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Past Lives & Soul Mates

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As we move toward 2012, life, transformation and consciousness is

speeding up. What took many years to accomplish will occur in days or

minutes. Doing past life work with clients, I notice that the

phenomena of finding, meeting a soul mate is occurring more and more

often. Just as earth changes are accelerating and more cosmic energy

is being directed at our planet to help the transformation of human

consciousness, so too many changes are occurring in relationships.


The depth of committment and experience in relationships that took 10,

20, 30 years to achieve, will now happen in much shorter time frame.

This means it is now possibile to experience the same depth, love,

healing, transformation in a relationship in 6 months that may have

have taken 30 years previously. This does not mean long term

relationships are not posssible or wonderful.


However, I think the soul mate phenomena will be happening more and

more. Because, essentially your soul mate is someone who knows you,

someone who you connected with and have loved deeply, someone who will

awaken those parts of you that are asleep. Who will awaken your love

and passion and genius, and you will awaken those same qualities in

them. This is the primary reason you are in each other's life. They

are NOT necessarily meant to be life partners. Their job is to wake us

up. Once that is done, they usually exit.


So, you can look at this as a great tragedy or a great gift. If

possible, be grateful for the joy they have brought to your life and

don't attach yourself to them. Celebrate what you have shared together

rather than mourning the end of the relationship. You have been

connected in many past lives together (which is why there is an

instant feeling of connection, trust and knowing between you), and on

a soul level you will always be connected. Celebrate that pure

spiritual connection that you share, bless them, wish them their

highest and best good, and release them to fulfill their highest

destiny. And know there's more and more love waiting for you to receive.



Nirvair Singh

San Diego

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