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KUNDALINI YOGA - LIFE TRANSFORMING!Hello Harry.... Hello all the wonderful

people on the list....


Forgive my long silence...... but I do love you all........


albeit from a place of inner silence........


If that doesn't seem like much............


let us remember that Inner Silence is the most powerful place to be in..........

and to love from.......




I happened to have read Harry's email and I was inspired to respond.




Dear Harry,


Please feel free to take what seems right to you...... and leave the rest.......


What comes to me to share is as follows:




It seems to me that you are trying to beat yourself into shape without really

considering deeply your inner nature, your soul. Is it possible that most of

your activities are not really nourishing to your soul? Is it possible that you

have neglected to act on the deepest and the most subtle of yearnings and

nudges? You have come into this human life to carry out some very important

task. I know that for a fact and you do too. Have you spent some time finding

out what that is? Is it possible that your daily life is not furthering but

delaying the fulfillment of your higher purpose...?


From what you say, it seems that your soul is not much engaged in the life you

are currently living. It may not be interested in the present activities

because they are not DRAWING on or ENGAGING your SOUL PRESENCE.


When we live a life that does not allow for spiritual input, a life where there

is little or no joy, love, creativity, spontaneity, exuberance... then the soul

may shut down.....


Another thing to explore is whether there are sub-personalities within you that

are resisting aspects of your daily activities, and why.




SOLUTION: Spend some time with YOURSELF.... with the attitude that you are some

really really important person that you want to and need to get to know better.

Accept and embrace lovingly ALL OF YOURSELF, without judgement, without

condemnation. Every part of you is wanting to tell you something very



Seek to make contact with the part of you that is finding comfort in excessive

sleep, the part of you that may have a desire to escape from the daily routine.

This part may be so unhappy with your current lifestyle that is has no desire to

participate. Find that part and COMMUNE with it. Talk to it. It represents a

younger you, a child-self of 3 or 5 or whatever....... It may represent your



Dialog with it..... ask it why it is not happy...... ask it what it wants and

needs....... Listen to it, honor it, appease it, negotiate with it, enlighten

it, LOVE it....... Be the most wonderful parent to it that you can be.....




The most important thing we need to do with various inner parts is to LOVE

THEM. When you don't know what to do, just LOVE that part of yourself that

seems somehow dysfunctional. If you have compassion for it and love it - as you

would love a little child - you can bring any part into a state of greater

harmony, cooperation and greater degree of functionality. Love is truly the

greatest healer, for when we choose to love an aspect of our being that is

troubling us, really love the little one inside that has the need to be

dysfunctional.... this LOVE, which is the Presence of the Divine within us, will

bring this part into BALANCE. It cannot fail. As we forgive ourselves and

others and we choose to love ourselves, a profound change for the better begins

to take place. Give it some thought and DO BEGIN to practice it. It is the

most beautiful gift we can give ourselves.






There is a very different issue that you may consider looking at as well that

may be a factor in the conditions you describe, and it relates to your physical

body. Is it possible that you've had some digestive disturbances? If so, it is

possible that there is a presence of pathogens in the digestive tract, such as

parasites or Candida fungus. They are both very common. The problem with them

is that they poison the whole system. They produce fermentation in the digestive

system accompanied by abundant toxins. When we are in the horizontal position

at night these toxins move toward the extremities of the body, including the

head. That is one of the reasons why many people lack clear-headedness and

alertness in the morning.


The SOLUTION may be two-fold:


1) Alkalize the body to get rid of pathogens. This can be done by taking a

liquid oxygen supplement, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), cream of tartar,

eating abundant veggies or drinking vegetable juices, etc.


2) An excellent way to optimize many bodily systems is to purchase a small

rebounder and use it daily for about 5-10 minutes. You may want to start with 3

minutes and then gradually increase the length of the activity. This will

enhance the functioning of all the organs, speed up the cleansing/detoxification

of the body and also cleanse the lymphatic system which is crucial. It also

energizes the mind and adds vigor and enthusiasm for life. A weekly sauna is

also an excellent way to promote health.


Please also ensure that you honor yourself by eating well and by making sure

that you have a proper bowel movement daily. Elimination is extremely important

otherwise, over time, it is easy to develop congestion in the various systems as

well as a condition known as auto-intoxication. These are the cause of many

ailments, diseases and degenerative condtions.




Another thing just occurred to me that you may want to check into and that is

POSSIBLE ALLERGIES. You may be taking in some food/substance that you are

allergic to. Your body may be using extra sleep to neutralize something that is

upsetting its equilibrium. One way to check for allergies is to use dowsing.

If you are not familiar with that you may track down through Google a wonderful

little course on dowsing called LETTER TO ROBIN. If you need more information

you may email me and I will try to be of help.




Another way to address the issues you describe is to spend time in meditation,

go into alpha, and create a little mental movie where you see yourself getting

up at the appropriate time every day feeling refreshed, alert, strong, happy to

be alive, happy to have a job, etc. See yourself as you want to be: " regular " ,

" punctual " , " enthusiastic " , doing really well all that you need to do, feeling

happy with yourself, appreciating yourself, others and all the good things in

your life. See yourself being successful and receiving a wonderful abundance of

what you desire.


Create some affirmations to this effect that you can repeat often during the

day. You will thus be reprogramming your subconscious mind. Do this for 21

days and you are sure to transform yourself and your life.



MODERATOR: And don't forget some Kundalini Yoga as taught by

Yogi Bhajan, Harry!




Hope you may find some of this helpful.




Heartfelt blessings............... to you and all...........






Consultant in Self-Empowerment












> HR <hpreet713 wrote:

> Satnam.

> Is there any way out to beat the excess sleep and

> fatigue.how to draw interest in activities.

> it is such a bad thing that all the time it affects

> work and other things.how can i be punctual and

> regular.

> can anyone know the right balance of meditation and

> exercises to defeat the long sleep and be more

> energetic and enthusiastic.

> it is disturbing me a lot .


> please share solutions to sleep less and be

> energetic.


> Regards

> Harry






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