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A Few Questions seeking Desparate Guidance

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Hello All,


A wish the well being of all who are reading this and those who aren't,


Nywy a last fewdays have been quite full of thoughts that have arisen within

me......I need advice as to how to give direction and channelize this enrgy into

somethin creative or productive..



Putting a few questions in pointwise manner.....please suggest kriyas or

techniques which will help me in this process acheiving peace ...


1) Sometimes when I have less activities ....there is obsessive thinking that I

tend to do ..or sometimes even too much of office work leads me to chain of

thoughts and keeps me from sleeping ...so will deep breathing with any mantras

will help ? I knw breathing will supply oxygen so will it not go work against my

motive of sleeping?? Shud breathing be accompnied by some nostril patterns??


2) I always have this feeling of being incomplete and missing something in

life....which I know is very wrong ...hence please suggest a kriya or excercise

which wil give me satisfaction out of all the simple things that I do...I guess

this Primarily happns because I happen to be a person of multiple interests

which leads to have sensation of not achievng completeness in all the fields of

my interests


3) Im young (21 yrs old) and have been working professionaly from quite

sometime and have worked to be at a team manger position in an MNC at young age

, however I m having trbl deciding my future path and my ultimate goal

.....Primarily my confusion comes because Im full of creativity and yet love

world as it is and can relate to almost every persoinality trait. Im nt sure

where I will fulfill my ultimate desire nd whether a career in Music or

Advertising ...a Management Guru or Financial Consultant is my goal.......this

is realy putting me into a tough situation which will lead to frustration and

nothng else.....hence please suggest a kriya with mantra that will guide my

Intution to take the best possible decisions with whatever options that I have

with me....


4) Last but not the least is that My Sister goes thru phases of Low Self Esteem

and low self confidence....please suggest a simple yet effective way to increase

self worth and esteem.. nt to confuse it ahamkaar or pride.




I hope these question comprising of more than a few words will be enuf forany

one willing to help me out.however a pointwise answer will really be appreciated


Thanks to everyone in advance.








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I am not an expert on anything but what I do know from all your questions is,

that you are to much concerned with yourself. Instead about worrying  about this

and that, just where ever you are right know take a minute and look and one

thing only; may it be a piece of paper, a cup, a branch of a tree, a flower,

perhaps the lines in your hand, a fold in your pants or frock Just look and be

still. A " Doer " , which you are, often lucks concentration and concentration

leads to decipline and decipline leads to observation and observation leads the

power inside you. Do not make life difficult with to much technique.





akash sachdev <akashsachdev


Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:08:08 PM

Kundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking Desparate Guidance



CDs, all with RealAudio sound clips.

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Thanks antaras really for your advice....but i sincerely need some guidance in

the form of Yoga and practices...one u suggested certainly makes sense..but I

also want to gradually improve by doing disciplined excercises .


Im expecting th best yogic wisdom from this forum....so I request all who can

guide to give a direction.





Kundaliniyoga: antaras.geo: Mon, 25 Aug

2008 07:40:35 -0700Re: Kundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking

Desparate Guidance





I am not an expert on anything but what I do know from all your questions

is,that you are to much concerned with yourself. Instead about worrying about

this and that, just where ever you are right know take a minute and look and one

thing only; may it be a piece of paper, a cup, a branch of a tree, a flower,

perhaps the lines in your hand, a fold in your pants or frock Just look and be

still. A " Doer " , which you are, often lucks concentration and concentration

leads to decipline and decipline leads to observation and observation leads the

power inside you. Do not make life difficult with to much technique.-----

Original Message ----akash sachdev <akashsachdevTo:

kundaliniyoga: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:08:08 PMSubject:

Kundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking Desparate GuidanceCDs, all with

RealAudio sound clips. - visit


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I too was grateful for the view Fritzie shared with Akash .


I am new to yoga and am just beginning to learn Kundalini yoga (so happy to find

this board!) and have been practicing some of the free trainings available

online. I look forward to beginning a formal class in September :) That said,

the perspective which I am about to share is conditioned primarily by my

experiences with meditation.


I feel like Fritzie offered an important and sometimes overlooked point.

The " noticing " is a very powerful training exercise you can use to  " harden " your

dicipline. Developing the skill to " be aware "  encourages a very strong

foundation that can support the physical  " doing " of the practice (I am using

Antaras' terms here as I understand them). I hope you find the diciplined

exercises you are looking for, but dont overlook the every-day opportunities you

have to practice. Waiting in traffic. Standing in line at the bank. While

everyone else is watching T.V.. whenever. Where is your conciousness (attention)

during those times? You can be practicing then if you want, developing dicipline

and awareness (powers of observation) in the manner described.


For strictly yoga exercise, there is a free video available for download on

youtube simply titled " Yoga " by Shantikunj Haridwar. I have no clue what style

yoga it is and it is not in English but it was the launch pad for my

yoga-discovery journey. It is probably a beginner video but I feel it is

excellent exercise. I wish I could understand what they say..  


I offer my point of view and if fault is found, please forgive this student. 

Warm regards









akash sachdev <akashsachdev


Thursday, August 28, 2008 12:35:03 PM

RE: Kundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking Desparate Guidance




Thanks antaras really for your advice....but i sincerely need some guidance in

the form of Yoga and practices... one u suggested certainly makes sense..but I

also want to gradually improve by doing disciplined excercises .


Im expecting th best yogic wisdom from this forum....so I request all who can

guide to give a direction.



Kundaliniyogaantaras.geo@ Mon, 25 Aug

2008 07:40:35 -0700Re: Kundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking

Desparate Guidance


I am not an expert on anything but what I do know from all your questions

is,that you are to much concerned with yourself. Instead about worrying about

this and that, just where ever you are right know take a minute and look and one

thing only; may it be a piece of paper, a cup, a branch of a tree, a flower,

perhaps the lines in your hand, a fold in your pants or frock Just look and be

still.. A " Doer " , which you are, often lucks concentration and concentration

leads to decipline and decipline leads to observation and observation leads the

power inside you. Do not make life difficult with to much technique.-- ---

Original Message ----akash sachdev <akashsachdev@ hotmail.com>To:

kundaliniyogaSaturday, August 23, 2008 12:08:08

PMKundalini Yoga A Few Questions seeking Desparate GuidanceCDs, all

with RealAudio sound clips. - visit

http://www.yogatech .com/

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I will try to answer your first question.


First of all you can not control the thoughts that come into your

mind. That is what the mind does. It thinks. Ideas come and go.

Obsessive thought keep repeating themselves.


You must first train yourself to be the observer of your thoughts.

Watch them come and go. Don't fight them, don't give them power,

just acknowledge that they exist and let them go as they come. It's

almost like standing at a bus bench watch it get closer, but when it

finally arrives instead of getting on the bus you just let it go by

and watch in go away. Soon afterwards another bus will come. Watch

that one come and go. Do this over and over without giving your

thoughts any power.


You will never be able to control what thoughts come into your head,

but you will always have the power to choose what you do with them.

That is where the key to joy and happiness is. Observing and

remaining in equanimity.


Observe your thought patterns as well as the choices you make in any

given situation. See yourself from the outside and watch as you act

out your decisions. When you decide on a course of action observe

whether or not that decision was made by acting out of spirit mode or

acting out of ego mode. Another words are you making decisions based

on compassion, love, forgiveness awareness for the well being of

others or are you making decisions based on desire (e.g. lust, greed,

selfishness, vengeance)?


As you watch yourself throughout the day keep this in mind. See

where you are comming from and where you want to go spiritually and

act accordingly. Hopefully the decisions you make in your daily life

will bring you closer to the awareness of the devine conciousness

inside you. The living spark of the essence of spirt. When you can

tap into that part of your being you will experience bliss. This

experience will come and go, but the more you practice the more often

you will find that joy is inside you and has never left you.


One exercise that will help you transition into this state of mindful

awareness is to follow your breath. Remember that while you breath

you are alive and that the air you breath is full of the energy of

life (Prana). Think on who is the breather? Who is it that is

actually drawing and expelling the breath? Is it the body your

spirit is wearing? Or is it just your body going through its daily

pre-programmed automated routine of breathing in and out.


Think on who is being nurished by this prana. Feel the prana

permeate throughout your body. Focus on your breath. There is a

saying that you can discover the identity of the self (spirit)

between the intake and exhellation of the breadth coming and going.

There in you will find the self.


There is a simple Mantra you can do. Actually you have been doing

this mantra from the moment you came out of the womb and will

continue to do it until your very last breadth. The mantra is called

So Ham.


It is very easy to do. Basically when you breathe in think of making

the " S " sound you could think of saying long version of the

word " so " . On they way out think of the sound " Ham " . Say Ham gently

with little force on the " a " vowel and draw out the H sound more than

the m sound. So it would look pretty much like this " Hhhhhhaammm "


Now when you inhale and exhale you do this at various speeds

depending on your intent. For relaxation or reflection purposes do

this slowly. You can try to control the rythm of your breadth slowly

or you can just observe its own rythm without trying to control it.


You can practice this mantra anywhere any time. I find it quite

useful for helping me to sleep or soothing me and to help me

reconnect with the essence of my being and the energy of love.


If you really want to work on your awareness technique see if you can

remember each night and each morning on what breadth did you wake up

on or fall asleep on. If you can do this consistantly you will

assuredly improve your skill of observation.


I personally have not been able to remember on what breadth I fall

asleep on, but imagine the deepness of your meditation required to

achieve this goal.


Also, you can be very sure that all sorts of thoughts will come into

your head. Some will be welcomed and some will not be. Some will

keep knocking at your door over and over. This is OK. You should

not get upset or become distraught. Simply acknowledge the thought

and allow it to pass.


If you find that your thoughts are distracting your mantra meditation

simply bring your awareness back to your breadth. Do not beat

yourself up over it. Realize this is the normal course of the human

equation. The mind is working. It is doing what it is supposed to

be doing. Appreciate that it is working. Be graetful that it is

working. Make the mind your friend and not your opponent or enemy

for he whoes mind is his/her friend will find peace while he who is

not friends with his/her mind will surely suffer.


Kundalini Yoga will offer you a variety of breadth work, mudras,

postures and practices that will allow you to tap into the essence of

your being. It all starts with the first step. Don't be in a

hurry. You have a life time to discover its secret joys and



Your life is journey. There will be many adventures and discoveries

that will enrich your life and raise your level of awareness and your

capability to love yourself and others. Kundalini Yoga will help you

along your path so will other forms of Yoga. The Yoga Sutras of

Patangalis, the 8 fold path all will help you to enjoy and enrich

your life as well as the lives of the people you love and those you

come into contact with.


Sat Nam






Kundaliniyoga , akash sachdev

<akashsachdev wrote:



> Hello All,


> A wish the well being of all who are reading this and those who



> Nywy a last fewdays have been quite full of thoughts that have

arisen within me......I need advice as to how to give direction and

channelize this enrgy into somethin creative or productive..



> Putting a few questions in pointwise manner.....please suggest

kriyas or techniques which will help me in this process acheiving

peace ...


> 1) Sometimes when I have less activities ....there is obsessive

thinking that I tend to do ..or sometimes even too much of office

work leads me to chain of thoughts and keeps me from sleeping ...so

will deep breathing with any mantras will help ? I knw breathing will

supply oxygen so will it not go work against my motive of sleeping??

Shud breathing be accompnied by some nostril patterns??


> 2) I always have this feeling of being incomplete and missing

something in life....which I know is very wrong ...hence please

suggest a kriya or excercise which wil give me satisfaction out of

all the simple things that I do...I guess this Primarily happns

because I happen to be a person of multiple interests which leads to

have sensation of not achievng completeness in all the fields of my



> 3) Im young (21 yrs old) and have been working professionaly from

quite sometime and have worked to be at a team manger position in an

MNC at young age , however I m having trbl deciding my future path

and my ultimate goal ....Primarily my confusion comes because Im full

of creativity and yet love world as it is and can relate to almost

every persoinality trait. Im nt sure where I will fulfill my

ultimate desire nd whether a career in Music or Advertising ...a

Management Guru or Financial Consultant is my goal.......this is

realy putting me into a tough situation which will lead to

frustration and nothng else.....hence please suggest a kriya with

mantra that will guide my Intution to take the best possible

decisions with whatever options that I have with me....


> 4) Last but not the least is that My Sister goes thru phases of Low

Self Esteem and low self confidence....please suggest a simple yet

effective way to increase self worth and esteem.. nt to confuse it

ahamkaar or pride.




> I hope these question comprising of more than a few words will be

enuf forany one willing to help me out.however a pointwise answer

will really be appreciated


> Thanks to everyone in advance.


> Satnam





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>>> " feros_ironfeld " <grim_batol 29/08/2008 14:39 >>>


I will try to answer your first question.


First of all you can not control the thoughts that come into your

mind. That is what the mind does. It thinks. Ideas come and go.

Obsessive thought keep repeating themselves.


You must first train yourself to be the observer of your thoughts.

Watch them come and go. Don't fight them, don't give them power,

just acknowledge that they exist and let them go as they come. It's

almost like standing at a bus bench watch it get closer, but when it

finally arrives instead of getting on the bus you just let it go by

and watch in go away. Soon afterwards another bus will come. Watch

that one come and go. Do this over and over without giving your

thoughts any power.


You will never be able to control what thoughts come into your head,

but you will always have the power to choose what you do with them.

That is where the key to joy and happiness is. Observing and

remaining in equanimity.


Observe your thought patterns as well as the choices you make in any

given situation. See yourself from the outside and watch as you act

out your decisions. When you decide on a course of action observe

whether or not that decision was made by acting out of spirit mode or

acting out of ego mode. Another words are you making decisions based

on compassion, love, forgiveness awareness for the well being of

others or are you making decisions based on desire (e.g. lust, greed,

selfishness, vengeance)?


As you watch yourself throughout the day keep this in mind. See

where you are comming from and where you want to go spiritually and

act accordingly. Hopefully the decisions you make in your daily life

will bring you closer to the awareness of the devine conciousness

inside you. The living spark of the essence of spirt. When you can

tap into that part of your being you will experience bliss. This

experience will come and go, but the more you practice the more often

you will find that joy is inside you and has never left you.


One exercise that will help you transition into this state of mindful

awareness is to follow your breath. Remember that while you breath

you are alive and that the air you breath is full of the energy of

life (Prana). Think on who is the breather? Who is it that is

actually drawing and expelling the breath? Is it the body your

spirit is wearing? Or is it just your body going through its daily

pre-programmed automated routine of breathing in and out.


Think on who is being nurished by this prana. Feel the prana

permeate throughout your body. Focus on your breath. There is a

saying that you can discover the identity of the self (spirit)

between the intake and exhellation of the breadth coming and going.

There in you will find the self.


There is a simple Mantra you can do. Actually you have been doing

this mantra from the moment you came out of the womb and will

continue to do it until your very last breadth. The mantra is called

So Ham.


It is very easy to do. Basically when you breathe in think of making

the " S " sound you could think of saying long version of the

word " so " . On they way out think of the sound " Ham " . Say Ham gently

with little force on the " a " vowel and draw out the H sound more than

the m sound. So it would look pretty much like this " Hhhhhhaammm "


Now when you inhale and exhale you do this at various speeds

depending on your intent. For relaxation or reflection purposes do

this slowly. You can try to control the rythm of your breadth slowly

or you can just observe its own rythm without trying to control it.


You can practice this mantra anywhere any time. I find it quite

useful for helping me to sleep or soothing me and to help me

reconnect with the essence of my being and the energy of love.


If you really want to work on your awareness technique see if you can

remember each night and each morning on what breadth did you wake up

on or fall asleep on. If you can do this consistantly you will

assuredly improve your skill of observation.


I personally have not been able to remember on what breadth I fall

asleep on, but imagine the deepness of your meditation required to

achieve this goal.


Also, you can be very sure that all sorts of thoughts will come into

your head. Some will be welcomed and some will not be. Some will

keep knocking at your door over and over. This is OK. You should

not get upset or become distraught. Simply acknowledge the thought

and allow it to pass.


If you find that your thoughts are distracting your mantra meditation

simply bring your awareness back to your breadth. Do not beat

yourself up over it. Realize this is the normal course of the human

equation. The mind is working. It is doing what it is supposed to

be doing. Appreciate that it is working. Be graetful that it is

working. Make the mind your friend and not your opponent or enemy

for he whoes mind is his/her friend will find peace while he who is

not friends with his/her mind will surely suffer.


Kundalini Yoga will offer you a variety of breadth work, mudras,

postures and practices that will allow you to tap into the essence of

your being. It all starts with the first step. Don't be in a

hurry. You have a life time to discover its secret joys and



Your life is journey. There will be many adventures and discoveries

that will enrich your life and raise your level of awareness and your

capability to love yourself and others. Kundalini Yoga will help you

along your path so will other forms of Yoga. The Yoga Sutras of

Patangalis, the 8 fold path all will help you to enjoy and enrich

your life as well as the lives of the people you love and those you

come into contact with.


Sat Nam




Kundaliniyoga ( Kundaliniyoga%40 ),

akash sachdev

<akashsachdev wrote:



> Hello All,


> A wish the well being of all who are reading this and those who



> Nywy a last fewdays have been quite full of thoughts that have

arisen within me......I need advice as to how to give direction and

channelize this enrgy into somethin creative or productive..



> Putting a few questions in pointwise manner.....please suggest

kriyas or techniques which will help me in this process acheiving

peace ...


> 1) Sometimes when I have less activities ....there is obsessive

thinking that I tend to do ..or sometimes even too much of office

work leads me to chain of thoughts and keeps me from sleeping ...so

will deep breathing with any mantras will help ? I knw breathing will

supply oxygen so will it not go work against my motive of sleeping??

Shud breathing be accompnied by some nostril patterns??


> 2) I always have this feeling of being incomplete and missing

something in life....which I know is very wrong ...hence please

suggest a kriya or excercise which wil give me satisfaction out of

all the simple things that I do...I guess this Primarily happns

because I happen to be a person of multiple interests which leads to

have sensation of not achievng completeness in all the fields of my



> 3) Im young (21 yrs old) and have been working professionaly from

quite sometime and have worked to be at a team manger position in an

MNC at young age , however I m having trbl deciding my future path

and my ultimate goal ....Primarily my confusion comes because Im full

of creativity and yet love world as it is and can relate to almost

every persoinality trait. Im nt sure where I will fulfill my

ultimate desire nd whether a career in Music or Advertising ...a

Management Guru or Financial Consultant is my goal.......this is

realy putting me into a tough situation which will lead to

frustration and nothng else.....hence please suggest a kriya with

mantra that will guide my Intution to take the best possible

decisions with whatever options that I have with me....


> 4) Last but not the least is that My Sister goes thru phases of Low

Self Esteem and low self confidence....please suggest a simple yet

effective way to increase self worth and esteem.. nt to confuse it

ahamkaar or pride.




> I hope these question comprising of more than a few words will be

enuf forany one willing to help me out.however a pointwise answer

will really be appreciated


> Thanks to everyone in advance.


> Satnam





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