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The non-dual Christ Consciousness: The Self, Maya and the Heart: The Philosophy of Non-Dualism

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The non-dual Christ Consciousness: The Self, Maya and the Heart: The

Philosophy of Non-Dualism


Hearing, Reflection, Perfect Abiding:


Thru Sadhana the mind becomes pure enough that there arises the ability of what

is True within us to hear and recollect Itself in the words of Those that abide

perfectly in and as their True Self, who recollect that " I am the Truth " (Sat

Nam) and " I am Consciousness Itself " (the light of the world). Hearing the

words of the Saviors (sunia), we suddenly recollect who we really are (mania),

and here arises a churning throughout the nervous system, an inward drawing of

the mind and senses, an outshining and Perfect Abiding in the Singularity of the

all-pervasive Self, which is the True Resurrection.



Happy Easter.


There are also a number of articles and spiritual texts regarding the non-dual

nature of our Consciousness in the weblinks mentioned below:





In this ancient Kundalini Yoga practice that Yogi Bhajan brought forward for our

time, there are the aspects of " hearing " - " recollection " and " perfect abiding "

- which are mentioned as the key elements in all religions, also the Sikh

Dharma, as well as a constraint theme of Christ, the transforming step in

Buddhism and the basis of Vedanta (Hinduism). In Kundalini Yoga you have

Sadhana (daily spiritual practice of Radiance, Inner Withdrawal and Study and

consideration of the Words of the Sages, Saints and Saviors), which brings about

Aradhana (the distillation of impurities that hide the natural pure state we are

always already are), resulting in Pradupati (the Crystallization of the Self,

where we always remain as the Truth, where he " I " pulses as " I " and not " I am

this and that " - where abiding as a Diamond we no longer become the mages

reflected within It). Pradupati begins with this " hearing " and " recollection -

reflection " and results in " perfect abiding "


Here is the article of the 6th Zen Patriarch regarding the voluminous teachings

of Buddha, which have a parallel to how on the one hand Yogi Bhajan provides an

unlimited amount of fascinating information about the mind, body and soul, yet

at the core is a constant theme, which is very similar to what was presented

about Buddha's teachings in this excerpt of the 6th Zen Patriarch:

The Ultimate Reality Transcends What Can Be Expressed in words - 6th Zen




Finally, I give you this beautiful poem from early Christianity, regarding the

idea of authentic relationship.

I AM THAT I AM - found under a 16th Century Normandy Crucifix









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