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Grinding teeth - snooring and other kriyas

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There are several powerful KY Kryias that involve grinding teeth. Many ancient practices included gringing teeth. When you grind teeth it pumps blood through and into the cranium depending on what parts of the cranium need to have blood. The body does a number of different kriyas on its own which are intended to move energy in various ways through the body. It might be that grinding teeth in sleep is no necessarily bad, or grinding teeth at various times in a state of concentrating the mind. Checking into these KY kriyas is one way to gain insight into the meaning of gringing teeth. Gurucharan would know some of these. Back in 1992 in Pumona, Yogi Bhajan taught a very powerful kriya that invoved the grindin of teeth and explained the power of doing so at that time. There must have been at least 100 people taking that course, as it was broken into 3 parts rotating each group through the 3 different powerful kriyas taught, one of them being a grinding teeth kriya, while the hands were in bear grip at the heart, left thumb pointed down, right thumb pointed up. The idea was that if the voltage became too great, so that the body would begin to shake (you probably all know what that means - electrical short circuit) then the observent teacher was to come over and press the right thumb down, which would stop the uncontroled voltage flow.


"Conquer yous mind first, by pressing the palm with the palm, gringing ther teeth with the teeth and twisting the limbs with the limbs." (Extract from instructions of Rama's Guru Vashitha regarding the practice of the Dissolusion of the Mind)


Another kriya that the body does, when you go to sleep is snooring. At some stage of sleep you feel all the tensions of the body dissolving and the awareness of the sensations in the body are relinquished, then the back of the toung begins to press to the back of the throat. What happens at that time is that the energy in the body withdraws into the ida and pingala and then from the ida an pingala into the sushumna and flows upwards, etc.. Yogi Bhajan explained to me back in April 1970 that this happens to everyone falling asleep, but most people are not aware of it. He called it "nerve vacuum" and exlained that it is not Kundalini in which all this is experienced in the walkng state and in which there is the flow of thousands of volts. Loud snooring means that there is a problem in the nadi system, but if you inhale and exhale smoothly with the back of the tounge pressed close to the back of the throat, you will feel the movement of energy flowing in the suchumna.


So, grinding teeth, snooring, and all sorts of other things that the body does were and are the basis for a number of different consciously practiced kriyas intended for opening specific areas of the nadi, chakra, physiology systems of the body. These were things that were figured out in ancient times by Maha Siddhas and brought forward and taught by Yogi Bhajan in modern times, as a means for the mind to be able to "hear" the Truth, "recollect it" and "abide" in and as It.

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