised


sahasaa –at once.


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