Guest guest Posted April 25, 2007 Report Share Posted April 25, 2007 Have you taken action regarding the threat to alternative choices for your health? If not, please read and consider the best response for you personally. Any of us may not agree with everything presented here. I do have personal experience with give a government agency an inch and they'll " regulate " the entire arena. Thank you for considering. Sometimes Size Really DOES Matter It is 4:26 AM and I am writing this to you so I can get this email update on the FDA anti-CAM Guidance out to you before we leave to attend the upcoming Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL). The Natural Solutions Foundation has submitted 3 official comments to the FDA on agenda items which are on the CCFL docket and will make those available to you in the next few days along with on-the-ground updates. But right now we have a short window of opportunity during which to make our voices heard in the halls of the FDA so we need to focus in on the Cam Guidance which the FDA maintains is merely a restatement of the law but which distorts and extends the law in ways which Congress never intended or authorized. The fact that this document comes from very high up in the FDA, from the Office of Policy and Planning is quite ominous. But the fact that new categories (such as " CAM products " are being created and the concept of regulation based on intent (that is, the " off label use " of foods to heal or cure, thus turning them into " untested drugs " is much more ominous. Labeling all natural practices as medicine and turning therapies (allowed by non physicians) into treatments (permitted only by physicians) is even more ominous. Think about the harm and mayhem brought about by " regulated " , supposedly " safe and effective " pharmaceuticals and the real safety and effectiveness of natural health procedures and products and you see the game very easily: this is a competition squash. Nothing more, nothing less. But the 'squashers' have huge resources and the 'squashees' have only their voices and their ability to wage this battle creatively. I, for one, do not intend to be either squashed or silenced in this battle and neither do the 315,257 people who tried to use our site to send their comments ( a/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7185) to the FDA on the Guidance so far. Of those, 128,695 succeeded and the others have been referred to our back up plan which we are calling " Plan B " ( a/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11143). Bigger IS Better Here! Before I post a highly significant document on this issue, I want to make a comment: Size Matters! In many areas, as we all know, size is immaterial. Public comment to government agencies is definitely not one of those no-size arenas. The bigger the response, the more people who participate, the more collective impact their voices have. One voice is nearly inaudible to unelected bureaucrats. But a huge public outcry is easily heard. In preventing the FDA from carrying out what appears to be a well crafted sneak attack on our health and health freedom, it is imperative that the outcry be deafening. We are on our way there, but we are not there yet. If you have submitted your comment, made a promise to yourself to help 10 more people submit their comments through the site (which we have been told by the FDA has the only reliable link for electronic submission). You may also find it interesting that we were told by the office to which these documents make their way that written documents are not tabulated, but are merely made available to the public for reading in the FDA reading room! If you have not done so, please join the 128,695 people who have already submitted their comment through the Natural Solutions Foundation website ( by clicking on the link that says " Take Action Now! " ( a/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7185). Who Would Break Our Links? Because this link has been broken and repaired over and over, at least 187,253 other people have been prevented from submitting their comments, too! Hmmmm. Who would do such a thing? Any guesses? More Time for Public Comments The Natural Solutions Foundation submitted a request to the FDA for an extension of the comment period on Monday of this week which was denied on Tuesday! Do you know of anything else in the FDA that works that fast? What does that tell you? While in their letter of denial the FDA side stepped the issue of whether the real end of the comments period is April 30 (as stated in the CAM Guidance) or May 29 (as stated in the Federal Register on February 26) the time is short and may be very, very short. Therefore it is really imperative that you and everyone you know acts now! The Department of Policy and Planning has created this distortion of the law and can well use it, after the comment period is over, to attack every natural health option and product. If that is OK with you, don't do anything. If, on the other hand, you value both your freedom to make your own choices about health matters and your access to natural modalities and products, now would be a really good time to engage in a full court press for freedom! There has been a lot of cross talk on the internet about what the real threat of this Guidance actually is and whether the bland and soothing language (and interview by Philip Chao, the FDA employee who is in charge of the Guidance) and the fact that Mr. Chao assures us that he is " not Darth Vader " is really a meaningful assurance of safety. There is a huge difference between the way such documents are written and what they actually say and the input of an experienced expert is of great help in deciphering it. Here is the latest " threat assessment " prepared by Ralph Fucetola, a lawyer who specializes in regulatory matters and who is therefore very well acquainted with how the FDA uses seemingly benign language to push the limits of enforcement and oppression of pharma-free therapies further and further. CAM Practices, Products and FDA Regulation: Updated Threat Assessment Commentary by Ralph Fucetola JD - 04/24/07 The US Food and Drug Administration is a confusing and confused agency, charged with administering federal controls over foods, drugs and medical devices under a patchwork of laws and regulations that have drastically increased costs to American consumers and slowed health care progress, without demonstrable safety benefits. It is therefore inevitable that many actions taken by the agency are likely to do more harm than good. Such is the case with the proposed Complementary and Alternative " Medicine " (CAM) guideline that the agency proposed at the end of December, public comment period to extend through April 30th. You can go to to make your comments. Over 128,695 have done this through April 24th. It is true the FDA anti-CAM guidance merely restates the existing law [as FDA sees it] -- that, if you intend to " treat disease " with a CAM product, that product (for example, says FDA, a " juice " ) is a " drug. " By codifying this in a guidance document, FDA is setting the stage for another push to control and restrict CAM practices. The FDA uses the term " CAM product " in the guidance, although Congress has never defined such a term. The agency seeks to create a " status " of being a certain type of product when all Congress has authorized is that the FDA can regulate certain products " intended " to " treat disease. " Of course, the responsible FDA Senior Science Advisor did say, in a very recent interview, this is not FDA's " intent " and using " CAM Products " is just a matter of convenience. Of course, as good Americans, we should all believe exactly what the FDA tells us; trust the agency's intent; shut up and take all our prescriptions. In addition to telling us that a juice intended to " treat disease " would be a drug, a careful reading suggests even items used in religious healing ceremonies could now be subject to regulation as drugs or medical devices. Holy water, anointing oils, prayer beads, rosaries, sweat lodges and even religious paintings or icons could be classified as drugs or medical devices and essentially outlawed by the FDA. Does this sound absurd? Well, it is absurd! Certainly, all this appears a bit less absurd if we are considering using an herb or dietary supplement to stay healthy. Says the FDA, if any supplement is used to treat a symptom, then it is a drug and will be regulated by the FDA, just like any prescription drug. The FDA does give us a little hope -- the supplement will be exempted if it is " generally recognized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs, as safe and effective for use under the conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling. " This is essentially the same standard used for substantiating drug claims. In 2004 the FDA gave us the standard for making claims about foods and dietary supplements: " FDA intends to apply a standard for substantiating claims for dietary supplements that is consistent with the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) standard for dietary supplements and other health related products of 'competent and reliable scientific evidence'.'' Quite a difference! This is just one difference the anti- CAM guidance will codify. And after codification comes enforcement. All alternative practitioners should take note! In other words, your freedom to use a dietary ingredient as therapy that may benefit a condition will be at the discretion of FDA " experts " who will determine whether to regulate it as " medicine. " Given the abysmal track record of FDA experts, this could be really bad news. With so much latitude, I cannot predict just how far the FDA might go to restrict access to herbs, minerals and supplements, as well as other CAM the two biggest [problems with the guidance] are broadening the definition of " health claim " and the desire to pre-empt the states in the regulation of some health care issues " The health freedom movement began to take notice of the pending anti- CAM guidance in late March. At the start of April, I assisted one group, Natural Solutions Foundation, to write its commentary to submit to the FDA, with emphasis on what we see as the important distinction between " treatment of disease " and its non-medical alternative, under AMA Ethics Code Opinion 3.04, " therapies that may benefit. " The comments raised three demands: products. Many pro- health freedom groups are offering their concerns too. For instance, one commentator, Jenny Thompson of the HSI Newsletter suggested, " … [FDA] could take a widely used supplement off the market if the label states a benefit; such as using lutein to reduce the damage from age- related macular degeneration, or using chondroitin and glucosamine to reduce joint pain, or using probiotics to address digestive problems - the list goes on and on… " The AAHF (American Association for Health Freedom is concerned that " 1. A public hearing by the FDA before the finalization of the guidance. 2. Changing the title of the guidance to use the phrase " Complementary and Alternative Modalities " and not the prejudicial " Complementary and Alternative Medicine " as in the draft. 3. FDA recognize that " therapies that may benefit " are not the same as " treatment of disease " and do not have to be regulated as " medicine. " The organization then alerted its elist and asked its supporters to also file comments with the FDA, supporting the group's requests. We apparently touched a hot button issue; over the following week the buzz spread on the Internet Propelled by this strong public support, I believe we now have an opportunity to turn this FDA " end run " around and use it to protect CAM practices. We are now seeking support from members of the US Congress to demand that FDA hold public hearings before making the guidance final. If FDA fails to hold such hearings, it would be time for Congress to step in, hold hearings, and propose legislation to protect CAM practices from FDA action that would deny Americans access to alternatives. With John Galt, we want to say, " Get out of my way! " It has been settled law in this Country for over a century that medical regulations exist to protect the public, not to entrench licensed allopathic medicine to the detriment of all the evolving healing arts, which would refer to as " CAM practices " - though Traditional and Advanced Health Care might be a more appropriate term. " The state has not restricted the cure of the body to the practice of medicine and surgery -- allopathy, as it is termed, -- nor required that, before anyone can be treated for any bodily ill, the physician must have acquired a competent knowledge of allopathy and be licensed by those skilled therein. To do that would be to limit progress by establishing allopathy as the state system of healing, and forbidding all others. This would be as foreign to ours ystem as a state church for the cure of souls. All the state has done has been to enact that, when one wished to practice medicine or surgery, he must, as a protection to the public [not to the doctor], be examined and licensed by those skilled in surgery and medicine. To restrict all healing to that one kind -- to allopathy, excluding homeopathy, osteopathy, and all other treatments -- might be a protection to doctors in surgery and medicine; but that is not the object of the act, and might make it unconstitutional, because creating a monopoly. " North Carolina's Supreme Court in State v MacKnight, 42 S.E. 580, 1902 at p 582. As NSF's medical director, Rima Laibow, MD, has noted, " Throughout the world today people are looking to traditional methodologies and leading-edge CAM techniques because they offer alternatives to toxic, expensive drugs with their dangerous side effects, other invasive technologies of modern medicine, and un- manageable and unreasonable costs. This search for alternatives is protected by the fundamental right of individuals to communicate and learn; to heal and be healed. " You can read more about this issue and add your comments to the FDA through the Natural Solutions Foundation, a non profit NGO at and submit your comments from the home page. Since the FDA Dockets Supervisor tells us her 9 member staff is overwhelmed -- apparently the system crashed and only about 128,695 of the over 315,000 people who have tried to post comments have succeeded so far - we have now made arrangements to email directly to the FDA and expect all future comments to get through, so if you did not succeed last week, please try again. This Monday morning, April 23rd, the Foundation formally filed a written request with FDA for an extension of time to file comments. Due (1) to the confusion between the April 30th deadline stated in the Federal Register and the 90 day comment period, from the date of publication in the Register, as stated on the FDA CBER web page, (which would put the deadline off until May 28th) and (2) the large number of people who want to comment. On Tuesday afternoon, we received a letter from FDA denying the extension, failing to clarify whether April 30th or May 28th is the deadline, and letting us know, per the statute, the guidance, " does not create or confer rights for or on any persons… " the FDA representative did not say that it would not be used as the basis for actions against persons, or to justify the agency's expansive view of its authority. The last time Americans got this mad about health freedom, Congress unanimously passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) protecting our access to supplements. This time, we will protect our complementary and alternative practices; our vitamins, herbs, minerals and healing arts. We are " mad as hell " and " we aren't going to take it any more! " Ralph Fucetola JD Trustee - NSF And Then.... And here, to keep you will be fully up to date, is the letter we have just sent to the FDA seeking clarification and explaining why we are not satisfied with the denial of our request: Natural Solutions Foundation c/o Ralph Fucetola JD - ralph.fucetola 58 Plotts Road - Newton, New Jersey 07860 973-300-1519 - Fax: 300-5486 April 24, 2007 Re: FDA Docket No. 2006D-0480 Request for Clarification of Comment Period Dates Via Facsimile to: 301-827-6870 - Att: Ms. Butler Via Email: fdadockets Jennifer Butler, Dockets Supervisor Division of Dockets Management Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 (HFA-305) Rockville, MD, 20852 CC: Philip Chao - Senior Science Advisor Office of Policy and Planning (HF-23) Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Via Email: philip.chao Via Facsimile: 301-827-4774 Gentlepeople, Reference is made to the Federal Register, February 27, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 38, Page 8756-8757),, entitled: Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. This letter is further to my letter of April 22, 2007 and acknowledges the letter of April 24, 2007 over the signature of Jeffrey Shuren, Assistant Commissioner of Policy denying the Foundation's request for an extension of time. Mr. Shuren's letter did not clarify the evident confusion between the April 30th deadline stated in the Federal Register and the 90 day comment period, from the date of publication in the Register, as stated on the FDA CBER web page, , which would put the deadline off until May 28th. Which date is the correct deadline for comments? The Foundation may want to add to its comment or tell its members the correct information. Kindly inform me by return email or facsimile of the correct date. The Foundation reserves all rights. Thank you, Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee Cc: Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine, III (US Army, ret.) President - National Solutions Foundation Facsimile: 1 page. Time and Money Can you imagine how much time all of this is taking? You know the phrase, " Time is Money! " Well, it is. So we urge you to be generous with your money while you are giving your time freely (as we are) to make sure that health freedom is protected. Please remember that this is a long and costly war and we have only each other for support! Do you part to help us continue this fight to the successful conclusion so we can let health freedom ring! Make your tax deductible donation here! ( Now would be the best time of all! Yours in health and freedom, Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation Sat Nam. Heidi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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