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Congratulations to Kalavathy

it is wonderful that we have a new little bala yogini who will visit us in Feb 2005

she does look a lot like her brother Keshavan

DPB will love to have her little Yoga Sister and elder brother there in the ashram and i am sure that they will enjoy Dr Jonn's yantra classes a lot!!!

Swamiji felt that all Yogis and Yogini should have children so that the earth would have some decent people later in lieu of all those "animals in human cothes" walking the face of earth at present

ananda"kalavathi.devi" <kalavathi.devi wrote:





After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=maisie.jpg








Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani



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"kalavathi.devi" <kalavathi.devi wrote:




After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=maisie.jpgYOGACHARYA GOWRISHANKARANANDA

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On Sun, 30 May 2004 kalavathi.devi wrote :



>After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


>Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


>Love Kalavathi.xxx.

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Dear Kalavathi,


Om Guru Om. Congratulations on the arrival of Maisie! This file attachment is dedicated to you, Keshavan and the newborn.




Ananda Ashram

"kalavathi.devi" <kalavathi.devi wrote:





After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=maisie.jpg

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Dear Kalavathi,


Congrats!! Maitreyi will be glad to hear this news and she is out of twon abd will be back on Friday! Anyway I will convey this message to her over phone when she calls me to the office. Take care


Warm Regards,





Savitridevi ; Russell Hay ; ; Radhika Ramkumar ; Nova Scheidt ; nalini ; Murali Dharan ; Leena Elo ; hemaa ; Gitananda Ashram ; Dr Jonn Mumford ; bala ; Doraja123 ; Devaki Kerin ; Cathy Davis ; Ash ; Arkaya ; Jean-Michel Ruffier

Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:24 AM






After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.

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Beautiful photos and a beautiful calm birth. Masie was so peacful and quiet

the moment she was born. It was such a privilege to have been at the birth-

I feel as excited and happy as Kalavathi and Im just the midwife!




kalavathi.devi [kalavathi.devi]

29 May 2004 21:55

Savitridevi; Russell Hay; ; Radhika

Ramkumar; Nova Scheidt; nalini; Murali Dharan; Leena Elo;

hemaa; Gitananda Ashram; Dr Jonn Mumford; bala; Doraja123;

Devaki Kerin; Cathy Davis; Ash; Arkaya; Jean-Michel Ruffier






After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean

I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am

on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked

like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.



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Dear Kalavathy,


Just got back from out of town this morning. Delighted to hear the good news. It's interesting to see the similarity between Keshav and Maisie. Congradulations!

Both have good karma to be born into the womb of one on the yoga path.

Did you say you delivered in your yoga room!!! Wow Maisie has a head start already!


Love and Goodwill






Savitridevi ; Russell Hay ; ; Radhika Ramkumar ; Nova Scheidt ; nalini ; Murali Dharan ; Leena Elo ; hemaa ; Gitananda Ashram ; Dr Jonn Mumford ; bala ; Doraja123 ; Devaki Kerin ; Cathy Davis ; Ash ; Arkaya ; Jean-Michel Ruffier

Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:24 AM






After 5 days of on off labour and dreads of ending up with another casearean I finally gave birth naturally at home in my Yoga room to Maisie at 10.48 am on thursday 27th...luckily she was only 7.2 lb !!!


Am attaching a piccie...for those of you who remember what Keshavan looked like it could be the same baby!


Love Kalavathi.xxx.

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi everyone , hope you are all well x


I had a dream last night that I was on an island and

in the water there was an enormous water serpent, she

was amazing, like the lockness monster.

She was playing with the people in the ocean. She had

a girl in her mouth and looked as if she would eat

her, but I remember thinking to myself, she'll be ok,

the serpent would never hurt her, and continued

watching. I then climbed into the water as I wanted to

play with the serpent. She seemed somehow loving and

motherly, yet ferocious and deadly.

She seemed to be toying with me, playing, a glint in

her eye of fun.

I then left the water safely and woke up.


A big impovement in my fear levels I think :-)


Many thanks , and blessings to you, Elektra x x x


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I also had some new symptoms , when I was meditating I

started to move like a snake, undulating and felt like

my head had a hood.

I really liked that, reminded me of belly dancing.

Elektra x x x


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I was wondering, when you release emotions is it usual

that you will feel


After a meditation if I suddenly feel overwhelmed

with shame, guilt or depression is it me feeling once

blocked emotions rising to the surface?

Is that why says it's an emotional


Do you always feel emotions as you unblock them?

Any remarks greatly appreciated,

much love Elektra x x x


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Dear list,

thought I'd share whats been going on for me this


I've been suffering from a candida flare up, making me


I prayed to Goddess and my angels for help curing me

without the need to spend money on expensive

supplements which aren't available in China and have

to be ordered.

Shakti has put me on some kind of diet, I now hear her

talking to me inside, in my own voice yet somehow

gentler. She showed me what food to eat in my dreams,

she says it's the chakra clearing shakti kundalini

diet.... this made me giggle.

She said if i fast for three days she will help my

healing efforts exponetially, very kind of her really

(smile). Thankyou goddess.


I plan to do it a little longer to show my


She gave me the ingredients for a very yummy dish,

rice, raw honey, dried red berries and bananas

chopped. It was delicious.

But, interestingly , I also dreamt about my father

humiliating me, I knew I had to clear blocked emotions

to do with accepting myself and forgiving my father.

That will heal my candida for sure , Shakti sure knows

whats best for me.....


Wishing you all the best, and good luck triad

shaktipatters x x x

much love Elektra x x x



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Dear John, I have recently experienced a heart chakra

opening after many years of it being as tight as a


I recommend gratitude , as gratitude opens the heart,

give thanks for everything for 42 days, every single

thing you can think of during the day. Also , Sugilite

the crystal from South Africa , it's purple and very

powerful. It's called the love stone and worked

wonders for me, I wore it on a chain around the my

neck , dangling just over the heart chakra, it was


It also stimulates kundalini flow.

Just a few things that helped me alot, much love

Elektra x x x



--- <...> wrote:


Your feedback, at least in

my case, emphasises the importance of the heart shakra

and I'm

presently trying to encourage it to open. It seems to

contain all the

unresolved spin-offs of life's experiences and so must

be approached

by as wide a mix of practices as possible. Chrism's

toolbox is

certainly a great help in that regard. Thanks again

ladies and I'll

try to build on your efforts over coming days. Much

love - John R.






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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Chrism,


I've been a bit crazy really, my moon cycle is eminant

so that affects me also :)


I felt really balanced and then I did the four step

meditation and over the week my will power seems to

have been replaced by an addictive phase of wanting

coffee, joints, chocolate, unhealthful foods etc.

I thought about it and realised I had given up certain

things but hadn't cleared the emotions from my

childhood that first caused my addictive tendancies,

so I began releasing (instead of repressing) my

addicitve side and found the cause of it all, many

things to be cleared. I also felt really tired and

lazy and had to force myself to do my practise by

bossing myself into it!!

I was being a bit hard on myself at first but realised

that these feelings are valid and coming up to be

cleared. A good lesson for me to learn as being hard

on yourself just brings you down....

My back has been hurting too.

But, I feel I'm doing well as all these things are

coming up so I must be unclogging stuff and I know

it's not all going to be comfortable.


Much love Elektra x x x


--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello EleKtra. How are you? - chrism







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Excellent Elektra!,

This very good and important work. You are

approaching this perfectly. Please continue and well done! - chrism






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Hi Chrism,

Will do the bare foot walk when I can, living in an

apartment in Chengdu city right now , with very little

" earth " , also people spit all over the floor here as

part of their cultural behaviour, so you can


I'll go to the tiny park we have and put my feet in a

clean spot of none doggy doo doo earth.. " smile " .

Wish I was back in Thailand living by the sea, to walk

bare foot in the sand and on the rocks was heavenly.

Oh well, the city beckoned me for whatever reason, so,

I'll make do.

Much love and wishes for blessings to all,

Elektra x x x



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  • 11 months later...

In "the Inner Outer Workout manual" pg 11

there is a kriya called "SAAHIBEE KRIYA"

in the manual it states that after we do the kriya to follow it with

"Meditation to gain the spirit of a saint and the fearlessness of a warrior"

could someone who is familiar with this meditation please guide me to which manual it can be found. Thank you.

with many blessings always Sat Naam Jiwan Shakti Kaur

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  • 3 weeks later...

wellcome..love..ali2008/11/3 Andrew Carney <jakecarney36






Welcome and enjoy your time with the group.Jake--- On Mon, 11/3/08, rozeena sharma <rozeena_sharma wrote:


I am Rozeena Sharma.






-- A.Arslan

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Hey and welcome Rozeena, I'm still pretty new to the group myself but

wanted to welcome you, so...WELCOME!!!!





, rozeena sharma

<rozeena_sharma wrote:


> Hi,


> I am Rozeena Sharma.

> I am new to this group.


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Welcome, Rozeena, would like to tell us a little about yourself and

feel free to ask questions. Most new member are directed to the

safeties first thing so I will do that. It is the program we practice

here to have a safe kundalini awakening.






, Andrew Carney

<jakecarney36 wrote:


> Welcome and enjoy your time with the group.Jake


> --- On Mon, 11/3/08, rozeena sharma <rozeena_sharma wrote:

> Hi,


> I am Rozeena Sharma.

> ___


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Welcome to the group,Rozeema.





, " ali arslan "

<alion74 wrote:


> wellcome..love..ali


> 2008/11/3 Andrew Carney <jakecarney36


> > Welcome and enjoy your time with the group.

> >

> > Jake

> >

> > --- On *Mon, 11/3/08, rozeena sharma <rozeena_sharma* wrote:

> >

> > Hi,

> > I am Rozeena Sharma.

> > ___

> >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> A.Arslan


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Peace and blessings to and to you all.  

 I would like to ask if others experience something that I do.... I have been

asking myself why do I need to check on that, why not just accept that what

is... is... and just leave it.  However I really have a strong  need to know

that others experience this too and that I am normal. If or others  would

comment on this I would be grateful for the feed back.  Ok here it is... I get

movements in my face, sometimes like tiny ants and other sensations like a cool

breeze blowing by my face... but the one that is weird is the movement under my

skin on my face... the movement ripples under the skin on my face and seems to

know exactly where it is going like to the area under my eye or by my nose or

mouth...... the best way of describing it is to recall those films where you

have seen an Egyptian beetle burrow into and then travel under a persons skin to

a different part of the body...  There is no fear about it but there is a need


reassurance... so as well as wondering if others have this movement in the face

I would like to know is my need for reassurance another disguise that fear


Love Julia






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I think many of us had similar experiences ..........I suspect it is part of the

cranial vault being re-wired.

Send those movements and twitched LOVE.


Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network



Julia Ahern <jajahern


Sat, 13 Jun 2009 20:54:17





Peace and blessings to and to you all.  

 I would like to ask if others experience something that I do.... I have been

asking myself why do I need to check on that, why not just accept that what

is... is... and just leave it.  However I really have a strong  need to know

that others experience this too and that I am normal. If or others  would

comment on this I would be grateful for the feed back.  Ok here it is... I get

movements in my face, sometimes like tiny ants and other sensations like a cool

breeze blowing by my face... but the one that is weird is the movement under my

skin on my face... the movement ripples under the skin on my face and seems to

know exactly where it is going like to the area under my eye or by my nose or

mouth...... the best way of describing it is to recall those films where you

have seen an Egyptian beetle burrow into and then travel under a persons skin to

a different part of the body...  There is no fear about it but there is a need


reassurance... so as well as wondering if others have this movement in the face

I would like to know is my need for reassurance another disguise that fear


Love Julia


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