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question about how to overcome fear

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Hello all,

Hope everybody is doing well!

Although I continued to have questions and issues since the last time I wrote,

most of them got resolved naturally just by keeping on practicing! However

there's one issue that doesn't seem to be improving as fast as I'd like. It has

to do with fear. Why do we have to feel fear? I wasn't a very fearful person

growing up, probably in part due to inexperience and a huge inability to grasp

the reality of the dangers around me. As I aged, experiences I went through,

many times bad and painful, changed that. Now I feel fear often - fear of

losing people I love, fear of being hurt, fear of starting new things, fear of

the idea of being alive and in this world (I mean, it's a weird thing being here

, not knowing for sure why and how!).

I am not totally paralized by fear in my normal life but I do end up avoiding

doing some things due to fear. I admire people who have the courage of doing

things I find scary but still worth doing, and I would like to be more like

that. Also feeling afraid of things that didn't happen yet and may never happen

doesn't make sense so I would like to be able to not live like that.

I guess my question is in part why do we have to feel fear, but also if there

are general tips/ideas, and also a specific exercise to overcome it or or

reduce it. I do a few navel exercises that are said to be helpful, but I

wouldn't mind adding some other exercise or meditation, maybe something somebody

here found very effective.

I apologize if this is long and a bit confused.

My best wishes to all,





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I had severe social anxiety, having been sexually abused and growing handicapped

with Cereberal Palsy, my earliest experiences with people weren´t so agreeable.

I say this not to make you feel pity for me, but to give you an idea of what

kind of garbage life can throw at you and how effective this technology is at

taking out the garbage of past to clearing the road for dharma your highest path

in your future. Today I´m very happy and I only wished I had begun my KY

practice sooner as so many years of my life were spent in fear and in escaping

reality through drug use.


The two practices that have helped me the most Mahan Gyan Mudra. it raises the

fear and anger and convert it into action at the heart center by stimulating 1st

and 4th chakras. Zaps fear in 11mins and works for 24hrs.The beginning is great

cause the kundalini give you a real jolt to keep you going. I did mahan gyan

mudra to get rid of fear for the moment for 3 years. After I added SCK, because

mahan gyan mudra just energetically mask my deeper wounds. Started sodarshan

kriya before mahan gyan mudra to bring up the stuff that i needed to get rid of

starting with only 5mins for the 1st 40 days. When my demons would come up

fear, anger mahan gyan mudra stabilized me energetically to keep me going so i

didn´t get too overwhelmed by the major cleaning that Sodarshan offers with just

5mins. After a while my arms got used to 11mins so i switched to the kriya for

conquering fear- Yoga for Business Success, 11- 31mins. another arm kriya

After 2 years I don´t do mahan gyan mudra but i´ve switched

sat kriya which balances the lower 3 chakras and has been perscribed for phobic

conditions. Start with 5mintues and rest 5mins. I currently do 22mins and rest

22mins. The resting time is very important. Start slow otherwise you´ll get

depressed by stirring up too much stuff at once. Hope this helps. It keeps

getting better and better. The first 120days is hell---but then your ego relaxes

it´s grip and life´s possibilities begin to open up. Practice everyday even if

it´s 5mins to keep the energy pattern of your kriya or meditation intact. Don´t

miss a day. My bad habits are falling away and most of the time I´m happy. I

teach english here in spain and I´m no longer afraid...thank you KY and YB gotta

go -Chris Charles (almost 700 days sodarshan kriya 22mins. and sat kriya100+

days 22mins) -Sat Nam




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Hello Betin,


The good news is that there is nothing particularly mysterious about your

feeling of fear. The not so good news is that fear is a poor function

of the kidney organs. I'm a senior student of Chinese medicine and

acupuncture; and I can tell you with certainty that if you nourish your

kidneys you will reverse this state.


Eat foods that will nourish the kidneys, i.e. millet, shelled fish, pork,


color foods. NO SUGAR. If you urinate a lot, eat a little bit more salt; if


crave salt, DO NOT overcompensate, but just add a little bit more to your

diet. Don't drink coffee, don't drink too much water, " drink just right. "


Exercises, continue with the pelvic exercises, minding pasticularly the

sexual organs, as you inhale tighten them up and hold, at the exhale

release, do this several times.


Moreover, if you have access to an acupuncturist, go see him/her and

point out the fear factor, and the fear-reason why you're going to see

them. Just mention it casually that someone told you that you need to

nourish the kidneys to alleviate it.


Good luck,






B E <jawoosux wrote:


Hello all,

Hope everybody is doing well!

Although I continued to have questions and issues since the last time I wrote,

most of them got resolved naturally just by keeping on practicing! However

there's one issue that doesn't seem to be improving as fast as I'd like. It has

to do with fear. Why do we have to feel fear? I wasn't a very fearful person

growing up, probably in part due to inexperience and a huge inability to grasp

the reality of the dangers around me. As I aged, experiences I went through,

many times bad and painful, changed that. Now I feel fear often - fear of losing

people I love, fear of being hurt, fear of starting new things, fear of the idea

of being alive and in this world (I mean, it's a weird thing being here , not

knowing for sure why and how!).

I am not totally paralized by fear in my normal life but I do end up avoiding

doing some things due to fear. I admire people who have the courage of doing

things I find scary but still worth doing, and I would like to be more like

that. Also feeling afraid of things that didn't happen yet and may never happen

doesn't make sense so I would like to be able to not live like that.

I guess my question is in part why do we have to feel fear, but also if there

are general tips/ideas, and also a specific exercise to overcome it or or reduce

it. I do a few navel exercises that are said to be helpful, but I wouldn't mind

adding some other exercise or meditation, maybe something somebody here found

very effective.

I apologize if this is long and a bit confused.

My best wishes to all,





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Dear Betin:


I have read a theory that we felt fear originally for survival

reasons. If we did not feel scared when we saw a lion, we would not

get out of the way... or if we did not feel scared of fire, we would

walk right into it... Maybe! I don't know. And knowing why we feel

fear in general terms like this does not really help overcome it.


Closer to us: In a past life we may have been burned as a witch, or

one of our ancestors died burned alive and that fear has been

transmitted in our fibers from generation to generation down to us. We

of course don't know this, but when we see a fire now we have this

incredible fear rising very intensely as if we were going to die.

others have incredible fear of water like they are going to drown,

even if it is a small 2 feet deep pond. These fears generate much

intensity, and the best is to simply accept the experience and walk

through it. Go touch the water. Go swim. Or sing songs by small camp

fires, getting used to fire again, a little at a time rebuilding that

joy one experience at a time.


Knowing this, I do find now that if I know what triggers a fear in me,

I don't have to know why it is there... I can overcome it. For

instance if I feel scared and I realize it is because I have to talk

to someone about some issue, I just need to realize that much. I don't

have to process it further. I have to make a decision to talk to this

person. It simply takes courage and then I find there was nothing

there. The fear was like a ghost hanging over my life and living the

experience makes it obvious it was just a ghost.


Now I do need to pay attention to warning signals. If a person I

interacted with has intentions to take me for a ride, sell me a lemon

of a car, or some other bad deal, I usually don't feel fear, I sense

that I cannot trust that person and I politely leave. But other people

may feel fear in that instance, and may need to make sure it is OK to

go talk to that person before simply ignoring the warning signs.



Awtar Singh

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Hi Chris,

Thanks so much for the message. Knowing what you went through and how you

overcame it all is very helpful, it gives me confidence I can do it too, again

thanks for taking the time to share that with me.

I am going to include the three practices you mentioned here in my regular

practice. After reading what you wrote, I am thinking: First Sodarsham Krya,

then Mahan Gyan mudra. I am probably starting with 1 min each and increasing as

I can, since I am not that familiar with them. I already do Sat Kryia, it's been

a very helfpul one for anger and this one I am already able to do longer.

Best wishes,


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HI Glow,

Thanks for your message. It's interesting to hear about the connection of

kidneys and fear, I wasn't aware of that. Your suggestions are great, very

practical, I will try them.

Thanks again and best wishes,



The Traveler <dumai20baihui wrote: Hello Betin,


The good news is that there is nothing particularly mysterious about your

feeling of fear. The not so good news is that fear is a poor function

of the kidney organs. I'm a senior student of Chinese medicine and

acupuncture; and I can tell you with certainty that if you nourish your

kidneys you will reverse this state.


Eat foods that will nourish the kidneys, i.e. millet, shelled fish, pork,


color foods. NO SUGAR. If you urinate a lot, eat a little bit more salt; if


crave salt, DO NOT overcompensate, but just add a little bit more to your

diet. Don't drink coffee, don't drink too much water, " drink just right. "


Exercises, continue with the pelvic exercises, minding pasticularly the

sexual organs, as you inhale tighten them up and hold, at the exhale

release, do this several times.


Moreover, if you have access to an acupuncturist, go see him/her and

point out the fear factor, and the fear-reason why you're going to see

them. Just mention it casually that someone told you that you need to

nourish the kidneys to alleviate it.


Good luck,






B E wrote:


Hello all,

Hope everybody is doing well!

Although I continued to have questions and issues since the last time I wrote,

most of them got resolved naturally just by keeping on practicing! However

there's one issue that doesn't seem to be improving as fast as I'd like. It has

to do with fear. Why do we have to feel fear? I wasn't a very fearful person

growing up, probably in part due to inexperience and a huge inability to grasp

the reality of the dangers around me. As I aged, experiences I went through,

many times bad and painful, changed that. Now I feel fear often - fear of losing

people I love, fear of being hurt, fear of starting new things, fear of the idea

of being alive and in this world (I mean, it's a weird thing being here , not

knowing for sure why and how!).

I am not totally paralized by fear in my normal life but I do end up avoiding

doing some things due to fear. I admire people who have the courage of doing

things I find scary but still worth doing, and I would like to be more like

that. Also feeling afraid of things that didn't happen yet and may never happen

doesn't make sense so I would like to be able to not live like that.

I guess my question is in part why do we have to feel fear, but also if there

are general tips/ideas, and also a specific exercise to overcome it or or reduce

it. I do a few navel exercises that are said to be helpful, but I wouldn't mind

adding some other exercise or meditation, maybe something somebody here found

very effective.

I apologize if this is long and a bit confused.

My best wishes to all,





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Hi Awtar,

Thanks so much for writing! Yes, I've heard about that theory of fear as a

survival tool. However it seems that knowledge only could very well take the

place of fear in such instances. If I *know* a lion is dangerous, for example,

I would also know I should keep away from it. I wouldn't need to feel fear.

Well I'm not sure what I am saying makes sense, I guess I am just down on fear

right now, it just seems to be an unpleasant, useless emotion that stops me from

doing things.

If I understand your message correctly, facing your fear is the best way to deal

with it. I think this is right. It takes courage but once you do what you are

afraid of, very often the fear is gone. Mustering the courage is my challenge

right now. Thanks so much for your message, I find what you write always

interesting and helpful.

Best wishes,


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Betin, I believe identifying the root cause of fear is the best way to

kill it and I find meditation very useful in this regard. When

meditating, try to concentrate on the area of your body that

experiences fear and then try to find the root cause.





Kundaliniyoga , B E <jawoosux wrote:


> Hi Awtar,

> Thanks so much for writing! Yes, I've heard about that theory of

fear as a survival tool. However it seems that knowledge only could

very well take the place of fear in such instances. If I *know* a

lion is dangerous, for example, I would also know I should keep away

from it. I wouldn't need to feel fear. Well I'm not sure what I am

saying makes sense, I guess I am just down on fear right now, it just

seems to be an unpleasant, useless emotion that stops me from doing


> If I understand your message correctly, facing your fear is the best

way to deal with it. I think this is right. It takes courage but once

you do what you are afraid of, very often the fear is gone. Mustering

the courage is my challenge right now. Thanks so much for your

message, I find what you write always interesting and helpful.

> Best wishes,

> Betin


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