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Dear everyone:


I have known for a long time the importance of being in the present

moment. I have not found a way until now to really practice this

except when I teach (or attend) Kundalini Yoga classes or workshops,

or when I give a healing or spiritual guidance session. It has been

difficult to be in the moment because of the sheer number of

distractions and experiences that felt like struggles coming into my

life and because of my temporary resistance to them. That resistance

always took me out of the present moment.


When I first discovered Sat Nam Rasayan (healing practice from the

Kundalini Yoga teachings) in 1996, it felt very familiar. I had

already experienced that space consciously in my life and did not know

it was part of a healing practice. With the first class, it occurred

to me that I wanted to be in that space all the time. I tried opening

myself to that space whenever I could remember and succeeded for

periods of time, but then would forget for a few days...


Today I was at the office filing forms. For those of you who have

missed a reply I sent a few days ago these forms are the record of

care given to people who need care at home. These forms need to be

filed in the clients' respective folders.


When I first started to file forms I thought that it was time best

spent by someone else, that I should be in people's homes because

people love the care I give them and because I felt my presence was

healing to them. And my schedulers and supervisors thought the same

way but when there were no emergencies for me to fill in for, I needed

to be in the office.


These forms have to be ordered in reverse chronological time so the

most recent is on top. Often I would come across folders in which the

forms were in any which order as if people did not care where they

placed them. The folders themselves were often not in their proper

alphabetical order. It happens so often that we call it the Unity

alphabetical order (I work for Unity Health System)! I took it upon

myself to correct things like that whenever I came across them: folder

order, form order within folders and, sometimes, forms in the wrong

folder. My tension around this problem rose after a while and I

remember sighing a lot!


Today I had a different experience. I realized that I could open

myself to the healing space of Sat Nam Rasayan (SNR) while filing and

send healing to each of the clients whose forms I was filing in the

moment as I was touching their form. This way I felt connected to

clients I had never met. I could potentially have a broader impact

than I ever had! In the SNR space, everything that happens inside or

around you as you establish and keep a relationship with someone or

something with the intention of healing is considered a part of the

healing process. So when I came across forms that were not in their

proper place inside folders or in their proper folder, I accepted it

as a part of the healing process for that client. I thought perhaps

they needed more order, more attention, or whatever, and the time I

was spending correcting mistakes was time they needed from me. I no

longer felt annoyed at having to correct other people's mistakes

unless I lost touch with the SNR space because some co-worker

distracted me with comment or some other thing. But that too became a

part of the healing. My experience with distraction when I give a

healing is that it reflects most times the agitation of my client.


In a way I was using the folders and the forms as the legends

attribute to Voodoo practitioners the use of Voodoo dolls. The dolls

are just a way to focus the energy, which ever direction it goes: to

hurt or to heal. The intention is in the practitioner and the dolls

really have nothing to do with it, expect to help the practitioner

have a concrete focal point.


After doing this work most of the morning, I came to see that what I

had done was a way to be in the moment that works for me. So when I

drove my car to do an errand after that, I paid attention to the road

and the people driving around me and created a healing space around

me. My task was driving with awareness together with the intention and

consciousness of healing. No need to hurry because everything that

happens is part of the healing: Traffic, detours, etc.


I used to have a difficult time driving at the speed limit. I would

always hurry to the next client. I did not really know why. Now I

realize it is because I felt the time between clients was wasted. Now

no more time is wasted as long as I can remember to stay in the

healing space.



Awtar Singh

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