Guest guest Posted February 26, 2006 Report Share Posted February 26, 2006 The practice is what lays the foundation for the energy to run through the body. This cannot be ignored or delayed or procrastinated about and still expect results that are beneficial. It can be quite the other way around. It can be painful. So do the practice daily. Find a rhythm that works for you and strive to achieve this state. Everyone except a few who are on this list is young within the context of this energy. Young meaning that it hasn't been running through the body very long. This is a good thing and allows us all a chance to learn from each other. The people who are getting results are those who are doing the practice. Making it a priority in their lives. The Blessings from Kundalini are enormous and most go beyond words or what the physical and mental / emotional body's can hold or understand. Telepathy, healing, psychokinesis, levitation, communication with spirit, ascension, bliss, at one ness with the creator are all nice words and concepts, but they go far beyond what a straight definition can offer. They are all double edged so it is the wise one who treads the path of peace and loving consideration. These gifts come with the Kundalini. Not immediately, but eventually, if the intention is well placed within the energetic fields. Far beyond where we are now as a group. But there non the less. What Tara and Barbara, and Sherri have recently experienced is just the tip of the iceberg. For Tara and Barbara it is the realization that there are other forms of consciousness that can have a direct and immediate impact on their physical existence. That there is other existence! Filled with creatures and intention far and way beyond what we will typically experience in our 5 sense society. Yet part of us as Beings. Our heritage. The true landscape of experience. To walk that landscape requires time and practice, intent and action. For Sherri the knowing and experience of the blissful and what can be attained through loving service. Which leads back to the practice. This is good for a start. Watch out now, Im cutting and pasting here: The Practice – Every day or night or both. Forgiveness Emotional blockages are a main cause of pain and instability within the Kundalini awakening process. Issues of grief, guilt, loss, abandonment and fear can and do manifest within the context of the Kundalini as pain. It is also an attachment for energies that feed off of these conditions. Resolving these difficulties after many years or a lifetime of experience is often difficult and seemingly impossible. First you need to develop the intent and then to follow that intention with action. However many years and in many cases lifetimes that a person has been wracked with pain and anguish there is and has been a way towards resolution. It’s called forgiveness. Not always towards a perceived assailant or of another person but also for ones own self. Forgiveness is a Divine aspect of love. Realizing that we are all here on this physical plane to learn and to come into direct contact with others who have qualities different from our own, forgiveness gives us a platform for tolerance, another Divine aspect of love. In the context of the Kundalyn energies, this is a tantamount practice that must be done daily and with the most sincere and heartfelt expression. It lays the foundation for most if not all of the special powers and skills that come with an awakening. Recapitulate all peoples who have done harm to you. All people whom you have harmed. Think back upon your life experiences and for the moment pick out the highlights of hurts that have been inflicted upon you and by you. Now consciously forgive them and you. There may still be Karmic repercussions but this will go a long way towards ameliorating them. So practice this daily and new remembrances will come to mind getting in line for the forgiveness. This requires an honest acknowledgment of activity from both the receiving and of the inflicting aspects of our experiences with others. Honesty towards ones self is another ingredient that must be attained in order for this to work. Regardless of where the blame is, forgiveness must be reached for and given. Not a small task to be sure but an essential one. As the forgiveness encounters the heavy vibrational construct of the emotional blockage, Divine love is seeped into the matrix causing, in many instances an emotional outburst of relief and release of burden. The blockage is relieved and the Kundalini continues its invigoration throughout the body. For optimal results this must be done daily and constantly throughout your conscious periods. For example, someone cuts you off on the freeway forgive them as quickly as you condemn them. Do this immediately and it will begin to smooth your condemnations to the point where you will be happy to let them in and wish them well upon their way. Take this in stages and don’t force too much upon yourself all at once but keep the intent strong and healthy in your heart and mind. This will have an almost immediate effect in your life passage as well as being an energetic snowplow for the Kundalini. As in most things practice makes it become second nature, so practice. This concept applies to all of your human interactions. Love and forgiveness are the rules. Gratitude’s Gratitude is another application of high vibrational joy, an ascended practice. Do not believe that every action and inaction, thought and intent is not being observed by others who have an interest in how you accomplish your life. The omniverse is teeming with consciousness. Many whom you have known and have passed before you or are part of your genetic lineage can and do observe and learn from your earthly accomplishments and failures. That being said, to acknowledge and be grateful for being given the opportunity to advance in your spiritual life is how we are approaching gratitude. Gratitude is another declaration of love. To be grateful is a powerful summoning of spiritual strength and acceptance. It is another factor in how we are able to manifest our destinies. To show gratitude is to show appreciation and is to show Divinity that you are ready to take the next step in your spiritual evolution with thanks for your existence. It is noted by those who help you in the unseen ways that they do. This is another essential practice. Surrendering This is one of the most important teachings of a sustained activated Kundalini. Surrender will lead you into the awakened state. This is not the type of surrender one is accustomed to hearing about or reading. This is not about succumbing to an enemy or giving up. Surrender is the release of the conscious mind in its control over and of the physical body. This can have its challenges. Kundalini is energy with an agenda. Its job in the primary activated state is to rewire ALL the subtle electrical networks within the physical body to receive a higher and stronger form of Bio Plasmic Radiation (Kundalini). As the individual works with their practice this is translated into an Ascendancy Platform; whereby a person is given the options for divine service to others by use of exalted skills such as levitation, telepathy, healing, and the many other gifts of divinity. Surrender is the first path. This can be very intimate, as the Kundalini will pick your foods, Decide for you whether or not you will pray or meditate at a given time, or at all. Controls your sex life. It can be merciless and merciful depending on your level of surrender. Most challenges of the Kundalini can be met by a deeper and more loving degree of surrender. The Kundalyn Energies know you better then your conscious mind knows you so pay attention and allow this divinity within you to change your proclivities. Concsiously say to your self that you suurender to the kundalini the fire within. Something simple and rhymy or whatever works for you. here is an example: Earth, Air, Fire, Snow to the Goddess I now go With my heart I pray to thee Release the holy fire in me Release the holy fire in me Release the holy fire in me permanently, permanently, permanently. Say this prayer over and over and over until it becomes a mantra for you. *5 Tibetans Compression Prayer with alternate nostril breathing 15 cycles no more, (tongue up) Breathe in through he left nostril with right nostril covered or blocked Breathe in with the mantra for example " The love of Christ " or " I am one with the all that I am " Find one that works for you but do not leave out a recognition of God however God is to you. Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times upon the intake of the breath through the left nostril. At the top of the breath, Hold and say the mantra three times again. At the beginning of the exhale switch nostrils by covering the left and opening the right and exhaling through the right with the mantra " the love of god " three times, timing the sequence with a " love of God " at the beginning of the exhale and the third one at the end of the exhale. This also applies to the inhales. Now with the left nostril covered and the right nostril open, inhale with the mantra three times through the right nostril. Hold say to your self the mantra three times and then switch nostrils and cover the right and exhale with the mantra through the left nostril. This equals one cycle. Looks like this: (right nostril blocked) " The love of Christ.......The love of Christ........The love of Christ " ( Holding at top of breath) " The love of Christ...The love of Christ...The love of Christ... " ( Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling out the right) " The Love of God...The love of God...The love of God... " ( Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through the right) " The love of Christ...The love of Christ...The love of Christ " ( Holding at top of breath) Repeat " The love of Christ " x 3 ( Switching nostrils and exhaling through the left) " The love of God " x 3 And so forth for 15 cycles to start. Meditation Meditation is an essential practice. One must learn to still and quiet the mind. Start by sitting in a chair, positioning towards the edge of the chair with your spine straight head slightly looking up. If you’re sitting on the floor keep your spine straight and your head slightly tilted up. Close your eyes and place your eyes in the position of looking at the brow of points. This is located just above the bridge of the nose. It will seem uncomfortable at first but this will subside with practice. Place your fingers in the Kundalini mudra, thumb tip and forefinger tip together the remaining fingers spread out not touching anything or each other, now breath through your nose. Normal breathing at first then deepening the breath until your entire belly and chest are expanding on the inhalation and deflating upon exhalation like a baby. This is called infant breathing and it is very effective in helping you to achieve a meditative state. Silently and to yourself say the words “ I am still and I am one with God” Say it as you breath in and as you breath out. Over and over. As your thoughts go by let them go by. Try not to go into a lot of effort, as that is as distracting as anything else. Soon you will feel your self slipping into a kind of reverie. Allow yourself to just stay and be. After a time, gently disengage from your meditation and come back into normal space and time. This is a beginning meditation and will do many of the same things the more advanced forms will do. However as you have received activation or have already encountered the Kundalini you may feel movement at the base of your spine or a heat spreading from there and flowing up. Keep your tongue to the roof of your mouth, connecting the front to back energy networks of the body. And begin to love this movement and surrender to it. Allow it to do as IT feels it must do. Kundalini is intelligent. It knows you. Let it do as it wishes and have no fear as this is evolutionary and your one of the first pioneers. This is typically not a soft, wispy, ticklish energy, its quite strong and often abrupt. If your feeling ticklish energy at first, its something else. Most important is not to become afraid. Fear gets amplified like everything but does more damage. Tenses the body, invites negative entities. Creates a vortex of hopelessness that can threaten a person’s sanity. This is a gift from Divinity and anyone fortunate enough to receive this gift is truly blessed. So allow this gift to do its job, which is to bring you into an enlightened state of joy and love, bliss and knowledge, wisdom. The gift of conscious divinity in flesh and blood and bone. There is more but just try this rfor a start- blessings to you all - chrism Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 22, 2006 Report Share Posted June 22, 2006 Here is the basic outline of the practice. Done every day at least once or twice will begin the ascent of the Kundalini. This practice needs priority in your life. Devotion and desire will speed the process as will the Shaktipat. - There are addendum's to this practice such as Chi-Gung or Chakra Breathing but this is the basic get you started format. - The Practice – Every day or night or both. Forgiveness’s (recapitulations, forgiveness of self and others) Gratitude’s (For the good and the bad as teachings are acquired with both) Surrendering (opening completely to the energy with love and joy and the desire to be at one with the kundalini as it is revealed to you) Prayer to the Shakti (goddess energy), for awakening. * Prayer to God 5 Tibetans (start slow with no more than 6 repetitions for each Tibetan) Compression Prayer with alternate nostril breathing 15 cycles no more (tongue up, eyes up, fingers in position). ( see the safeties). Meditation * Not for those already activated Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 30, 2007 Report Share Posted September 30, 2007 I was introduced to kundalini yoga this summer during a visit to Kripalu in Lenox, Massachusetts. Previously, I had been practicing hatha yoga for over five years with a regular daily practice for about a year and a half. I tried the kundali class out of my curiosity about the many paths of yoga. However, I found it to be an entirely different and unexpected experience and I felt that it was the path that I wanted to take. Unfortunately, there is no kundalini yoga less that 2 hours from where I live so maintaining a daily practice is both difficult and lonely. I have since taken a workshop and have a DVD that I follow several times a week. My question is whether it would be o.k. to do both hatha and kundalini yoga at the same time. I feel that kundalini is my path, but I am missing so much by doing it alone and also suspect that without the support of a yoga " community " it is not really a practice at all. On the other hand, I suspect that mixing hatha and kundalini without any guidance might be harmful in the worst case scenario and useless in the best case scenario. Has anyone had experience with practicing two types of yoga simultaneously? Thank you. Sat Nam. Sheila Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 30, 2007 Report Share Posted September 30, 2007 On 9/30/07, newjd2006 <fionaabfab wrote: > Unfortunately, there is no kundalini yoga less that 2 hours from where > I live so maintaining a daily practice is both difficult and lonely. One of the best facets of Kundalini yoga in my experience is how it aids us in overcomming loneliness. It teaches us to befriend and love our body both physically, spiritually, and universally (if any of those are really seperate from eachother... I don't really know =) I read somewhere it's best to be an independent student. > My question is whether it would be o.k. to do both hatha and kundalini > yoga at the same time. I feel that kundalini is my path, but I am > missing so much by doing it alone and also suspect that without the > support of a yoga " community " it is not really a practice at all. On > the other hand, I suspect that mixing hatha and kundalini without any > guidance might be harmful in the worst case scenario and useless in > the best case scenario. > As long as you complete a full kirya before starting Hatha yoga, I'm sure you'll be fine. I think there was a discussion somewhere about mixing Kundalini and Transcendental Meditation where a school said you couldn't but there was no real effect on Kundalini practice, just the TM aspect. So I think you'll be fine, but let's hear from some others =) Love, Light, and Blessings Chad Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 1, 2007 Report Share Posted October 1, 2007 Sat Nam, of course you may practice both KY and hatha yoga. Don't mix hatha in with a KY kriya, they should be that separate but if you wanted to warm up with some hatha before practicing a KY kriya that's OK or finish a hatha yoga session with a KY meditation that's fine too. Both disciplines are of a different nature from the other and honoring that separateness is important. Good luck and keep looking for other practitioners of KY, like the " truth " we're out there. Have you thought of offering some basic instruction to others as a way of finding other KY enthusiasts? Gof bless you and your practice. KartaPurkh S Khalsa Your job is to deal with everything in life with affection, love and kindness. --Yogi Bhajan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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