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Welcome Semira,


What a lovely dream and you described it so beautifully. Glad that you have made

yourself known to us all and I look forward to reading your posts in the future.


Blessings, Skydancer x


, Julia Ahern <jajahern



> Dear Semira,


> Welcome and blessings to you. 

> There are those here who are good at seeing dreams and what they may mean...I

am not.  

> I used to dream very vividly before in full colour and with great stories...

that is not available to me anymore and I do miss it.  Again welcome.

> Love Julia. 





> ________________________________

> caraleen98 <caraleen98


> Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:26:56 AM

> Introduction



> Dear and members,

> Some time ago, I joined this group, but have felt wary and hesistant about

posting till now.

> .










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  • 2 weeks later...

A warm welcome to you Judy!


This is a very warm, supportive and loving

Group, of which I'm sure you haven't

stumbled upon accidentally.


I look forward to sharing the journey

with you and hearing about your



Again, welcome.


Love, dhyana


, junneau wrote:



> My name is Judy.? I happened upon a pranic healing booth at a fair in our

city?in March of last year.? At the time I was under a lot of stress and while

the healing activities appeared " strange " to me...I thought if it helps the

" knot in the pit of my stomach " , it couldn't hurt.




> It did help, and I began going routinely for pranic healing each week.? I also

began meditating.....and took a course in pranic healing (level 1).....I didn't

even know what Kundalini was until my instructor mentioned it....




> I have always been extremely empathic and " sensitive " my entire life....and as

the Kundalini is rising...I can almost swear that my body remembers this from





> I haven't?been a fervent student of meditation...I meditate about twice a

week...I?do pranic healing on Tuesdays...and I remotely help friends and

family....and I listen to pranic healing music...rarely watch TV anymore...




> But, the Kundalini is definitely coming in....sometimes it feels like my soul

is trying to rise up out of my body....and the energy coming up my spine gets

trapped....until it breaks free of whatever the blockage is.......it is now

stopped at the base of my neck...(the back of my head)




> I've had many strange experiences that I will share.....but for now I will

close my introduction..




> I'm happy I found a group I can share with.....maybe I won't think I'm going

crazy after all....




> Judy




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Hi Judy,


Welcome to our group dear Kundalini Sister. I look forward to sharing the

journey with you.


Blessings, Iona (aka Skydancer) x


, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:



> Judy,


> Welcome! You may also want to take a look at the safeties:


> http://kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-safeties.html

> <http://kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-safeties.html>


> These are set of protocols and practices that can help to make your

> kundalini experience safe and joyous.


> Blessings,


> David






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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Amy, and blessings to you and your family. Yes indeed, the group and

resources are truly amazing. May the KAS community nurture and support you along

in your journey.




, " jernie456 "

<jernie456 wrote:


> Good morning everyone:


> My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came

across this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have.

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Danielle: Thank you so much for your email. Everyone is so kind to welcome me

this way!!! I feel as though I have just come " home " with this group. Thank







iamwaitingmoon <iamwaitingmoon


Wed, December 2, 2009 10:19:13 AM

Re: Introduction



Welcome Amy, and blessings to you and your family. Yes indeed, the group and

resources are truly amazing. May the KAS community nurture and support you along

in your journey.




Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jernie456 "

<jernie456@. ..> wrote:


> Good morning everyone:


> My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came

across this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have.









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Hi Amy,


welcome and hope you enjoy it here :)





, " jernie456 "

<jernie456 wrote:


> Good morning everyone:


> My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came

across this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have. First Chrism

let me start by thanking you for all the info you have provided on your website!

I felt soooo much better after reading everything. I found more info on your

site then 10 other sites combined. Alot of sites would only give you general

info and I needed so much more. Ok so I live in California, and I have 2

children and have been experiencing symptoms for about 6 months which although I

love for the most part, I have questions too. I look forward to getting to know

alot of you!!!


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Welcome to our K family, Amy. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Blessings & love,



, " jernie456 "

<jernie456 wrote:


> Good morning everyone:


> My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came

across this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have.

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Hi Amy:  I join the others in welcoming you to the family.  May you be blessed

and find and experience the love and nurturance that is available here, and

please let us get to know you.  My name is Diane, and I too live in California,

in  southern Ca.  Where do you live, if you don't mind my asking?    Love

and Peace to you!  Diane








jernie456 <jernie456


Wed, December 2, 2009 9:23:42 AM




Good morning everyone:


My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came across

this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have. First let me

start by thanking you for all the info you have provided on your website! I felt

soooo much better after reading everything. I found more info on your site then

10 other sites combined. Alot of sites would only give you general info and I

needed so much more. Ok so I live in California, and I have 2 children and have

been experiencing symptoms for about 6 months which although I love for the most

part, I have questions too. I look forward to getting to know alot of you!!!









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Diane Thank you for your welcome. I live in Ontario Where are you close to here?








Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen


Thu, December 3, 2009 11:59:58 AM

Re: Introduction



Hi Amy:  I join the others in welcoming you to the family.  May you be blessed

and find and experience the love and nurturance that is available here, and

please let us get to know you.  My name is Diane, and I too live in California,

in  southern Ca.  Where do you live, if you don't mind my asking?    Love

and Peace to you!  Diane




____________ _________ _________ __

jernie456 <jernie456 >

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Wed, December 2, 2009 9:23:42 AM

[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Introduction



Good morning everyone:


My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came across

this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have. First let me

start by thanking you for all the info you have provided on your website! I felt

soooo much better after reading everything. I found more info on your site then

10 other sites combined. Alot of sites would only give you general info and I

needed so much more. Ok so I live in California, and I have 2 children and have

been experiencing symptoms for about 6 months which although I love for the most

part, I have questions too. I look forward to getting to know alot of you!!!



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Hi Amy, welcome. There are many Kundalini friends up in Ontario. My hometown is

there, Walkerton. I was born in Toronto. Where are you? Maybe some others will

say hello. I hope we can visit up that way with next year as well. If we

had the numbers maybe we could even get a seminar in Southern Ontario near



be well, bradly


, Amy Lampron

<jernie456 wrote:


> Diane Thank you for your welcome. I live in Ontario Where are you close to



> Amy






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Welcome Amy!


With Love,



On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 9:23 AM, jernie456 <jernie456 wrote:




> Good morning everyone:


> My name is Amy and I am new to this group so thanks for having me. I came

> across this group in my search for answers on the symptoms I have. First

> let me start by thanking you for all the info you have provided on

> your website! I felt soooo much better after reading everything. I found

> more info on your site then 10 other sites combined. Alot of sites would

> only give you general info and I needed so much more. Ok so I live in

> California, and I have 2 children and have been experiencing symptoms for

> about 6 months which although I love for the most part, I have questions

> too. I look forward to getting to know alot of you!!!







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 I believe we have had a slight misunderstanding as I live in Ontario

California not Canada but that doesnt mean we cant still be friends :)








curball2002 <curball2002


Fri, December 4, 2009 6:52:43 AM

Re: Introduction



Hi Amy, welcome. There are many Kundalini friends up in Ontario. My hometown is

there, Walkerton. I was born in Toronto. Where are you? Maybe some others will

say hello. I hope we can visit up that way with next year as well. If we

had the numbers maybe we could even get a seminar in Southern Ontario near



be well, bradly


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , Amy Lampron

<jernie456@. ..> wrote:


> Diane Thank you for your welcome. I live in Ontario Where are you close to



> Amy














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Hi Zach and all the other new member who I have not had a chance to give a shout

out to...


so SHOUTING...GLAD TO SEE YOU! (or should that be read you)


Jump right in whenever you feel comfortable, we all love getting to know you and

hearing about your experiences!




, zach nelms <znelms



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Caitlin,

Welcome to the group, and thanks for sharing of yourself. You're in a place of

love and understanding. May you enjoy your learning experiences,

Love, Sandra



, " gcaitlin "

<gcaitlin wrote:


> Hey everyone,

> My name's Caitlin, i'm 17, and im Neil Gilchrist's daughter, who introduced me

to this group.


> Just introducing myself to the group. I'm not activated, but i have a great

interest in kundalini. Have always been interested in senses beyond the 5 since

i was a kid. Find it all very fascinating and interesting to say the least. Have

had many past experiences involving the strange and " unexplained " . :)

> Such as seeing a spirit or pre-emptive dreams or other such

senses/experiences. Have had out of body experiences/lucid dreams but they are



> However, lately, the last 1.5-2wks iv had mainly hot flushes/sometimes cold,

similar to when your feverish with the flu. Couple nights ago, heard scratching

at my door (it woke me up), 3.00 am. Thought it was the dog, Sasha, who

frequently wants to be let in and out, but not at this time. Opened the door,

nothing there. Dad thinks it might have been shakti meteophorically knocking at

the door. Also the other night, heard something fall banging

> down hitting my wall unit. Turned on the light - nothing on the floor couldnt

find anything. Got a horrible flu for 1 day/2days, all dizzy and hot and cold

and feeling sick but it passed quickly so im not sure.

> Wednesday night had the strangest " dream " except it wasnt - i cant explain it.

I just remember this image of little gold bits, small, all connected against a

black background as such. And i remember waking up various times and " knowing "

that 'the spirits (nature spirits) are about tonight', though i wasnt very


> Any thoughts (about the " dream " )?? Especially Chrism?


> Last night hoped for a better sleep for christmas but woke up, had to take

jacket off, was really hot all over, expecting to feel sweaty to the touch

except my skin was cold. Took for ever to almost fall asleep. Heard this whiring

sound in my ears (recognised as a noise prior to astral travelling as iv heard

it before). Stopped it -was too tired jus wanted to sleep. This happened

numerous times in succession before i fell asleep. I had this " whiring/rushing "

sound before in one ear, a couple of days ago during the day randomly for about

7 seconds, then it stopped.

> So yeah this has all come up very suddenly and almost in succession i think.


> Thanks :) sorry theres alot of writing!

> Best of wishes and a Merry Christmas.


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Thanks for your welcome :) and your thoughts. I appreciate it,




, " caraleen98 "

<caraleen98 wrote:


> Dear Caitlin,

> Welcome to the group, and thanks for sharing of yourself. You're in a place of

love and understanding. May you enjoy your learning experiences,

> Love, Sandra



> , " gcaitlin@ " <gcaitlin@>


> >

> > Hey everyone,

> > My name's Caitlin, i'm 17, and im Neil Gilchrist's daughter, who introduced

me to this group.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome RK Palta...it's an interesting journey.


Carla from Canada.


2010/1/25 notshowboating <jennifer.burgueno




> Welcome Kumar! We are glad you are here.


> Jennifer






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Welcome. You will find many interesting and informative articles on the main

web site and also you can access topics in the group message search area at the

top of the message page - up to last March - is still trying to redo the

search engine.


Also the protocols that chrism encourages are the mainstay of the KAS program.

With these protocols you do not really need anything else - they are stand

alone. You will have to decide what works best for you.


As you read and wonder please post your concerns and ?'s here. The group members

are all in different areas on their journey - many here are very versed in the

happenings of the Kundalini process. And we are all willing to share our

learnings and answer ?'s.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Pat!

You are among friends here :)


A shaktipat is coming up in March.

To be a part of the shaktipat you must post permissions for a scatterfield to be

placed on you and for the shaktipat to be recieved. You must also practise the

safeties which you can find on the group website.


A head shot photo of you must be uploaded to the Vernal Equinox Shaktipat 2010

file, and it must show both of your eyes :)


Love Caitlin

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, " lodge.patricia "

<lodge.patricia wrote:


> Hi everyone


> My name is Pat. I am new to the group and still trying to learn how to use

all the features in a . I meditate regularly and am interested in

getting Shaktipat when it is available. I hope to learn a lot more about

Kundalini with this group.



Thanks for the Welcome guys. I spend so much time reading this site I barely

have time to give input but I love all the information this site has to offer.

Blessings to all of us.

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Scott: have you ever heard the term " deshi " used in martial arts to denote an

assistant? Ajna Cari is a term chrism is using to denote an assistant. Brad

and Caitlin are new I have been around for a time. We each will have our

designated duties as found in any business or program. I also hold the title of

secretary. When I am promoting the program it is easier to relate to others if

I can use a known title to introduce myself.


My opinion is that chrism is building his task force in a more visible manner.

There have been and are many who do service for chrism and the program. And I

am heartfelt grateful for their time and efforts. The three of us are/will be

in the frontlines so to speak and will offer service in ways that promote the

program and help with many functions. chrism can address any ?'s when he

returns or gets back on from the trip. Or feel free to ask me. I love

discussing the program and its components.




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