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Abeethi Sthavam : Slokam 9

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Dear Sri Ranganatha BhakthAs :


In the Ninth slOkam , the role that the kalyAna guNAs of the Lord of

Srirangam play in removing different kinds of fears of ours :


SlOkam 9


thrivarga-paTa-varthinAm thriguNa-langa-udhyOginAm

dhvishath pramaTaarTinAmapi cha RangadhrusyOdhayA:

skhalath samaya kAtaree haraNa jAgarookA: PrabhO

kara-grahaNa-dheekshithA: ka iva tE na dhivyaa gunA: ?


Swamy Desikan asks a rhetoric question here and answers it :

Ranga PrabhO! " Ka iva (tava) tE divya GuNA: kAtaree haraNa

dheekshithA: na? " ( Which one of Your KalyANa guNams have not

vowed to remove our fears ? None) .


( Extended Meaning ) : Oh Lord of Srirangam ! (1) Many in this world seek the


like Dharma , arTa and Kaamam thru their various efforts . (2)A few engage in

crossing this SamsAric world admixed with the three guNams of Sathtvam ,

Rajas and Tamas and seek Moksha Sukham . For this purpose , they committ

to Bhakthi Yogam or perform SaraNAgathy ( Prapatthi Yogam) . Few more

are desirous of enjoying Your archA roopam here at Srirangam and pray

for the removal of obstacles that stand in the way of Your nithya AarAdhanam

resulting from the detestable invasion by Muslim army .


These three groups of people wish to be blessed with success in their

endeavours ; while being engaged in the execution of these tasks ,

they are overcome with fear some times about realizing victory in their efforts.

This is but natural reaction . In those troubling times , these saadhakAs

contemplate on Your auspicious guNAs . Those GuNAs respond with

alacrity , when such fears raise their heads and the GuNAs extend their hands

and lift the SaadhakAs out of the net of fear that had encircled them .0


The response of GuNAs in this manner is due to the vows they have taken

to come to the rescue of Sri RanganAtha BhakthAs , when they become

fearful about the success in their efforts . The SaadhakAs succeed now

with the welcome intervention of the KalyANa guNAs of the Lord of Srirangam .

Oh Ranga PrabhO ! In these matters of rescuing Your bhakthAs , every one of

Your KalyANa GuNAs are equally potent .They all shine with matchless glory

and equal splendour .


Sri RanganAtha DasOham ,

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan





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