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keeping our yogi diets pure

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We kundalini yogis are householders, and that term implies a

responsibility to help make society condusive to yogi living. With

that in mind, I share this invitation to protect your interests.

Although the deadline for public comments is May 22, I still would

submit a comment if I were you. Bureaucracies sometimes arbitrarily

will accept late comments.


Amar Atma




May 19, 2007


Short, [Not At All] Sweet and Urgent



Health and health freedom, like liberty, require constant vigilance.

And activism. Now is the time. Again.




The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), like the FDA,

continues to slash away at clean, healthy food, and this time the

public comment period has been reduced to an absurd 7 days.




Under the USDA proposal, thirty eight new " ingredients " will be added

to the National List. Only products which have been added to that list

may be added to organic products and do not have to be noted on the label.


These changes were announced recently and the public comment period

was limited to a totally irresponsible 7 days! That period ends May

22, 2007.


I just got home from international traveling (attending a Codex

meeting in Canada and lecturing in Sana Fe) not too many hours ago and

found this information in my email in box. I knew that you would want

to take action on this right away. Although the time is very short, it

is a matter of health importance to you and your family to defend your

food supply from the dangerous USDA.




USDA Wants More Non-Organic Ingredients in " Organic " Foods


The USDA serves its food industry masters very well. The drug

companies have embarked on a global campaign to degrade food quality.

It's name is Codex Alimentarius. Like the drug companies, the Agribiz

realizes that the worse the quality of your food supply, the more

money they make and the thinner your margin between optimal health and

illness. Their partners in this tragedy are the drug companies who

know full well that the worse your food, the better customer you will

be for drugs, chemotherapy and other highly profitable ways of

managing illness which is, after all, their business.




Codex is a drug initiative (recently endorsed by the Indian drug

makers association, for example) and the FDA, which increasingly acts

as if it were a marketing arm for Big Pharma, declared decades ago

(October 11, 1995, to be exact) that it will give preference to Codex

standards over American ones. Codex has degraded Organic standards and

the USDA is following right along. You can read the changes for

yourself in the National Organic Products list at

http://thefederalregister.com/d.p/2007-05-15-07-2388 .




Is This What You Mean By " Organic " ?


Although the Agribiz (including beer) companies (which so often

violate organic regulations) have been given months to lobby for the

changes in these proposed regulations. By contrast, the general public

has been given 7 days. These changes will, like Codex, degrade your

food and eliminate your right to know what is in that food. (The US,

by the way, consistently points out in Codex meetings that Consumers'

Right to Know issues have no place within the Codex context although

one of Codex' three mandates is to protect the health of consumers.)


Among the Big Agribiz friendly changes:


* Conventional hops (sprayed with pesticides, treated with

herbicides and even, perhaps, genetically modified will be allowed in

" organic " beer. Anheuser-Busch is reported to be lobbying hard for

this one, by the way.

* Conventionally raised animals (treated with antibiotics, growth

hormones, fed genetically modified feed, concrete, newspapers, chicken

parts and bones, slaughter house waste, etc., and subject to mad cow

disease (as organic herds are not) will provide their intestines for

" organic " sausage casings.

* Fish oil (a wonderful dietary supplement) which has never been

characterized or standardized would be permitted, allowing

sub-standard oils from farm raised, chemical laced, cancer-ridden fish

or poorly processed, mercury rich oils from ocean-dwelling fish would

be added without further purity requirements. All fish oils are

definitely not created equal. The proposed standards makes them that

way, however.

* Food colorings which may have synthetic, genetically modified,

chemical or allergenic components will be permitted.

* Ingredients like organic Lemon grass, Rice Starch, Beet Juice &

Whey Protein Concentrate are available in sufficient quantities to

allow stipulation that only organic grades be permitted. The new

regulations allow non-organic ingredients to be used without label

notification despite the availability of these organic ingredients.


Action Steps To

Protect Organic Standards -- and Your Health



Step 1. Send your public comment letter to the USDA by clicking here



to the USDA. Please do not delay. The Public Comment Period ends May 22.


Step 2. Notify your entire circle of influence that the UADA has once

again threatened their health and their health freedom and ask them to

use the link provided to send their comments. Send a brief

introduction in your own words and forward this email to our contacts.


Step 3. Ask your contacts to notify THEIR contacts of the urgency of

this request.


Step 4. If you or your contacts are not already on the mailing list

for future Health Alerts, Please sign up on our home page,

www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and urge your contacts to do so, too.


Step 5. The Natural Solutions Foundation believes so strongly in the

importance of clean, bio-available and health products that we have a

store devoted to exactly that: Organic supplements and personal care

products. Please visit www.organics4U.org (www.organics4U.org ) and

support your health and your health freedom at the same time.

Remember, your purchases support your health and the portion of your

purchase that supports the Natural Solutions Foundation is tax exempt.

When you make a purchase you receive an email documenting the amount

of your purchase which is a donation. Next year at tax time, that

amount may be deducted as a donation!




Thanks for your activism! This is a long-haul battle and we need to

keep fighting it whenever the attack comes!


Yours in health and freedom,


Rima E. Laibow, MD


Medical Director


Natural Solutions Foundation



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