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Sat Nam V,


Blessings and Love to you! Begin to work the navel center and heart center.

You have lost the connection to your Soul and it is crying out. You appear

masked in a cloud of confusion and stuck with too many choices. You are digging

shallow holes to find the deep well inside yourself. When your navel center

becomes strong you will see the way and have the courage to follow it.

Practice BOF, stretch pose, leg lifts, and Sat Kriya. Your solution and calling


to find a rich husband. That's you looking for a seemingly easy way out.

There is no such thing!!! We are ALL here to learn, to love, and to serve. No


can do it for you. We all experience fear (second Chakra) and doubts, that's

where Kundalini Yoga comes in. Make a commitment to YOURSELF, love yourself,

become so strong and shiny that everything comes to you. But, you have to do

the work in order for that to happen. Yes! look tirelessly for your soul

mate, your Soul is your soul mate. Practice Doei Shabd Kriya for 120 days and

fall in love with yourself!

Blessings in the Naam,

Guru Ravi








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> Blessings and Love to you!


Thank you, thank you for the response, and love to you too.


> You have lost the connection to your Soul and it is crying out.

> You appear masked in a cloud of confusion and stuck with

> too many choices.


Well, I just don't want to be a programmer anymore.


And if I had to go to work and be happy (soul connection)... I close

my eyes and I picture myself with a bunch of children or old people

laughing, in a beautiful place full of trees and plants.


Ok, that is impossible. The only way to do that is to go to college

for some five years and get a BS degree in Childcare or some.


(Well, maybe I'll find some training that is good enough to make a

living, dunno. I'll have to look some more)


That has been the wall. I'm running out of time and forced to do

something I don't want to do but I have no choice (soul crying).


> When your navel center becomes strong you will see the way

> and have the courage to follow it. Practice BOF, stretch pose,

> leg lifts, and Sat Kriya.


Ok, I never did KY. I'm not sure what you are talking about here but

I'll look it up. Thank you.


> Your solution and calling is to find a rich husband. That's

> you looking for a seemingly easy way out. There is no such thing!!!


Well, that was some guy that I was (am) in love with. I wanted to

marry him but I haven't heard from him in a year, since he got

together with the ex gf. :( </3


> We are ALL here to learn, to love, and to serve.


I'm trying... but I need training or volunteer from the shelters with

my son. Is ok, I'll figure it out. I got a bunch of ideas now.


> Make a commitment to YOURSELF, love yourself, become so strong

> and shiny that everything comes to you.




> Yes! look tirelessly for your soul mate, your Soul is

> your soul mate.


I'm starting to believe that. That guy was my best shot and even that

didn't work.


> Practice Doei Shabd Kriya for 120 days and fall in

> love with yourself!


Ok, I'll look up Shabd Kriya.


Thanks a lot people, you guys have been amazing!



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Sat nam,

I dropped in to the List this morning after an absence and I can

relate to this discussion.

I joined it late, so I don't know if the persons are doing Kundalini

Yoga, but I would like to encourage you to follow the recommendations

made re doing the yoga.

I can tell you from personal experience it works.

Even tho I am not doing Kun.Yoga now [why I don't know], I suggest it

to you.

My thoughts and my experience is - between doing KunYoga and not - is

that we have a certain air/aura about us when we do yoga. This may

sound airy-fairy to some, but I believe it is true. And further - at

least for me - when I don't do KunYoga, it seems that no matter what I

do, no matter that I try to do the right things, life spoils for me.

And I try to figure it out 'rationally' and look for 'explanations'

and it always comes back to there is some negative energy I am



I share this bec. I am in a similar position to some of the posters -

I get a job, I think it will be wonderful, and in 3 months it turns to

" " , and I don't know why.


I'd also like to ask for any good thoughts that anyone is inclined to

send my way. I think I am going to get canned today, or hours reduced.

I want to be graceful 'even in adversity'. I'm trying to keep that in

mind. I want to not be vindictive, even tho 'objectively' I have every

reason to be. These are my two sides. And for me nothing works except

KunYoga to have my graceful side be supreme. It's mysterious to me why

that is, but it is. It is beyond the rational mind.


Thanks especially to those who posted and opened up the opportunity

for me to share.


Kartar Kaur

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Thanks for the response.


> I don't know if the persons are doing Kundalini

> Yoga, but I would like to encourage you to follow the

> recommendations made re doing the yoga.


No, I'm not doing KY.


I am a Taoist, and my meditation is done through nature. I found that

works better for me.


I have tried doing yoga before and I found it very uncomfortable.


> I think I am going to get canned today, or hours reduced.

> I want to be graceful 'even in adversity'.


Jeeze. I hope it's not too bad.


Sending good thoughts your way, love,



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Sat Nam!


Hello V. I have been reading this situation as it has been posted

the past few days.


I was in a similar situation (regarding someone else saving me) and

also alot of financial hardship. I hear you and your struggle.


The advice given to you has been great. I have been doing KY since

last November and my friend who introduced me to it says I am a

completely differant person.


Even if that man did marry you you would of still had to do the

work of self identity down the line, in this life or the next.


To clarify V you said you are NOT doing KY at this time? And you

have tried Yoga but it does no resonate with you as it is



1st: Did you try kundalini yoga or another? And was the yoga

physically or mentally uncomfortable?


2nd: The meditations in KY are nothing like taoist or buddhist, or

Jewish or any other kind of meditation. I practiced Aikido and Zen

for 15 years and did my share of meditations there too.


In short why not jumo into KY with the on line lessons from Guru

Rattana. Why not do a KY meditation that has been recommended by the

teachers here? It is hard work to change and scary however the

alternative for you seems even more painful. We are not trees, we

can move physically and spiritually, and in order for things to

change we need to change.


PS: When something is uncomfortable it maybe just what we need. maybe

th ediscomfort is our body or souls way of saying wake up.


May your courage be bigger than your fear and your heart fuel the

engine of change.


sarab jot Singh.






Kundaliniyoga , " veysas " <valentinasemail



> rasheedaas,


> Thanks for the response.


> > I don't know if the persons are doing Kundalini

> > Yoga, but I would like to encourage you to follow the

> > recommendations made re doing the yoga.


> No, I'm not doing KY.


> I am a Taoist, and my meditation is done through nature. I found


> works better for me.


> I have tried doing yoga before and I found it very uncomfortable.


> > I think I am going to get canned today, or hours reduced.

> > I want to be graceful 'even in adversity'.


> Jeeze. I hope it's not too bad.


> Sending good thoughts your way, love,


> ~v


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> Even if that man did marry you you would of still had to do the

> work of self identity down the line, in this life or the next.


Well, when I met that man I thought he was the one. It was one of

those connections.


The one when you can't stop touching each other, when you can't stop

looking into each other's eyes, when you know what the other is

thinking, when you know you two are the same.


But then, he told me from the start that he was waiting for the " love

of his life " and that he had promised his ex he'd wait for her.


Eventually she showed up, and I know that he wouldn't have been happy

with me breaking a promise. He is a very spiritual person that takes

these things seriously. So things had to be this way.


But I thought, that if destiny put us together, I wouldn't have to

worry anymore about the 950 dollars rent, and I could just dedicate

my life to social service.


And as it says in the Tao Te Ching:


" He who has many material things,

may be described as rich,

but he who knows he has enough,

and is at one with the Tao,

might have enough of material things,

and have self-being as well. " ~Lao Tzu


That's what I thought for the past two years.


> To clarify V you said you are NOT doing KY at this time? And you

> have tried Yoga but it does no resonate with you as it is

> uncomfortable?


Well, I tried Sahaja yoga that has to do with the kundalini, and I've

done meditation basically when I went to satsangs with other gurus.

Usually they make you meditate and do the breathing thing, and the

humming thing or whatever meditation.


Every time I felt, what a pest, this is so stupid. So eventually I'd

just wander around till the gurus came or sat there looking around.


> 1st: Did you try kundalini yoga or another? And was the yoga

> physically or mentally uncomfortable?


It was more like a pest and something I didn't relate in any way. It

was as if I asked you to count ants.


My meditation is more contemplation. I go into nature and

contemplate, walk, stretch, reflect, look at the sunset.


> 2nd: The meditations in KY are nothing like taoist or buddhist, or

> Jewish or any other kind of meditation. I practiced Aikido and Zen

> for 15 years and did my share of meditations there too.


I have watched videos in utube lately of kundalini meditations and

I've even watched some Sikhs gurus talk.


I get the idea about getting up before sunrise. That makes sense even

from a Taoist point of view, I can relate to some of those ideas.


> In short why not jumo into KY with the on line lessons from Guru

> Rattana. Why not do a KY meditation that has been recommended

> by the teachers here?


The main reason I came to ask for advice or points of view in this

forum, was because I wanted to hear takes that came from a spiritual

point of view.


Also, because I've been lurking here, and I loved the advice given by

one of the regulars, Awtar Singh (yogahs), and I was hoping I'd hear

from him.


I was lucky enough that he was one of the first people to respond to

this thread vie email, and I had some wonderful communication with



These are some of the things he said regarding my particular

situation that may be of help to other people in a similar



" So welcome to this incredible journey you are now on! You will

discover more about yourself than ever before. Remember that you don't

bring the material world with you when you pass on... Trust that your

heart knows what it wants and go where ever your heart wants to go.

Yogi Bhajan says to be yourself and a million things will come to you!

That is exactly what I am learning. Being oneself includes paying

attention to your needs, wants, well being, energy level as well as

what you want to give of yourself to the world. " ~Awtar Singh


" I suspect like me you have to learn to balance the practical and the

spiritual... but you have to get it from within. Me telling you won't

convince you with the desire to accept an easy material life... But

that may exactly be what your soul wants.... Make peace with these

ideas and the solution will no doubt come to you... let me know! "

~Awtar Singh


" Unless you are able to calm down enough to listen to your heart

beat. Listening to one's heart is like listening to a baby.... I

don't think any one has the chance as a baby to really be heard. Well

we need to do that with our heart. Your heart will tell you what to

do... We don't believe it is that simple sometimes. the thing you

most wanted if someone were to tell you you can really have it...

You'd probably be dumbfounded... But that's exactly what God wants us

to go for... no matter what other people say! " ~Awtar Singh


" Life brings us situations, they are like codes, that our bodies

reflect to us as we the effect of those experiences and are able to

integrate them... we stop the inner fighting against what life brings

and just accept how these experiences affect us. That's what opens up

the doors to the future... " ~Awtar Singh


" Speak only of what you want and not of what you have lost... That is

very very important for you. FORGET THE PAST at all costs because

that brings nostalgia, not openness... " ~Awtar Singh


That communication ended abruptly when I told him I thought he was

sexy. He said that he didn't socialize or made friends with people he

gave advice to (he had too many), so we sort of said goodbye :-/


> May your courage be bigger than your fear and your heart fuel the

> engine of change.


I hope so.


The good news is that my mother is coming from South Am on Sunday and

she is going to try and support me with all this. She's worried about



She is a great influence in my life, very loving and positive, and I

hope things will turn out ok.


Thank you guys, I have 13 pages of advice printed at this time,



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I can very much relate to your experience, Kartar.

I have received comments from people, since doing KY, that reflect that my aura

must be different - at peace or serene, or something. I definitely feel that way

when I've made my morning sadhanas. Yes, I believe I have much anger and grief

or some such inside me, which needs to be *purged* or transformed, and KY does

that job. I also believe that the challenges I receive in terms of unhappy or

" triggering " news, is that it is an opportunity to hone or practice being at

peace in all adversity. I have desired to be so, and thus the Universe arranges

these " tests " or opportunities to become so, by bringing me these things to rise

above, ha ha ha.


I would suggest to you, that if you do get canned or other unhappy news, the

answer it seems to me, would be to do your yoga, and do it with enthusiasm and

vigor, because you know it gives you peace, and that is what you want. Reconnect

with spirit in the most powerful way, and love/peace/bliss will be your reward -

you know this is so. I know you are graceful in adversity. I understand the two

sides of feeling, for I am a deeply feeling being, and can go to either side

too, but to remember my blissful self, I do KY.


Blessings & Bliss,



Kartar said:

Sat nam,

I dropped in to the List this morning after an absence and I can

relate to this discussion.

I joined it late, so I don't know if the persons are doing Kundalini

Yoga, but I would like to encourage you to follow the recommendations

made re doing the yoga.

I can tell you from personal experience it works.

Even tho I am not doing Kun.Yoga now [why I don't know], I suggest it

to you.

My thoughts and my experience is - between doing KunYoga and not - is

that we have a certain air/aura about us when we do yoga. This may

sound airy-fairy to some, but I believe it is true. And further - at

least for me - when I don't do KunYoga, it seems that no matter what I

do, no matter that I try to do the right things, life spoils for me.

And I try to figure it out 'rationally' and look for 'explanations'

and it always comes back to there is some negative energy I am



I share this bec. I am in a similar position to some of the posters -

I get a job, I think it will be wonderful, and in 3 months it turns to

" " , and I don't know why.


I'd also like to ask for any good thoughts that anyone is inclined to

send my way. I think I am going to get canned today, or hours reduced.

I want to be graceful 'even in adversity'. I'm trying to keep that in

mind. I want to not be vindictive, even tho 'objectively' I have every

reason to be. These are my two sides. And for me nothing works except

KunYoga to have my graceful side be supreme. It's mysterious to me why

that is, but it is. It is beyond the rational mind.


Thanks especially to those who posted and opened up the opportunity

for me to share.


Kartar Kaur




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Thanks so much Serena,


You really understand. I did get canned, and I had to clean off my

desk while they watched me so I wouldn't steal the furniture (!)


I'm in shock right now, but I'm going to print out your reply, and

even my own post. It is so necessary to remind ourselves of who we are

and that is what KY does, and other people, like yourself, can also

help us stay in touch with what is really real.

When I was doing KY is the time when I thought I knew what was real.

Not that life was wonderful always, there are problems, but no KunYoga

for me = " a ball of confusion " as someone said. I feel like I'm in

some kind of twilight zone.


I loved your response. Let's me know I'm not alone.

This group is a wonderful place.


sat nam,

kartar kaur

Kundaliniyoga , " Serena " <hipnoteyes wrote:


> I can very much relate to your experience, Kartar.

> I have received comments from people, since doing KY, that reflect

that my aura must be different - at peace or serene, or something. I

definitely feel that way when I've made my morning sadhanas. Yes, I

believe I have much anger and grief or some such inside me, which

needs to be *purged* or transformed, and KY does that job. I also

believe that the challenges I receive in terms of unhappy or

" triggering " news, is that it is an opportunity to hone or practice

being at peace in all adversity. I have desired to be so, and thus the

Universe arranges these " tests " or opportunities to become so, by

bringing me these things to rise above, ha ha ha.


> I would suggest to you, that if you do get canned or other unhappy

news, the answer it seems to me, would be to do your yoga, and do it

with enthusiasm and vigor, because you know it gives you peace, and

that is what you want. Reconnect with spirit in the most powerful way,

and love/peace/bliss will be your reward - you know this is so. I know

you are graceful in adversity. I understand the two sides of feeling,

for I am a deeply feeling being, and can go to either side too, but to

remember my blissful self, I do KY.


> Blessings & Bliss,

> Serena



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> I did get canned, and I had to clean off my

> desk while they watched me so I wouldn't steal the furniture (!)


Oh wow.


> I'm in shock right now, but I'm going to print out your reply, and

> even my own post.


Well, at least you are free from that grind.


When I got fired I felt a great sense of relief, I'm free! I can do

whatever I want with my time!


I mean, there's good and bad to all things.


And welcome aboard :(



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