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Regarding the earlier posted cpourse program Non-Dual Experience through Kundalini Yoga - Bangkok Intensive

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In answers to questions re the course Program's "Technical aspects" versus "Talks" involving Religious Archetypes: (see attached)


The Kundalini Yoga Sadhana, and daily practice on one's own, in class or as a teacher, provides a means through which the Truth of one's being can be "recollected."


Often KY practice is taken to be separate from scriptural study, and how to study and understand scripture is not taught, even though we can read in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras that Study is an integral part of practice. Clearly for Yogi Bhajan, the 2 were not separate. However, he emphasized that practice comes first. The reason for this is that through practice, the body becomes capable of "hearing," a unique word denoting a "key" to awakening to the Truth, a Truth that engulfs us, which has become hidden through forgetfulness and ignorance.


If one studies scripture, including the lives of the Sages, Saints and Saviors and their words (Teachings) without practice, then the predispositions we have from stored impressions we project as our idea of who we are in relation to a separate world interpolate what we read according to those views, views that are so binding, we cannot perceive in any way other than from those perspectives. So Teachings that are really the same, are taken to be different.


However, when we have a Sadhana and practice and that practice is done properly / correctly, then the voltage in the body gradually increases and becomes chemically supported and sustained, a process that only happens because impurities are distilled. These impurities, to a large extent, are the chemical encoding of impressions directed throughout the body, like the molecular coding of a computer chip. They are formed through a combination of repetition and various types of emotion, such as stresses we faced from which impressions (or "takes") have been made from before birth to the present. These impressions are what is meant by "bondage" and, therefore, the release of "Liberation."


But through the sets, kriyas, mantras and meditations of KY practice, the voltage that is built up, supported and sustained becomes grater than the chemical electric energy that binds the predispositions. The mind begins to become still and deep, and at the same time radiant to the point that the focusing mechanism of the mind begins to disengage. The result of this is that we begin to experience seeing within the field of light of pervasive consciousness where the subject is the conscious field in which images appear without distinction or separation. This means that we discover that the nature and sense of consciousness and being is not in the senses or the body, but that who and what we are abides in Itself as self-effulgent being.


Within this self-effulgent experience arises a force of discerning Intelligence, which is the reflection of the Self in the pure and irradiant mind.


In this condition, when we read the lives of the Saviors, Sages and Saints, what we are reading is the example and indication of the possibility to live as single spatial consciousness, especially as Their message is a constant reiteration that who and what we are is really That.


What happens then from the study of scripture by people that have a Sadhana is that instead of the mind going about its typical approach to compare and categorize information in the scripture to this or that other pro or con concept in the mind, there arises a sense of the mind becoming "completely stilled in poised consideration," like the image of a hovering eagle spying its prey. Suddenly, who and what you really are burns through the fog of the mind and recognizes Itself in the lives and words of the Saviors, Saints and Saviors, and you have a singular memory that pulses "I" as "I" - with a radical force of such illumining power that It entirely disengages any ideas or concepts formerly associated with the sense of "I." You feel it as an all-consuming isolation - grounding - consolidation - absorption, and at the same time you experience pervasiveness, timelessness. - The notions of conditions and causes to be and know This are far away from you.


All this to say that while the "Technical aspects of effective practice" are important, as they involve the feature of "Aradhana" or distillation of impurities, the Talks part is equally if not more important, because once the mind is pure enough, then just being told about the Truth will result in "Pradupati" or Crystallization, through which beginingless ignorance is at once eradicated, and you realize that who you are is unrelated to the images and impressions your own self-effulgent nature supports in the form of light and sense of realness. This Crystallization is taught in all Religions and is the real beginning of "a life in True Faith" and is called by all of them "hearing" - "recollection" or "reflection" and "perfect abiding."


This "hearing" is the moment of Truth in both yoga practice and Religion.


The whole purpose for the practice of KY is to get to this moment of transfiguration in which you experience and directly know: "I am the Truth" and "I am Consciousness Itself."


The Religions are providing a "map" to come to This Truth. The map is the beginningless Archetype of the True Man and True Woman, usually called the Way, whether in Hinduism/Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Sikhism, but due to the different periods in history, culture, language, etc, the Way or map may seem to be different, and due to the predispositions of the mind it gets interpreted differently, as history advances in isolated groups. The result is that the understanding of the map is often hidden and for those that have some inkling that there may be more to the map (spiritual seekers), quite often one needs to study the scripture of several religions to begin to truly understand the map into which one was born. Finally, though, it becomes apparent that even with study there remains the fog of predispositions that has to somehow be overcome, and for many the means is some practice of Yoga.


In ancient times, the Saviors, Saints and Sages, would on the one side exemplify and teach the Truth, but, as many could not "hear" It, they would also teach various practices of Yoga. These practices were often also sought by some as a means to power, the result being that as time progressed, the yoga's were taught only in distant confines, or held closely by families and certain groups in secret to a world in which the open expression of the Truth was opposed. In this modern world, the necessity to continue to keep these teachings hidden has dwindled, and as it happens, Yogi Bhajan, who grew up within one of these families and progressed well enough to be introduced and find the means to collect and practice these vast ancient teachings, reached a point in his life, where he realized that the time was upon us where these teachings could be disseminated openly. And we live in that time.


Within these teachings, which he disseminated in a continuous unrelenting daily flow of new information over 35 years is a core or hub, from which all the parts or spokes that form the whole or wheel of the practice, emanate. This core is to understand first the nature of the Self-Realized Being and their state, condition and experience of consciousness, and from there to understand the purpose and intent of practice to effectively bring about this experience of beginningless recollection within us.


Seen from a single point of clarity, the whole Teaching becomes succinct and purposeful, versus what may otherwise be taken for a whole hodge-podge of varied practices to no clear discernable end.


The world is Real because the Self is the world. The world we think is real though is not. It's a fabrication and projection of the unit mind, which has been imprinted on the world. The world that is real can be compared to the world that we create in dreams, where the dreamer both imagines a world and is also in it thinking he is separate from it. In reality we are not separate from the world that appears in the field of consciousness that denotes the sense of "I" throughout, but we have each made impressions that our light of consciousness projects on the world screen, wherein we draw those in that approximate our views and cut off or oppose those that do not. In this way each person becomes like an island or bumper car at a fair ground, each with our own tensioned view. There's really not much that can be done with the predicament we are in, because it is only there due to forgetfulness of who and what we are that has resulted in a limited tightly adhered to sense of identity. And ignorance of the Truth persists, because, even though told repeatedly, in Churches, Temples placed everywhere by the Archetype, we do not "hear" It.


The only thing that can be done is to make the journey back to remembrance, and this requires on the one side a process that assists in the disengagement of the encoding of imprinted images, for which KY properly understood and practiced in this process, is unparalleled, and on the other side we need understand, appreciate and continue the "constant reminder" of who we are, made available to us by the interjection into our limited world of the Archetype of the Saviors, Sages and Saints, whose lives and teachings are recognized by our True Self, a Self which is not different from the self we are now. This Self recognizes Itself as single, all-pervasive, non-dual, undifferentiated consciousness, in which the subject and object are never separate. This Self no longer adheres to the limited view of a self, where consciousness is thought to be based on sensory impressions of hearing, seeing, touching, etc, and the thoughts that spring up in relation to those, which together give the false notion that "I am (only) the body and the (thought and imaging) impressions of the mind."


Now, just as we have, through image imprinting, thought our ways into this limited view of who we and the world really are, there are ancient practices to also think our way out by imprinting the imaging of the perfected being and repeating "I am That" with various techniques that either through multiple repetition or emotion/devotion, begin to bring about a purified image that eventually becomes capable of "hearing." But, while this may be useful as a strategy, and it is what scriptural reading actually brings about through a process similar to an amnesiac being presented with reminders of who he already is, ultimately, what really needs to happen is that with the empowering practice of KY, there arises a "sudden, immanent/imminent poised sense of consideration," in which the mind and even the breath utterly stops and you become engulfed by the inward drawing sense of "I" pulsing as "I" which comes with a release of light that penetrates through the atoms and molecules of the body and mind, leaving you Transfigured, the experience that some call the Enlightenment of the Whole Body, which is really what Yogi Bhajan meant, when he said that Kundalini Yoga is the Totality of Being."


By the way, apart from the course program providing insight into the why the maps provided in all the Religions are the same, so that the one Way and the Archetype within our limited world, as a key to the Unlimited, is understood, everything that will be presented in the course program is already in the various KRI Manuals and YB lectures and videos, the only difference is that they are re-presented from the perspective of the core or hub mentioned above and in the attached flier.


I'll see if there is any interest in people taking the course, and if so, I'll try to send you some excerpts.









- pieter


Thursday, May 03, 2007 7:37 PM

Non-Dual Experience through Kundalini Yoga - Bangkok Intensive one weekend per month 4 months


Sat Nam,


See http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com home page for link below regarding Intensive.


Radiant Road to Reality Non-Dual Experience through Kundalini Yoga



Intensive flier: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/worddocuments/event/Non-DualExperienceThroughKundaliniYoga.pdf?OpenDocument


Course description: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/intensive/TheRadiantRoadtoRealityCourseProgram.pdf?OpenDocument


Cost: US $35 per weekend, 7:30 am to 6 pm, includes light fruit lunch, beverages and Manual of articles, sets and spiritual texts.


Accommodations and transport extra. Suggested categories of near by accommodations available.


Schedule: June 2/3 ; July 8/9 ; August 4/5 ; September 8/9


Weblink flier and course description also available by e-mail.


For more information or registration, contact pieter or pieter

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