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I am really enjoying reading the posts lately. I came to know KY from Gurmukh

Khalsa's prenatal DVD. I have only more recently (in the last 6 months)since I

have come back to yoga after pregnancy, come to even remotely understand what it

is. So, I've been practicing Kundalini for 6 months... Hatha before. I know it

is working for me. I know it is transforming my life. However, I don't like to

blindly participate in things of a spiritual nature, which this is for me. I am

finding myself spiritually in great ways. I'd love some recommendations on

" manuals " for KY. I want to read the behind the kriyas kind of information.

Anything that might answer some of the questions that have been asked here. I

have read The 8 Human Talents and am working through Guru Rattana's lessons.

However, I really would like to know more about what I am doing and how it is

thought about and perceived.


Sat Nam!


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