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Sat Nam,


Regarding what some call kundalini experiences: Actually, Kundalini and

isolated Awareness (the experience of self-effulgent Awareness), are the same.

There are movements of prana that have all sorts of phenomenal effects, but

these movements, even when they move the body are only effects of prana and not

Kundalini, which is singularly different.


Here is an example of Kundalini: In the summer of 1973, the center on Prues

Road in LA was converted into a Gurdwara, and we were all dressed in white with

our turbans waiting for Yogi Bhajan to arrive. When he did, some 45 minutes

after the schedule, as he came through the doorway he stopped and said that that

morning God had taken away his vision and that now all he could see was the

light of a million suns, and yet, there he was talking to us. This is the

experience of abiding as That All-Pervasive Light, which sustains and supports

the universe, which gives life and animates all living creatures. In effect he

was saying: " Akal Purkh illuminates me. "

(Listen to Liv Singh's rendition of Yogi Bhajan's 1968 poem: Adorned with Honor "

from www.invinciblemusic.com, or go to:

http://www.adityahrdayam.com/songtext.html. This poem is a good guidance

regarding the right path.)


In summarizing the e-mail postings I sent, which referenced the radiant series:

http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/radiant.html, as you begin the practice and

take up a Sadhana of the Kundalini Yoga that Yogi Bhajan taught, there is a

process of awareness of the expansion and deepening of the experience of this

radiance that is eventually felt throughout the body, until the pervading

voltage becomes so penetrative and even that it exceeds the frequency of

thoughts. Then you will notice that the focusing mechanism of the mind

disengages and you feel the entire body within and to some expanse outside at

once without focusing. With this comes a special knowledge that who you are is

a " unit of consciousness " and not the mind and body, which, because there are no

thoughts or reactive emotions surging through the body, becomes clearer and

clearer. In effect the disengagement of the focusing mechanism effects a

decoding of the impressions that make us think " I am the body " or " I am my

thoughts, emotions and sensations related to a body separate from the world. "

You experience: " I am the Light of my Soul. "


A kind of a Singularity begins to form, a Polarization of the magnetic field,

and with that a unique awareness of an innate Intelligence reflected in the mind

(Akal Takht - the Holy Spirit). This Intelligence has the sensation of

Remembrance and pulses soundlessly without limitation " I " as " I. " The mind is

completely gripped by this and inverts in a way that reflects the all pervasive

Self, which " lights each one born in the world, " located in the Spiritual Heart

(Harimandr - Temple of the Holy Spirit), what in Kundalini Yoga Yogi Bhajan

calls the " Ik Tar " or " One Star. " This is because you have an experience of

abiding singly in the Spiritual Heart as " I AM, I AM. " Thoughts cannot

penetrate this. Physically, the major power centers of the body illuminate by


a.. At the base of the spine is a piercing light.

b.. At the crown an expansion of radiance and inward turning reflective

consciousness, meaning that the purity is beyond the vibration of the reflection

of thought impressions that we previously mistook to be " I. "

c.. The Spiritual Heart (not the chakra) irradiates, as well the sushumna and

paranadi (mind nerve) extension between these.

You might say that this experience within the body is like the movement of

mercury in a barometer when the atmospheric pressure increases.


In this case, what has happened is that, through your sustained Sadhana, the

awareness, frequency and voltage of one's Self, experienced as a unit of

consciousness (Atman), suddenly " impacts " the Awareness, Frequency and Voltage

of the Universal Consciousness (Akal Purkh - Infinite Being - Brahman), and you

abide as pure Spirit, which is the substratum of the appearance of the Universe,

the same as the light in a TV (or movie projector) is the basis for the

appearance of images projected on the screen.


The experience has a unique sensation (the Singularity of unconditioned Being)

in which your first words might be Sat Nam or " I am the Truth " - an experience

of Transfiguration of the Body and Mind into Pure Singular Pervasive,

Unconditioned, Uncaused Spirit, That alone which is Real.


All this to say that, when you take up a Sadhana, and also read the holy

scriptures of the Saviors Saints and Sages, who express this experience of

abiding as Truth in their words and actions, then there arises a Remembrance

that causes the discarding of attention to thoughts and images and results in

singular abiding.


The practice of Kundalini yoga speeds up the transformation from " I am the body

and its thoughts " to " I am a unit of consciousness " to " I am the indwelling

single pervasive Spirit. "


The various experiences of energy, visions and so forth that one might have

along the way are just movements of prana, however purifying. It's when the

mind inverts and turns inward, beyond thought, impressions and images, when the

mind is consumed by the Truth of your Awareness as Self, the Ground of Being,

that you are experiencing Kundalini.


If this isn't clear now, it will become clear as you continue to practice every

day and this transformational process and this experience dawns on you. " Keep

Up! regardless of circumstances. "


So, when you talk about activating the Kundalini, you are really talking about

isolating and abiding as the Singularity of the all pervasive Self, which is who

and what you always are.


This means that you now experience directly through and as consciousness itself

and not the senses, which are always illumined by that consciousness, like the

lens in a movie projector is illumined by the light within it. In you, the

light, which is single and all-pervasive, emanates from the Spiritual Heart and

lights the body, mind and senses. When you are drawn to the source of that

light, which, as described above, follows inexorably from the sustained practice

of Sadhana, you pierce through the Heart and now abide as the Substratum of all.


Then your mantra or experience of vastness and solitude is:

Blessed am I

In freedom am I

I am the infinite

In my Soul

I can find no beginning

No end

All is my Self

All is my Self




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