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Long Ek Ong Kar Meditation-Questions

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Sat Nam!

This mantra produces many changes in what we normally view as " reality " If

you have never tried it, I would suggest a 2 1/2 hour chant of Long Ek Ong

Kar's. You will move through all of these experiences that Pieter and Yogiji

describe below. This is an 8 cycle mantra. Accept the grace of the Shabad

without analysis.


Guru Ravi


Excerpted from Pieter's web site:


Chant for 5 minutes or 11 minutes, 31 minutes 62 minutes, 2.5 hours. With

continued practice, especially after some Kundalini Yoga exercises that charge

up the nervous system and convert the body into an amplifier of sound, the

mind will begin to attune itself to the surat shabad (Spirit Sound Current -

Sound of the Celestial Spheres), as the centers of the brain begin to open and

related glands secrete.


With the secretion of these glands, the infinite cosmic energy in the ether

of space in which the universe appears will begin to flow into and fill the

body with light, just as a jar floating on the ocean, when the lid is opened

becomes one with the ocean.




By Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.



After meditating at the Lotus Feet of my Master, who has granted me

liberation from the time cycle and the cycle of Karma, oh my sweet student


of the day, I disclose to you the secret of the Nam. If you care to listen to

me this day and will practice you will be liberated like me.


I have seen the god. It is light equal to millions and billions of rays of

sunlight. It is the cosmic energy which is the brightest of the brightest and

most beautiful of the beautiful. Nothing beyond this can be said. It is the

greatest of the great. When the Master, through his blessing blesses you, you

will realize this within you.


Out of the 4 Yugs (Ages) which the scriptures described, one was Sat Yug -

the Age of truth or Golden Age. Then came Treta Yug, when the truth was ? full

and it was the Silver age. After this came Doapar Yug, when the truth was ?

revealed. Thereafter came the Kali Yug when the truth is ?. This Yug is

known as the Dark Age - Age of Steel or Machine Age. The duration of each is

respectively 1,728,000, 1,296,000, 864,000 and 432,000 human years, a ratio of


3, 2, 1. This ratio is found to prevail in many sacred computations. These 4

Yugs together make 4,320,000 Earth years of what is called a Maha Yug or

Great Age. In sat Yug, the Age of Innocence or Truth, man was one with the

Divine and he realized the vibration which this Cosmic Energy created to make

Prakriti (manifestation) and man meditated on the Nam " ONG " - the vibration of

the Divine. After this came Treta Yug when the power of the truth came to ? ,

the being became weak and he recited the Nam " Sohang " . Through this vibration

he acknowledged his identity with the Divine which means " I am you " .

Thereafter came the Doapar Age when truth was weakened to ? and man recited


NAMO NARAYANA " ; he worshiped the God in the form. We are now in the Steel Age -

Age of Machine which is represented by a circle, which is the wheel runs it.

Constant vibrations from that wheel of Cosmic energy give the power of life

movement to this wheel of creation. Now my dear sweet love, you draw one

circle like the wheel and put another circle like a wheel over it (wheel over

wheel) will make the figure 8 which according to the Science of Numerology

represents Infinity turned sideways.


Spermatozoa take 8 circles around the egg before union takes place. There

are 26 bones supporting the human foundation, that is the foot and there are 26

vertebras in your spinal column: 2+6=8. Therefore, said the Master,

" Whosoever in this Machine Age will meditate and recite the Mantra which will

be the

glory to the Lord and will have 8 vibrations, will open the lock of

ignorance and darkness and this will liberate the being and will unite him with


Divine. "





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