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Awtar -- Response/Working Together

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Hi Awtar,


Thanks again for taking out the time to write and be concerned about

my personal issues. That gives me such a nice feeling to feel that

someone cares. So thank you very much.


You are so cute -- when I said -- can I work with you -- what I meant

was -- in the workplace -- I just wish I had a boss like you --

although I have been a homemaker for abt. 9 yrs. now -- the workplace

was always my greatest challenge. Working with someone like you would

make it so nice!!!


Now that I know that you do work with people spiritually, of course I

would value your input and appreciate being able to ask you about my

" stuck " places in my spiritual journey.


I did read over everything you said on the post and I agree with

everything you say. Have been trying very hard for the last 1+ to do

this and just observe the negativity when it comes up. Some people in

the past and in reading Dr. David Hawkins, he mentions archtypes in

the collective consciousness and sometimes I wonder if this is a part

of the problem since no matter how hard I try, this energy is very

intense and will take over the situation. Actually KY so far has been

a big help. Also I met someone who had a K. awakening and they had

the " siddihis'? (sp?) special gifts and were able to clear away that

energy from me, but not able to prevent it from coming back.


Well I am going to continue to do what you say and also in reading

Gururattan's post, I think I will try and get up earlier to do my

practice since I do wake up around 3-4 AM and my mind will start to go

over all sorts of issues. Think this will help as G.R. mentioned it

may help to program the subconscious mind even more.


Any other ideas you may have -- I would love to hear them.


Thanks so much for your time and your concern! I can just feel your

kindness vibrating through your emails. You are one VERY kind person.


So nice to be able to chat with you and to feel how kind you are! An



Hope your day is going super nice for you!


: ) Christine




Kundaliniyoga , " yogahs " <kundalini_yoga wrote:



> >

> > Can I work with you! LOL : ))))

> >


> Dear Christine:


> Sure we can work together! I do spiritual guidance by phone when

> appropriate.


> What you are describing is very normal and yes I am certain it has to

> do with past life stuff. Even in my example it had to do with past

> life stuff. All the thoughts that come, the interpretations... they

> are rehashing of previous experiences that are no longer true... The

> trick is to come to see: what I am thinking is not what is actually

> happening. And the beauty of it is there is no therapy, no analysis,

> no processing to do! Just noticing and breathing and accepting.

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