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A Recycling Culture: We are ONE

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Written 4-28-07


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Energy is never lost or destroyed. As far as we know it merely changes form, so


concept of recycling, on any level of consciousness, is about to become a huge

answer to

how we give birth to our new earth. RE ~ CYCLING, if you examine the word, holds

a key of

power for it is an energetic intention of moving upward in the spiral of life.

That makes

recycling one of the basic building blocks of a heart-based life. We are all

unfolding and

opening as a planetary culture through our individual experiences and each of us

get the

power of CHOICE to say when it is time to JUXTA move ® around the circle of

birth, death

and rebirth upward to infinity. Life is not happening to us, we are making life



My dear supervisor at work keeps reminding me 1) i am an odd child (hehehehe)

and 2) to

let go of the dead weight I have inflicted upon my life by finishing the final

paperwork for

my divorce, 3) then I would be freed somehow. However, the energy of the


has not ended and it cannot magically disappear as some sort of mistake, never

to be

mentioned again. It is not a one night stand. I have a daughter with this

person, so the

relationship; although, it had entered a deep plutonic death phase to strip away

all that is

no longer for the highest good (and there was a long list of things that had to


transformed and redefined) has to continue and evolve at a different higher

level. It is kind

of like our relationship with each other and with earth.


So, it was intially rebirthed in a haphazard shadow manner through the courts

and fights

and turmoil as a team effort to help meet the basic needs of a child without the


parents totally falling apart and/or killing each other. The cycle of violence

has ended.

That is a big deal. It is still far from perfect as it is only in its roughest,

crudest stages due

to the two players' crap, but it works. It has to. Our survival depends on it.

It has been

recycled through the cosmic forces and renamed and now functions basically in


chakra mode.


Soon, it will start lifting higher to the second chakra. The sprinklings of

light will begin as

a sharing of the pleasure of raising the child. There will be mutual support so

that each

partner can go and have more fun. There will be a radical acceptance of the


partners and a focus on all being able to just being happy for once.


At the third, there will be a surrender of power and control and domination: a

metaphorical laying down of arms. There will be a new unspoken principle that

each side

will strive to will live by: To respect and uphold the other's human dignity and

life choices

so a powerful central force of true strength and mastery can be planned: PEACE




When the relationship goes to the heart, then each will start wishing each other

well. We

will pray for each other and say genuinely caring things. We will respect and

share about

the daughter's needs more and allow true compassion to grow. There will be

acknowledgement of the pain of the past, but a deep and abiding forgiveness.


The expressions will move to a place of gratitude as the fifth chakra rings

clear. Random

acts of kindness by all parties will start to appear. We are now sharing and

more open and

free. Realizing that supporting each other through healthy sharing is our



For as we move to the seat of deep knowledge near the brow, we realize that each

of us is

just doing our best to live in the NOW. Taking the wisdom of the heart and using

it for our

child we know what is right and our inner council we do follow.


As we go higher and higher healed at each junction, we move to a state of flow


extreme unction. At the crown center we learn to anoint deeply with great

sacredness and

connectedness each word, thought, and gesture from one soul to another. For now


fully intend to connect and flow in harmony ~ you being you and me being me. our

beautiful daughter is freed. all from this the journey on the rainbow bridge of

light. We

forgot how to fight. That is what is called doing it right. TRUE JUSTICE. I

choose this NOW

with all my heart.


Each moment we live in this body of ours is but a choice. Will we rise and

change with

great love and light? Will we stop using expired past references about each

other to make

choices today? Will be take the energy instead and use it in a constructive and

loving way?

Will we allow for the natural unfolding of each of our hearts? Will we stop


conspiracy like a bunch of paranoid old farts?


Let's recycle EVERYTHING to a new level indeed. Let's take our brilliant minds

and apply

them to the game of final earth destiny. For all of us care, the young and the

old, the poor

and the rich, the hot and the cold. We are all on the earth continuum swinging

away. Let's

move up, down, around, in spirals singing as we play. Now is the time for each

one of us

all to really love this great big earth ball.


I would like to thank all the higher beings of light that take away my blinders

each day and

make me eat large doses of humble soup. For I am now ready to really heal all of

my poop.

Angels, take it away and allow for it to return in a much better way. DEEP, DEEP

healing to

each and to all. This is my mission in life to call it all: ONE.


And So It IS in Love and Light. Namaste Dear Ones.






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your friends and family. healingevolvement.com 's services and products are not


replacement for medical or psychological care. Copyright 2007 Kala Maitri. All


Reserved. You have permission to forward the entire blog entry as is or to

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