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Sat Avtar Kaur, just a quick note for expanding lung capacity. It's an asana that is sometimes called "washing machine", but I call it "twists and shouts". You assume it by bringing your hands on the shoulders, fingers in front & thumbs in back, upper arms parallel to the ground, and Inhale as your twist to the left exhale as you twist to the right-- You can start from 1 to 3 mins. with powerful breath. I'd recommend starting slowly, allowing you spine to "warm" up, and then gradually increase speed and allow yourself to go a little futher around with each movement---end by inhaling to center exhale, pull all the locks (maha bandh) pushing the elbows back for 10 sec.+/-- , Or---Practice long deep breathing, increase the inhale each time and end inhaling as deep as you can and susspend the breath. Hope this helps--Jas Pal SinghKundalini-Yoga wrote: Kundalini-Yoga Messages In This Digest (12 Messages) 1a. Life and Sadhana Jot Singh Khalsa 1b. Life and Sadhana Francoise Le 2a. Re: Karma tejkaursac 2b. Re: Karma Nabil M Rizqallah 3. attention all Kundalini Yoga Teachers in New York/ New Jersey/Connec Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa 4. yoga from Near East, not Just South Asia; the year 2012 C. F. 5. I think I am allergic to chanting Sat Avtar Kaur 6. I

would like to suggest a change in terms, use of right words Sat Avtar Kaur 7. Kundalini Yoga mentioned in local magazine Sat Avtar Kaur 8. test DVamritk 9a. Re: Cure for tendonitis DVamritk 9b. Cure for tendonitis DVamritk View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1a. Life and Sadhana Posted by: "Jot Singh Khalsa" jotkhalsa jotsinghkhalsa Wed May 23, 2007 8:04 am (PST) find a way to get to bed earlier-get some vigorous aerobic exercise (helps to need less sleep,) eat cleanly and purely-no refined sugar. Drink lots of good water.Jot SinghIt's not the life that matters-It's the courage you bring to it.The Three Laws of ProsperityBe kind to everyoneNever speak ill of anyoneNever speak ill of yourselfYogi Bhajanwww.khalsakirpans.comwww.lifeknives.com Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 1b. Life and Sadhana Posted by: "Francoise Le" flemeur flemeur Wed May 23, 2007 12:48 pm (PST) Sat Nam to all,Once again ,I come to let any wandering sikhs going to solstice that I will be at the budget counter in albuquerque airport on june 14th late 10p/m; right after the flight arrives which is 10 p.m the car can take 3 more ;but I'm not sure how much luggage it will take...Jiwan Jot.Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on TV. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3) 2a. Re: Karma Posted by: "tejkaursac" tejkaursac tejkaursac Wed May 23, 2007 11:15 am (PST) Sat Nam Awtar,This question is different from the "Expectation" question I asked previously. The wrong was not done to me but to someone else I know.

I was the disinterested third party looking in and wondering how does this person (doer) keep getting away with crapping on everyone he comes into contact with and still smells like a rose. I was just curious about how karma works. No grudge, no expectation, just curiousity. I agree with the poster who said that some people are put here for us to learn from, to elevate us spiritually, so to speak. I have learned a great deal from this doer and I hope that I am growing spiritually from it. I look at this person and say, wow I hope I'm not acting like that too and if I am, I need to do something about it. My posts about expectations, spirituality and now karma were generated by observing this person in action. Guruganesha at a workshop said that we have billions of teachers to learn from. I agree with that!!Sat NamKundalini-Yoga , "yogahs" <kundalini_yoga wrote:>> > Sat Nam,> > > > A question. If someone does something that negatively impacts another > > person, but the doer of the action doesn't think that they have done > > anything wrong, does that person(the doer) accumulate karma (bad > > karma)? The wronged person is suffering from the actions of the doer > > and as an outsider looking in, I believe that the doer should make > > things rights since his actions caused the suffering. However, the > > doer goes merrily along justifying his actions. Any thoughts on > > this???> > > > Thanks> > Tej> >> Dear Tej:> > This sounds like a question you have asked before???> > The math of karma

is simpler than you make it. Whatever happens to> you is your experience and it is a gift to you whether you see it as a> gift or a curse, it is your responsibility to see the gift in it.> Don't expect that it is anyone's responsibility to make something> right that happened to you. If you have an expectation of someone else> fixing something they did, you're holding on to a grudge, and that's> hurting you! it dries up your system and drains you! It is important> to respect people's free will.> > Yogi Bhajan said "God only makes good things and if they aren't good,> you make them good!" or something to that effect.> > Even if a person was raped (I have met many women who have) it is> their responsibility (a path to freedom!) to find a way to no longer> see themselves as victim. No one else can do it for them. The best> that can be done is to show how much we

care and to help them find the> strength to tell the truth, to find their power... etc but with the> knowledge that we are all involved in a dance so we can each learn> from each other. And thus we learn that we have participated in the> dance at our own level. We cannot point finger. The rapist may have> been given the gift to experience what it is to abuse someone and then> to face their truth... and learn to live and forgive themselves enough> that they can turn it around do some good in the world. May they find> someone who has patience to support their awakening!> > Blessings, Awtar Singh> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (8) 2b. Re: Karma Posted by: "Nabil M Rizqallah" nabilriz nabeel586 Wed May 23, 2007 2:04 pm (PST) Dear Tej,By Veda's tradition,creation started when part of God [Mahad] wanted to experience the 'Ego', the essence of 'I am', [Ahamkar].If so,

'wrong doings & good doings' both are equally essentialto the experience God seeks.Actions, good or bad, are the will of God.Actions are function of space & time.The complete cycle of life is composed of:1-- the "world of action" [space & time] & , 2-- the "world of inaction" outside [space & time].The fruits of the 'world of action' are not exported to the' world of inaction'.Karma is a complex chapter of a comprehensive philosophy.It is not a mere action & reaction thing,or a link between past/present/future life.BlessingsNabil RizqallahBeirut Lebanon. Back to top

Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (8) 3. attention all Kundalini Yoga Teachers in New York/ New Jersey/Connec Posted by: "Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa" satkirin Wed May 23, 2007 11:19 am (PST) Jaap Baby!This Saturday May 26th at Golden Bridge Yoga New York2:30 pm SatKirin Kaur Khalsa is teaching a course onthe Naad of Kundalini Yoga Mantras. The special focus will be on correct pronunciation and thenatural rythym of the Mantras. This will be especially helpfulfor Kundalini Yoga teachers who want to brush up on their pronunciationskills. Also this is

greared for musicians who are composing music formantras.Golden Bridge Yoga NYC253 Centre St(between Grande and Broome above Canal)New York, NY 10013212-343-8191goldenbridgeyoganyc.com Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 4. yoga from Near East, not Just South Asia; the year 2012 Posted by: "C. F." cfroh cfroh Wed May 23, 2007 12:51 pm (PST) Sat nam, ji.In my studies two civilization compete for the oldest - the 3700 BCSumerians, and the 2900 BC Harappans (Indus River/South Asians). According to the translation of the clay cuneiform tablets by scholarSitchin, the goddess Inanna - called other names by othercivilizations, such as Ishtar - brought the yoga to the Harappancivilization. That's one theory. David Frawley disagrees in hisfocus on the ancient Vedic civilization.Below is the complete summary of Sitchin's translations of theSumerian ancient civilization. This is too fantastic to cut. Formore info, go to www.sitchin.com. For more on Frawley's Vedicinterpretation, go to http://www.vedanet.com/.P.S. Another reason to read what follows is kundalini yoga's inclusionof the discussion of 2012, both as the official beginning of theAquarian Age and as the time when the cosmic vibration will be suchthat kundalini yoga practice will be even more important than it is now.Enjoy,Amar Atma----------------1990 I met with Zecharia Sitchin when we appeared on a televisiontalk show, in Long Island, hosted by Bill Knell. I found Mr. Sitchento be one of the most informed people I had every met. The next timewe met was in 1993 at NYU where we lectured together on ancientastronauts and related information.Reality is myth, math, and metaphor - with a sprinkle of magic.Sitchen's theories - as with all others - is filled with metaphoriccontent - from 3600 years to Sumerian Gods creating a BiogeneticProgram. It's all part of the

alchemy of time and consciousnessthrough which we experience and evolve.BiographyZecharia Sitchin (born 1920?) is a best-selling author promoting theancient astronaut theory of mankind's origins. He attributes thecreation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Nephilim from Nibiru.He also argues that the asteroid belt was once a planet which theSumerians called Tiamat.Although his 'planetary collision' theory superficially resembles atheory which is seriously entertained by modern astronomers - thegiant impact theory of the Moon's formation about 4.5 billion yearsago by a body impacting with the newly-formed Earth - Sitchin'sproposed series of rogue planetary collisions post-dating the earlyformation of the solar system finds little or no support within thescientific arena.As with Immanuel Velikovsky's earlier Worlds in Collision trilogy,Sitchin finds evidence of ancient human knowledge of

rogue celestialmotions in a variety of mythological accounts. In Velilovsky's case,these interplanetary collisions were supposed to have taken placewithin the span of human existence, whereas for Sitchin these occurredmuch earlier, but entered the mythological account passed down via thepurported alien survivors of these encounters. In neither case aretheir respective interpretations of mythology held to be reliable bythe great majority of scholars in the field.Zecharia Sitchin was born in Russia and raised in Palestine, where heacquired a knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic andEuropean languages, the Old Testament, and the history and archaeologyof the Near East. Sitchin attended and graduated from the Universityof London, majoring in economic history.A journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives andwrites in New York. His books have been widely translated, convertedto

Braille for the blind, and featured on radio and television.Sitchinclaims that his research coincides with many biblical texts and thatthe biblical texts come originally from the Sumerian writings of theirhistory.TheoriesSitchin has recently put forth his own date for the next passage ofNibiru in the year 2085, but the date most talked about is 2012 whichmarks the end of the Maya calendar.Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology) isa central element of Sitchin's theory. He claims it was a tenth planet(twelfth to those who included the Sun and Moon) which followed along, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system every 3600 years.According to his theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was thetwelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon). Its catastrophic collision withTiamat, a planet that was between Mars and

Jupiter, would have formedthe planet Earth and the asteroid belt and comets.It was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien raceAnunnaki of Sumerian myth, who, Sitchin claims, survived and latercame to Earth. According to Sitchin, they subsequently geneticallyengineered our species, originally as slave animals to work in theirgold mines, by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus.Sitchin says some sources speak about the same planet, possibly beinga brown dwarf star and still in a highly elliptic orbit around theSun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumedorbital period of about 3,600 to 3,760 years or 3,741 years.However, scientists argue that a planet with such an orbit wouldeventually either develop a circular orbit or fly off into space andoverwhelmingly consider Sitchin's claims to be pseudoscience. Sitchinattributes these figures to astronomers of the Maya

civilization.However, a brown dwarf with a period of 3,760 years would be clearlyevident through infrared and gravitational observations.In a recentlypublished book, titled 2012: Appointment With Marduk, Turkishwriter/researcher Burak Eldem presents a new theory, suggesting a3,661 years orbital period for the planet and claiming a "return date"in the year 2012 AD.According to Eldem's theory, 3,661 is one-seventh of 25,627, which isthe total time span of "5 World Ages" according to Mayan Long CountCalendar system. The last orbital passage of Marduk, he adds, was in1649 BC and caused great catastrophes on earth, including the Theraeruption.Tiamat Planet TheoryTiamat, as outlined in the Enûma Elish, is a goddess. According toSitchin, however, she may have been what we now know as Earth, whenone of Marduk's (Nibiru) moons struck Tiamat and broke her into twoseparate pieces, on a second pass

Marduk himself struck the brokenpieces and one half of Tiamat was crumbled and became what we now knowas the asteroid belt. The second half being struck again by one ofMarduk's moons was pushed into a new orbit and created what we nowknow as Earth. Although most scientists argue that the scenario isimprobable, Sitchin's supporters argue that it would explain how theEarth's continents were divided and would also explain why the Earthis layered in sediments.AnnunakiSitchin claims that artifacts and documents from the great library ofAshurbanipal at Nineveh and other sources, show technology andadvanced scientific knowledge out of place for their time period. Thishe claims as proof for the following theory.According to Sitchin in his book The 12th Planet, the Annunaki wereextraterrestrials related to the Biblical Nephilim. He claims thatthey first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking

forminerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa.According to Sitchin, the "gods" of the Anunnaki were the rank andfile workers of the colonial expedition to earth from the 12th planet,also known later, through the Babylonians, as Marduk.Sitchin claims that ancient records report that a human civilizationin Sumer of Mesopotamia was set up under the tutelage of these "gods"and human kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the humanpopulations answering to the Annunaki. The Nephilim "gods" were thecommanders of the operation. The Anunnaki performed the menial labor,mining ores and building bases, while the Nephilim issued the orderssetting these tasks into motion. It was only due to an uprising by theAnunnaki against the Nephilim in protest of these conditions that theAnunnaki 'workers' revolted against their overseers. Because of thisthe Nephilim and Anunnaki came together in a project

to blend the DNAof Homo erectus with that of their own, thus giving rise to the Homosapiens. He proposes that fallout from the nuclear weapons used duringthis struggle was the "evil wind" that destroyed Ur c. 2000 BCE, asrecorded in the Lament for Ur.Sitchin's claims are strongly disputed by archeologists andastronomers. Nevertheless, they have proven popular reading if only asscience fiction, and they are a novel way of handling the enduringlegacy of Mesopotamian mythology and astrology. His series of bookshas led directly to other works of popular fiction, such as thesuccessful Stargate movies and TV films that have adapted his fanciful(and perhaps fun) theory that the Mesopotamian gods were in factstrange, resource hungry mortals. If not credible to mainstreamscholars, his theory is at least an intriguing interpretation of therelated phenomena of religious belief in the divine.Academic opposition to

Sitchin's theories focuses on variousfundamental questions that are not answered in his research. First, ifplanet Nibiru's orbit takes 3,600 years, then its aphelion would befurther away than Pluto. At such a distance from the Sun, temperaturesare so low that water would exist as ice, life as we know it would beimpossible. If a form of life can exist in such conditions, then itwould not be water-based and could conceivably perish at Earth's muchwarmer temperatures. Sitchin counters that Nibiru has an internallygenerated heat source.Secondly, if alien visitors to Earth created humans, then evidence forthis would have been found by now within our DNA. Since DNA sequencingis now cheap and easy, the conspiracy theory idea that our true DNAsequences have been suppressed would seem to be discounted, the ideabeing that since almost anyone can sequence our genes, if there wasany extraterrestrial DNA to be found it would

have been by now.Additionally, humans and chimpanzees share up to 99% of their DNA andthe remaining 1% is posited by to some to be of bacterial origin.Thus, present-day genetics fails to produce evidence that supportsSitchin's theories and more readily supports the idea that humansevolved through a series of DNA mutations from a precursor ape-likespecies.Sitchin counters that the 223 genes "do not have the requiredpredecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree". Citing the journals"Nature" and "Science", Sitchin holds that there is not a stronglypreferred bacterial source for the putative horizontally transferredgenes. Thus, these genes are of unknown origin.for more go to www.Sitchin.com* * * Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 5. I think I am allergic to chanting Posted by: "Sat Avtar Kaur" myralorey myralorey Wed May 23, 2007 2:02 pm (PST) The very minute I start to Chant, I start yawning, and yawning andsometimes I can

control it by sucking in enough air/ozygen. Its reallybad.What I would like to know is - are there any kriyas that work with thelungs and increasing a persons capacity to take in more air. I can'teven get through the one line "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" without runningout of air. My dad smoked cigars around me when I was little, and I washospitalized a lot, as a kid, with pneumonia. But it seems to me,lack of 'space' inside, as the lungs can't expand enough? I am notsure that makes any sense.Breath of Fire has been suggested. Are there any others?Thank your for your help and suggestions,Sat Avtar KaurBothell, WA Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 6. I would like to suggest a change in terms, use of right words Posted by: "Sat Avtar Kaur" myralorey myralorey Wed May 23, 2007 2:41 pm (PST) I was going to use the

word 'change of termanology', but I spellchecked it on google, and termanology seems to be a 'hip hop' group.Not what I was going to say.How about change of words. Kundalini Yoga is a wonderful technologywith an incredible capacity to bring all kinds of change into apersons life. One of the words, I am referring to is rigorous. I am not able topractice rigorous Kundalini Yoga. Some can.Even, 20 years ago when I asked a yoga person about this method andthey told me that 'you have to be in really good physical shape to doit". I did not check it out and I lost out. I am just suggesting that you advertise it as being for all people inall kinds of shape so that more people will think about it in adifferent light and maybe even check into doing it.There is a hugh elder population in this country that would reallybenfit from doing this type of yoga. If some of them knew thatthrough the

practice of this yoga, they could possibly get off of someof their medication and get a life back. They would do it. Our government seems to be 100% behind perscriptions drugs andeveryone should be on drugs and a lot of people have bought into thisidea and they feel stuck. If Yogi Bhajan's statement that 1000s of people are going to comelooking for this technology, this yoga, how are they going to knowthat it is for everyone in every kind of physical shape unless theyare told about it. Rigorously tell them about it. Sat Avtar KaurBothell, Wa Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 7. Kundalini Yoga mentioned in local magazine Posted by: "Sat Avtar Kaur" myralorey myralorey Wed May 23, 2007 3:30 pm (PST) Puget Sound Edition, May 2007, of Wisdom Magazine has an articledescribing the different yogas, including kundalini Yoga. This is afree magazine. Lots of yoga stuff.http://www.wisdom-magazine.com/Article.aspx?articleID=160Another article called Yoga Therapy which mentions a yoga

teacher inwheelchairhttp://www.wisdom-magazine.com/Article.aspx?articleID=158Leaving the Tribe is another article on discarding obsolete ways ofthinking and being and where that can leave a person. It also mentionsPluto the planet of transformation enters the sign of Capricorn in2008 and what this will bring. http://www.wisdom-magazine.com/Article.aspx?articleID=174Sat Nam,Sat Avtar KaurBothell, WA Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 8. test Posted by: "DVamritk" DVamritk Wed May 23, 2007 3:36 pm (PST) Amrit KaurDasvandh Assistant/Aquarian Times Ad CoordinatorTel: 505-367-1382Love and Be Loved! Back to top Reply to sender

| Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 9a. Re: Cure for tendonitis Posted by: "DVamritk" DVamritk Wed May 23, 2007 3:37 pm (PST) I forgot to mention there are also a couple of homeopathic remedies for tendonitis. Rhus Tox is one of them and I forget the name of the other one.Amrit KaurDasvandh Assistant/Aquarian Times Ad CoordinatorTel: 505-367-1382Love and Be Loved! Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (7) 9b. Cure for tendonitis Posted by:

"DVamritk" DVamritk Wed May 23, 2007 3:37 pm (PST) In regards to the Jalapeno milk Gurumustik mentioned that is good for depression. I did it for a while and you'd be amazed at how you feel afterwards. I'd blend a whole jalapeno in a little bit of milk and down it in a shot glass then it would burn for a few minutes and then I'd feel good.Amrit KaurDasvandh Assistant/Aquarian Times Ad CoordinatorTel: 505-367-1382Love and Be Loved! Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (7) Recent Activity 16 New MembersVisit Your Group

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