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Guru Rattan: Reply Negativity/Clearing

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Hi again Guru Rattan and all,


Thanks so much for your reply, do appreciate your help very much, and

your help is very, very helpful since I can feel your energy directed to

me and that helps immensely on top of your other advice.


Am sun sign Gemini with Sagitarrus rising and Virgo as my moon. Do

realize that Gemini is an air sign and Virgo is a earth sign. As far as

the water aspect being part of the sensitivity -- and the anger being

the fire, I have to ponder that more and see, although I have tried

many, many things over these last 10 years when this all became an issue

and not much has been beneficial. Doing the KY yoga has helped SO much

as I mentioned with the mild to moderate negativity. That in itself is

such a gift to me, this problem has disabled me in many ways for a very

long time, am so very thankful for KY and for finding your website when

I did a search on Kundalini, could cry over it that is how happy I am

about it.


Believe that part of what I am dealing with is energy that was brought

into this mechanism due to a very abusive parent that I lived with until

I was 23, when a child is abused there are no real boundaries in the

mental/spiritual mechanism (reason has not developed yet and the

inductive resoning ablities of the conscious mind are the " guard of the

gates " to the soul/subconscious mind usually) and the energy just goes

right into the person, unfortunately. Pia Mellody who you may be

familiar with since she is a wonderful psychologist on codependency --

and I noticed you mentioning it at times -- talks about this being the

induced childhood feeling -- did not have this issue before an incident

in my life that mimiced an aspect of the relationship with my original

abuser and I went into therapy and since I had been on a spiritual path,

when rexperiencing the past, it felt different and the energy of it

started to take over my mechanism. It was like opening a " pandora's

box " that I wish had never happened. The only one thing that has helped

100% totally is that recently I met someone who had had a Kundalini

awakening, a total one spontaneously, and then they work with their

energy through TM meditation, and magnetic Chi Gong. Their abilities

are amazing and they can as they call it -- command energy -- they would

clear out the problem energy and I was blessed to be around them for

awhile and when in their presence all else would fade away in

experiencing their energy. Actually their energy is SO amazing, once

they did this exercise in front of me to teach it to me -- they brought

the palms of their hands together in front of their chest and when they

did that, my knees buckled and I thought I was going to pass out! That

is how I became interested in Kunalini since I do see that when I meet

with someone instead of becoming dependent upon their qualities, I need

to then learn how to develop that same quality within myself.



Am going to try the meditation you suggested although I feel much better

since reading your post this AM. Your energy is very high and good!!!


Was wondering if KY had any specific clearing practice, but will just

keep working the practice and will report back! Am going to pursue the

Chi Gong in order to learn to clear with the Chi also....


Thanks again so very much! : ) Christine

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