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Come to Summer Solstice!!!

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Sat Nam.


I would like to personally invite you

to make the commitment to attend 3HO's 2007 Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration.

As the Master said, " revolve your life around Summer and Winter

Solstice, and everything else will be taken care of. " The dates

are from June 15-23 and Scholarships are still available. Send your

requests for more info to yogainfo and for scholarships to scholarships


3HO's Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration

is an opportunity to come together in community for a time of inspiration

and transformation. Although this experience is as individual and unique

as each soul who makes the journey, at the heart of it, this is a celebration

of the lifestyle based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan,

our beloved Teacher, left his physical body in October of 2004, and his

passing was simultaneously a long time coming, and a surprise as it happened.

He used to laughingly tell us, " when I am gone ... " but

still, I am not sure we could possibly be ready for that moment until it

actually happened. Even though we miss him, it is apparent that he is still

with us. One of his favorite sayings, " I am not the water, I

am the pipe. " His form delivered the message to us, and here in the

high desert of the Jeméz Mountains, on the sacred land of generations of

Native American tribes, we have the opportunity to drink deeply.


I have been coming to Solstice since

1973. I was about seven months old, and Ram Das Puri is my family's

home. We have lived many places, but we always return here. If

you see a little boy running around, more than likely trying to sell you

rocks, be nice to him, that was me many years ago. Besides, those

rocks will heal you, and the little boy can go buy a treat. Our home

has changed some, an actual Tantric shelter instead of parachutes and straw,

there is lunch on the menu, and the toilets are actually nicer. But

the deep things are the same, we do Sadhana, create our camp through Karma

Yoga, and we all do White Tantric Yoga. The Gurdwara gives us a vehicle

to experience the Divine and the workshops allow us to develop our practice

and take new techniques back to our communities.


Start today and honor your personal

commitment to self-mastery by making the journey.


As a long-time Solstice participant,

I offer you a metaphor for the experience of your Summer Solstice Sadhana.

Think of your favorite Kundalini Yoga kriya, (for me that it Awakening

the Ten Bodies.) Each kriya is practiced as given by Yogi Bhajan,

we do not add anything, we do not subtract anything. You might modify

an exercise, or adjust the length, to allow for your own point in the journey,

but the kriya is pure. Solstice is also a kriya. The different

components are the exercises in a set. The diet is an exercise, being

in this challenging environment is an exercise, living with so many different

people with different attitudes and values is an exercise, morning sadhana

is an exercise, White Tantric Yoga is an exercise, Karma Yoga is an exercise.

The Summer Solstice Sadhana Kriya is designed to remove you from

your comforts, break through your blocks, and inspire you into a transformative

experience. I can tell you, it just works.


So, practice your Solstice Sadhana,

modify the postures and adjust the times as necessary, and keep your intention

on the transformation you want to create in your own life. And of

course Keep Up! As the Master taught, the only thing that is guaranteed

is an experience. So set your intention for a beautiful, powerful,

transformative time, and then be open to whatever the Universe gives you.



In Service,


Sat Sang Khalsa

3HO's Solstice Manager

(505) 367-1345

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