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Cleansing and the Doshas

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Dharamji, you are correct concerning the Doshas and cleansing (fasting). Vata energies do not enjoy or benefit from such dry diets. Also cleansing foods are given to us by the seasons. Beets, spinach, kale, etc.,those foods that are seasonal are best for removing winter ama. In the winter the shrotas shrink making it more difficult to release toxins. In Ayurveda ongoing cleansing rituals and ritucharya (seasonal ritual) are employed. For example the daily morning oil massage abhyanga releases toxins on a daily basis (very enjoyable as well a hugely beneficial!) Adding a dry friction massage or Garsana works more deeply at this Kapha time of the year to remove heavy ama. Followed by Abhyanga of almond oil (or medicated Kapha oil)As toxins are removed daily a natural balance is restored and the elimination and detoxification organs become more intelligent and are able to detoxify the body more efficiently on a day to day basis. Nasya is very important for rejuvenating and aiding the nose, our first line of defense against air borne toxins, pollens, dust, etc. Applying a few drops to the nose each morning while massaging the Ida and Pingala works wonders! Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel tea (all in seed form) is a wonderful cleansing tea. To those of you that have been to Dr. Lad's Institute this is his CCF tea. Tulsi has a energetic vibration to cleanse the physiology of environmental toxins. Of course Pancha Karma is recommended as a Spring Cleansing Ritual with lots of Mung beans and Rice. Each Season has it's own energy which is why following the intelligence of Nature by eating cleansing foods that are seasonal is so beneficial. All this to say, yes I believe the melon fast would highly benefit Pitta Season(summer).

Blessings in Health!

Guru Ravi KaurAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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