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Relaxing by applying the radiant pressure inherent in awarness throughout the body during and betwee KY exersizes in each set.

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KUNDALINI YOGA - LIFE TRANSFORMING! Relaxing by applying the radiant pressure

inherent in awareness throughout the body during and between KY exercises in

each set.


When one begins Kundalini Yoga, from the ancient yoga taught openly by Yogi

Bhajan, one is hardly aware of the experience of radiance, except, possibly

through the use of various drugs and medications, which open nadis in an

imbalanced manner, creating disruptions to one's ability to perceive. With

kundalini yoga practice, gradually the radiance is felt in different parts of

the body. This radiance penetrates and expands until you can feel it and direct

it with your applied awareness throughout the body.


Without Sadhana much of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan cannot be heard, but with

Sadhana an inner knowledge and experience emerges that is capable of hearing and

using the teachings, which become a multi-dimensional Radiant Road to Reality.


Once the penetration of radiance is complete, the body and the encoding of

predispositions of the mind throughout the body begin to undergo a

transformation, where the radiance from proper practice of applied awareness

during and between KY exercises deepens, expands and is sustained, so that you

begin to fee this radiance all the time.


Each nadi is like a filament in a lamp in a dark room, where as you begin to

turn the voltage up, you can see the brightening of the filament, until

gradually the filament forms a pedal like glow and then becomes so bright that

the whole room is lit and you no longer need to carry and direct the light from

the lamp to see anything.


In the practice of KY, as the radiance deepens and expands through the proper

practice of applied awareness, the penetration of the radiance, which feels like

voltage sometimes perculating, sometimes flowing, begins to disengage the

encoding of predispositions and impressions throughout the body in relation to

aspects of the impressions made. It's a bit like a computer that stores various

bytes of information related to a picture in different areas, which all come

together to form the one picture when the image is called for. So to, in the

body, various aspects of an impression related to the abilities to consciously

perceive in each of the 10 bodies come together as one image and impression,

when triggered. With the practice of KY, however, the penetrating voltage,

which is based on the singularity of the seer, i.e., the subject " I " inherent in

applied awareness, causes the encoding of these impressions, impressions through

which we project and interpret a world of our own making, to become disengaged,

and we begin to see and experience ourselves, not as the body and conglomeration

of thought impressions, but as an individual unit of consciousness itself. This

means that there is a disengagement of attention to the use of the senses and

the mind to experience, and we begin to acknowledge and experience that that

which sees and knows is inherent in the seer, the self-effulgent light of

consciousness, and not the mind and body which that unit of consciousness



This is the beginning of a transformation that takes place, where the polarity

begins to shift from the outgoing mind to the experience of the trinity of

hearing, recollection and abiding, as that part that provides the awareness of

the mind and body.


As the radiance increases, as with the light in the lamp described above, you

begin to see and experience inside and around your body with the light of

consciousness itself, and you experience yourself as a " field " of consciousness,

which some spiritual texts call the " body field " (Krishna in the Bagavad Gita)

because of the radiance in the body that produces this true experience of who we

are as individual units of consciousness.


As one's daily sadhana continues, the penetration of the voltage, which feels

like the penetration of awareness, like a deep force of relaxation and radical

disengagement of tension moving throughout the body, but also through the torso,

the chest, the neck and throat and throughout the face, brain and head,

radiating all around, begins to acquire a certain inner knowledge of the source

of the field of consciousness. A kind of an unique singular impalpable

intuition emerges into the conscious field of the ability to discern the

difference between the seer - subject " I " - and that which the seer witnesses

in the field of consciousness.


It's as though thare is a pause in the prosess of seeing and kpwwing, like an

eagle poised in mid-air with the totality of vision, seeing everything at once.

The mind goes into a state of abatement. Something apparently new, yet ancient

Ground grounds you in a transfiguration of Living Light.


At that time, the Consciousness emanating through the Heart, the Solar Orb,

reflects purely in the mind (the brain), the Lunar Orb, and there is a radical

disengagement of attention, in which all at once you recollect your Self as

always having been single and pervasive. In the body, you feel as though the

penetrating radiance is now completely overcome by something at once all

consuming and penetrating without limit, like a Sun's force of gravity and

spatial penetration of light, a light in which no other light is needed to see.

Seeing, being and knowing merge into One. And you recollect who and what you

are.\, and remain abiding in and as that Singularity.


With one's daily Sadhana, this emerges on its own, but the " event horizon, " or

what Yogi Bhajan calls the experience of the " impact " between the " individual

unit of consciousness " that you have awakened to through Sadhana and know

yourself to be, and the " Universal Consciousness, " is triggered by the Words in

the scriptures uttered by the Saviors, Sages and Saints that remind us that who

and what we really are is always undifferentiated from the Universal

Consciousness and that we are always " Consciousness Itself " not even the

" field, " i.e., the Temple of the Body in which this experience was remembered.


When the mind is pure and detached from thoughts and impressions, experiencing

itself as the " field " of consciousness, then what the scriptures call " hearing "

occurs. This " hearing " which is the key element described in every religion is

the Self recollecting Itself as Truth and the source of all Consciousness. This

is why Saviors such as Christ, would say, after emerging from the desert, " I am

the Truth " and " I am the Light of the World " or in John 1;9: " He is the True

Light that lights each man born into this world. " Or why Guru Nanak after

emerging from a cave, would say " Sat Nam " which is to say " I am the Truth. "


From that point onward there is a steady pulsation in the Heart, which is also

felt everywhere, a soundless reverberation of the " I " as " I " or " I, I, I, I,... "

versus " I am ... this and that. "


The process of awakening is that one begins to become aware of the subconscious

realm, which is where the dream world is created with both the sense of subject

and a world for the subject to witness (a microcosm of God's creation of the

world we become aware of in our waking state and superimpose with our own island

of impressions), only instead of the dreams, we perceive the astral planes

filled with teachings of who we really are, as appearing within our field of

consciousness. This proceeds on to the waking experience of the inconscient,

where the archetypes are experiences within one's conscious field. This is

called jagrat-sushupti. And finally the pulsing of the " I " in which one abides

as single pervasive Consciousness without cause, beyond time (Creation). This

is called Turya.


Usually, one's early Sadhana (with proper practice) will take you to this

experience of who and what you are quickly, and you will be left with the

reverberation of the Truth in and around you. As you continue Sadhana, all

these aspects that you covered at once begin to reemerge and fill you out



When the Consciousness no longer sees its limit and identity in the thought

impressions, so that you begin to be wakefully aware in the subconscient and

unconscient, you will experience this also in the waking state, a field, like a

sphere of light within which there is no sound, wherein the distinction between

inside and outside of the body is lost and only the sense of " I am " and

pervading Goodness without distinction or separation are experienced.


Regarding the proper practice. This can be read about in the 2 weblinks:






These articles are the result of TT classes taught in 2001 through 2005, and

provided as handouts to TT students.


This relaxing between KY exercises in the way described using applied awareness

was the way that all KY classes were taught in the early years. The purpose of

the articles was just to bring that back into common practice the way the sets

were taught, through which the Sadhana becomes effective, and the results

described above are realized.


The conclusion is simple. Just add to daily life a Sadhana of proper practice,

and set in motion and inexorable process.





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