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Aap sahai hoa mantra

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Sat nam,


Can anyone tell me more about the Aap Sahai Hoa meditation and what it

is 'for'? On the 'Circle of Light' CD it is explained as being 'a

mantra for prosperity, inner peace and self-esteem. It frees the mind

from negativity and protects you from negative surroundings.'


I'm going to do it for at least 40 days and would be interested in

hearing more about it, if anyone knows.





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-Hi elspeth,

I first learned this mantra at a Ravi and Ana event and was drawn to

it. Ravi said that Yogi Bhajan, who frequently made great claims, told

the story of how several great civilizations had doomed themselves.

The spiritual awareness did not keep pace with the technology of the

times, and they, in essence, destroyed themselves with their own

folly. YB said that as long as people chant this mantra, it is so

effective at dispelling negativity, we will not meet the same fate!

Wow, do we have a responsibility or what?


If you're getting into meditation, put " The Mind- Its Projections and

Multiple Facets " by YB on your wish list. It is the most in depth

meditation book I've found so far. Apart from what you've already said

about Aap Sahaee Hoa, this book says: " This mantra ...is a gift to you

that will let you penetrate into the unknown without fear. It will

give you protection and mental balance....Whenever you are effective

and create a success in your life, you must also generate some

opposition and animosity. That is called the Law of Polarity. It is

called facing a square in your life. This meditation will totally

eliminate enemies and block the impact of animosity forever. It can

give you mental self-control and let you command your 5 tattvas for

effective living. " Sorry; I couldn't tell you what the 5 tattvas are!


Ravi had us chant for 11 minutes to the Gurudass recording,using a

series of 4 mudras. 1st rep- prayer at navel with fingers turned

outward. 2nd- I dream of Jeannie position w/ 1 arm over the other at

chest level. 3rd- right hand on heart, left up at 30 degree angle from

overhead. 4th rep- both arms up at 30 degrees, and then for these 3

hars, put hands together straight overhead in prayer. Then repeat the

cycle. This is fun and good for dealing with the repetitiveness of

that recording.


YB's book says 62 minutes (that is so loooooong)for 90 days, use a

stroke breath of fire on the 3 hars, suspend the breath out and listen

to the mantra until just before the next 3 hars and inhale to repeat 3

stroke breath of fire.


One final recommendation- Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa has a wonderful, very

different rendition of the mantra on her Shabad II cd.


-- In Kundaliniyoga , " Elspeth " <nowiswowisnow wrote:


> Sat nam,


> Can anyone tell me more about the Aap Sahai Hoa meditation and what it

> is 'for'? On the 'Circle of Light' CD it is explained as being 'a

> mantra for prosperity, inner peace and self-esteem. It frees the mind

> from negativity and protects you from negative surroundings.'


> I'm going to do it for at least 40 days and would be interested in

> hearing more about it, if anyone knows.


> Thanks.


> Elspeth


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Sat nam Elsbeth,

Aap Sahai Hoa Mantra is one of my favorites! There is a great moving

mudra which accompanies this -- is at the end of, I believe, the Dance

the Chakras DVD by Ravi and Ana. If you don't have access to this

DVD, I will try to describe this to you. As you know, it very hard to

try to translate phyical actions into words, but I will try.


Music chanted by Gurudass Singh and Kaur:


Sit in easy pose,


begin with hands in prayer pose at navel level,the mantra is:


Aap Sahai Hoa Satchai da Satchaa doa, Har, Har, Har.


Switch to elbows bent, one arm on top of the other in front of your

chest ( " I dream of Jeannie " pose)


Aap Sahai Hoa Satchai da Satchaa doa, Har, Har, Har.


Put right hand flat on your heart, left arm up at 60 degrees, hand

ourstretched ( " heil... " )


Aap Sahai Hoa Satchai da Satchaa doa, Har, Har, Har.


Both arms stretched out to 60 degrees, head up (let the blessings from

heaven flow like a funnel down the " V " shape you are forming)


Aap Sahai Hoa Satchai da Satchaa doa,


Both hands together above head, arms straight, head once again level.


Har, Har, Har.


Then repeat entire sequence for 11-31 mins. I close my eyes, I am not

sure if a certain drishti was specified.


Enjoy, and much prosperity to you!


Hari Shabad Kaur

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