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the yoga cloud

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dear ones~~my hips are a shaking and my heart is a quaking with peace and love


yummy turtle dove... love and light~~kala


Written 4-27-07


to see the artwork go to http://360./kalasbliss


Recently, I became aware of a significant phenomenon, I will hereby dub it the


CLOUD. Each morning I would sit down in the same place and complete a yoga


that I had been doing since graduating from Kundalini yoga teacher training. The


would be a beautiful yoga cloud that would envelope and surround me at all

levels keeping

me in peace and harmony. I would glide gracefully through my day in a neutral


blessing all and appearing at least on the inside as a saint, elevated and

blissful. It was my

secret weapon, this cloud of light, and allowed me to stretch and expand

exploring various

feats of strength and going through very rough life circumstances without a

scratch. It

really did save my life and sanity more than once.


So, being a creature of curiosity, exploration, and frequently boredom, I

decided to test

the yoga cloud theory and suspend the practice for the greater good of my being.


rationale behind this was that I needed to find out and reacquaint myself with

who and

what I was under this cloud. Was I glossing over my human self and using a fake

façade to

operate in the world? Was I pushing myself unnecessarily into situations that

were too

large for me to handle with the perceived protection? Was I really that

spiritually developed

without the blissful armor? Could I function on any level or had I become

dependent on

that sweet rush of energy that I felt rise up my spine and fill my cells with


passionate ardor?


I benefit from this energy experience of Kundalini yoga immensely and it is an


part of my life. Many years ago, in a workshop I drew a picture of myself with

many beings

attached on a golden chain going up into the clouds. My art had foretold for me

about 15

years ahead of time the connection to the golden chain. I saw the majesty and

enlightenment in my drawing and although I could not articulate what it was, it


supportive and very real.


Every time though I would log onto my computer site at myspace, I would see this

link that

said " yoga dangers " . So one day I went to the site and investigated for myself.

Being the

sacredly mad and open kundalini woman that I am, I could see how an internal


could be misconstrued and frightful for those who only have linear or fear-based

reference. Imagine if you are closed and clamped down in all ways of your life

and them

suddenly this wonderful energy starts to move inside of you and open up feelings


experiences that you have no way of processing because your mind so focused on


micro-portion of reality. You would be freaking out in your rigidity and

stupidity, because

that is all you know up to this point. You have disqualified anything else but X

and Y and

Z, all else being hypocrisy.


More importantly though, people are supposed to be on certain paths and these

paths are

not for anyone else to preach about. They are supposed to each have unique


They are supposed to reach and teach whom they are destined to. Each one of use


moving up and open like a flower blossoming. For some it is happening and a way


think to stabilize this opening is to point at what the other is doing and say,

" That is not

the right way " . Do you think that in that pointing they have lost or found the

true Christed

force? That certainly is not for me to say.


All I can speak about in truth is what is happening inside of me. For me, yoga

is the

POWER ON button. Yoga is a washing machine. Yoga is a cell vibrator. Yoga is a


booster. Yoga is a protective force of light. Yoga is a home away from home in

this valley

of tears. Yoga is a way to become re-un-organized when the chaos is too much.

Yoga is a

friend, a lover, a soul mate. Yoga is there for me whenever I want to embrace.

Yoga is

something everyone practices when they invite their soul into each experience.


happens when you make the sign of the cross. Yoga happens when you preach from


heart and soul. Yoga happens when you say Christ the Lord, I love You. Yoga is

union of

your little heart with the heart of all creation. Yoga is and will always be

unto infinity the

truth. Yoga is the golden Christed Force breathed sacredly through all the Gurus


Sikhism and given to us, the wild children in the garden of chaos wanting a clue

on how to

open the hearts of all men with great love.


When all those who have made grave mistakes and are caught and tried, instead of

sending them to prison or burning their hide, send them to my door, I will take

them in. I

will make them do yoga to repent from their sin. Do not hunt and kill those who

are giving

us a tough lesson, give them to me and I will show them the true blessing of

harmony. In

my class I would like to see all the Poly-Tics of infamy. For all of life in

sacred and true. In

no way are you lesser or greater than you know who. Forgive and make a better

effort and

all will be cleared. Do not use the same weapons and fear. Yoga is an answer to

all who

ask HOW? It is much needed and necessary in this time and space of NOW.


Oh, and in case you are wondering, I love what I see in me without my cloak of



I would like to thank all the higher beings of light that assisted me with this

mixture of

ideas on how to improve and connect through love and light. We must just stop

the fight.

AHO and so it is in Love and Light.



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