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Past Lives & Soul Mates - Nirvair singh's response

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SAT NAM Nirvair Singh and all others,


Your insight fills my heart with joy. Felt very blessed Thankyou.


This is what I experienced, Sometime in March I received messages from YB/my

inner Guru that our friend was a soulmate of mine. The energy was/is so so

intense that I cannot descrie it.


Ever since then I used to go in total bliss just looking at their name on a

paper, I could smell their presence even though not physically present, my

subtle body can sense what they go through and their feelings very accurately.

We have even tested ourselves when we think of each other. My heart tells me

that we are the same soul split into 2 bodies and that our souls have to merge

together in GOD.. something like a Twin Flame and cannot be separated at all

because my subtle body gets pricked if anything happens to them instantenously!!


so I cannot run away for sure since it is like they are in me!!!.. Now the

question is how do I not be attached but at the same time love them!.. I now

know I can do it with the all the great advice I have received from Awtar, GRK ,

Nirvair and Many others on the forum.


But there is still something that I would like to undestand better to Nirvair

Singh's insight. " You say that we have to release them to fulfil their destiny

and know there is more and more love for you to receive.. " could you please

elaborate on this?


What do you mean by releasing them? I experience them as my own/same soul so

dont know where/ what to release ...



Thank you all





nsk_26 <nsk_26 wrote: As we move toward

2012, life, transformation and consciousness is

speeding up. What took many years to accomplish will occur in days or

minutes. Doing past life work with clients, I notice that the

phenomena of finding, m









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Kundaliniyoga: akku96: Tue, 13 Nov 2007

07:20:19 -0800Re: Kundalini Yoga Past Lives & Soul Mates - Nirvair

singh's response





SAT NAM Nirvair Singh and all others,Your insight fills my heart with joy. Felt

very blessed Thankyou.This is what I experienced, Sometime in March I received

messages from YB/my inner Guru that our friend was a soulmate of mine. The

energy was/is so so intense that I cannot descrie it.Ever since then I used to

go in total bliss just looking at their name on a paper, I could smell their

presence even though not physically present, my subtle body can sense what they

go through and their feelings very accurately. We have even tested ourselves

when we think of each other. My heart tells me that we are the same soul split

into 2 bodies and that our souls have to merge together in GOD.. something like

a Twin Flame and cannot be separated at all because my subtle body gets pricked

if anything happens to them instantenously!! so I cannot run away for sure since

it is like they are in me!!!.. Now the question is how do I not be attached but

at the same time love them!.. I now know I can do it with the all the great

advice I have received from Awtar, GRK , Nirvair and Many others on the

forum.But there is still something that I would like to undestand better to

Nirvair Singh's insight. " You say that we have to release them to fulfil their

destiny and know there is more and more love for you to receive.. " could you

please elaborate on this? What do you mean by releasing them? I experience them

as my own/same soul so dont know where/ what to release ... Thank you

allAkkamansk_26 <nsk_26 wrote: As we move toward 2012, life,

transformation and consciousness isspeeding up. What took many years to

accomplish will occur in days orminutes. Doing past life work with clients, I

notice that thephenomena of finding, m Get

easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make your homepage.[Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]








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I'd like to hear what Nirvair Singh has to say to your question. I am

sure it is hard with a someone with the same soul.


I come back to the suggestion I made before about not letting oneself

be distracted by special effects. And sharing a soul with someone is

special effects. It is your own love for the self that is at sake...

and we each need to learn to love what is different from the self.

Because in the end your spiritual growth depends only on you (well not

quite, we're all in this together and we are all helping each other

when we forgive or pray for each other or send healing...)


I had an experience with one of my teachers who is on the other side.

I was looking at his photo and I felt his encouragement to bridge the

distance between us. I had not realized I made him so much better than

I am. My heart was wide open and I started to cry. I allowed my

resistance to coming closer to him to dissolve. I did this for a few

minutes. The following day I discovered I had the feeling that I could

be anyone I met. I could live their life, I could be them. I just

happened to be me this time around. It wasn't an intellectual

realization, the experience was in my body. By breaking some of the

distance with my teacher I was actually allowing myself to be closer

to all human beings! That is what love does. Whereas in your case, if

I am hearing you right, your attraction to what you experience with

your soul partner creates an exclusivity, and prevents feeling closer

to all the other souls.


So start being interested in other souls, bridging that distance, and

remember that what you feel with your soul partner is what is coming

between you and anyone... seek... that's how you overcome the sense of




Awtar Singh

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Dear Akkama,

Release them often means accepting being separated from your soul mate

(if that is your situation), letting go of the pain of that, and

trusting that there is a reason and a purpose for not being together.

Also by focusing on the other's highest and best good, it takes the

focus off your own pain. If you can do that then you've become a

better person and the quality of your relationships will improve and

your self-love will grow. That will attract even more love to you.


Your situation sounds truly unique - wonderful and challenging. For

you releasing them may mean feeling all the intense connection between

you and asking for clarity about why it is that way. And at the same

time living your life as fully as possible. Perhaps you two are meant

to be together, I don't know your situation. But for sure, you are

here for a divine purpose and hopefully this relationship is serving

that purpose.





But there is still something that I would like to undestand better to

Nirvair Singh's insight. " You say that we have to release them to

fulfil their destiny and know there is more and more love for you to

receive.. " could you please elaborate on this?


What do you mean by releasing them? I experience them as my own/same

soul so dont know where/ what to release ...

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hi all,


I want to share this a very common thing to understand.


as common and simple things are usually appear complex to us.


Definitely on your spritual path , you will experience past, and you

may get in contact with souls you have lived with in past.....


now these are thoughts what we see in our mind.


this helps us to understand who exactly we are ( we are part of God,

atama parmatama) so our soul mate in end of the spritual journey you

will find is God. From where we have left( born , started ) to where

we have to reach ( same The God, Wahiguru, Omkar, almighty or alhaa )


this also tell us do not get involed emotionally to each other. This

means " sanjoog vejoog duee kaar chlavahae " . We meet each other to

get separated. So we meet some souls again and again, and live



so pls keep on going and enjoy your spritual journey of mind.

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SAT NAM Nirvair and Awtar,


Below are somethings that I thought to share,



In this case which seems very unique indeed, I can literally feel my

soulmate subtle body very strongly at times and my intution (first voice ..)

very strongly tells me that that bond will never ever go away. I rejoice feeling

those subtle bodies together.


It feels in my body, moreso when I totally relax or when I am doing yoga, it

is there with me all the time atleast automatically connects many times in a


A very strong drive of love from heart and not other desires towards the

person physically.

I am aware of the impermenance of external things and do practice finding God

inside of me and in all things surrounding me. Now, I will emphasize more trying

to see this phenomenon like Awtar says in and around me.

I totally surrender and " Accept the moment as it is " and pray for guidance,

it clears many times and feels very good.


Now, one thing for sure.



It came to me as my Guru's gift with UTTER SURITY and I have nodoubt even to

the least about that.

Only thing, I shall add will be to not be attached or have any expectations

to that and practice more being in the moment, connecting with Inner GOD within

me.That way whatever it is ( same soul or not ) Guru will show/guide my way as

has been doing for me ever since.

Thanks again everybody,






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Sat Nam,


Concerning the concept of " releasing them. " Our ultimate spiritual goal is to

merge our soul back into the universal soul. We do this alone, not with anyone

else. We aren't there yet for sure, but if we keep that in mind, then we can

have relationship goals that are in harmony with this goal.


And we might have better luck in maintaining relationships for longer periods of

time. (If it is of course in our higher good and we make this choice and live by



We are not here to attach ourselves to another person, but to HELP SET EACH

OTHER FREE to be who we are, to learn what we need to learn and to evolve so

that we each get closer to our goal of soul liberation.


This is why any from of attachment is a formula for separation. If we observe

our relationships, we all find that sure enough any form of co-dependency

creates situations that required us to be alone for our own soul growth and



Our lesson is to train ourselves to maintain the high experience and connection

without the need to have the physical presence and attachment to the person who

helped us tap into that experience. Other people are catalysts, not substitutes

for missing pieces within ourselves that need to be awakened.


Our experience with someone else may ignite a deeper connection with universal

love. But this is universal energy that is in us all and connects us all. We

have to move to a higher level of consciousness to live in this reality.

Shifting consciousness is sometimes painful. But it always moves us to great

joy and peace.




Guru Rattana



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<< " Release them often means accepting being separated from your soul mate

(if that is your situation), letting go of the pain of that, and

trusting that there is a reason and a purpose for not being together. " >>


I recently had an experience of this sort of thing with a student. He came to

me upset because he'd tried everything to be together with a woman he believed

was his soulmate. Since first he saw her, he knew it was her, etc. Well, she

wasn't having any of it. Not because she didn't like him, but rather the things

in her life didn't allow it, she said. This created a bit of a catch22 for him

and his negative mind got a hold of it--


" Is she telling the truth, or just being polite? Should I wait for her? " " What

if I move on and then she comes back only to be hurt by me having moved on,

etc., etc., etc. "


He was pretty beat up over this when he came to speak with me. I explained that

everything comes from the one universal source and everything goes back to it.

I pointed out that he came here to this life to have an experience so that he

could contribute something and that this experience he was having with the woman

was also coming through him... the experience of not being with his chosen one.

He agreed that he was a co-creator of the experience because everything is

connected to and from this one source.


Once he accepted that 'not' having what he wanted was all part of the plan,

everything began to open up for him. The relationship with the supposed

soulmate went from one of attachment to acceptance and became much richer. He

was able to give more of himself and interact more with her. More importantly,

another woman came into his life who was seemingly perfect-- they had the same

interests and just loved spending time with one another and it seemed



Acceptance will give you this. If you re-member that it's all coming from you,

even the stuff that doesn't feel so good, an acceptance comes and detachment

follows and this opens up a flow for the universe to deliver the goods.


Remember the Rolling Stones song...


" You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you find, you get

what you need. "


Who knew Mick Jagger was such a sage?


Easier said than done? Not with Kundalini Yoga. KY gives you the neutral mind

and the energy to practice that detachment and to command the mind so it doesn't

overwhelm you and magnetically draw you into a negative space. Keep up, keep

up, keep up.


Sat Nam


Patrick ~ Jai Gopal

www.YBC40.com -

Kundalini Yoga Boot Camp for Self-Mastery




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Sat Naam Guru Rattana;


I really loved the way you so eloquently expressed all these ideas.

The perspectives you offered here are so central to understanding our

spiritual journey, as it relates to relationships!


Thank you!


Wahe Guru!

Nam Hari K, Eugene OR

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