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poke, provoke, confront

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Sat Nam,


I see how 'tough love' can be useful but I agree that if I had a student who was sharing very personal material during a yogi tea get together after class, that I would talk to them later in a more safe and respectful space. I am not SURE that Yogi Bhajan could see the results of what he was doing before he did it. I am happy to see that he's a teacher with a style and power all of his own, one that can be useful and helpful to some but not to all. I believe and i think it has been harmful to some. I thik it is important for us to remember these teacher's are only human as well, although they may have evolved more powers and capabilities their shit still stinks and sometimes it stinks worse then ours! That's my experience with many gurus, and my understanding at present. I just hope people think for themselves and feel from their hearts so they know if it's in alignment with LOVE or not. Don't give that power away!


As a therapist I have been tempted to be this 'direct' with clients and I have been cautioned how harmful this can be. Now I admit, that's only a perspective but it's something to think about. Be that as it may, I question the master but I don't question what I've learned from him and what really touches my heart. Yogi Bhajan said he didn't want to be anyone's master and that he wanted to create teachers so why does he act like a master? Another question. It doesn't need to be answered, just a thought.


take care,

Ek Ong Kar SinghThey wish to flowerand flowering is beautifulbut we wish to ripenand that means being dark and taking pains. ~ Rilke

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Time for me to weigh into this discussion, which I find

interesting. Mostly because I don’t think we from the West understand

the concept of spiritual teacher from the eastern tradition. I include

myself in this. What I have learned to understand is that the teacher is

only the mirror.

My years of experience with Yogi Bhajan taught me mainly not

to judge him. I will admit sometimes his style was not the way I would

have preferred it or have done it myself, but he was who he was. He

always said he was a Saturn teacher—Saturn being the planet of oftentimes

harsh ways to learn a lesson. He rarely told students they were doing

well, and would often tell them after the fact where they had messed up or how

they could have done it differently.

He assumed if people were his students they would see the

lesson is what he was teaching and not evaluate his teaching style. He said we

should relate to the teachings not to him personally. True everyone

cannot learn from this style and might not want to. Many of us need a

more personal, supportive style. But when we could go to the place past our

wounded egos, could see and learn the lesson he was imparting there was great

understanding and leaps of growth. I have not read Tara’s book, but

I know her, and from your mail, you say that experience catapulted her to

learning self-acceptance. Maybe that was as far as her journey with Yogi

Bhajan needed to go.

Someone once told me that if someone told me I was an

ax-murderer or child molester or had some other horrible personality disorder,

it probably would not bother me because I would know it was not true. But

if someone told me something very minute, but something that resonated as truth

for me, it might bother me more. Thus the mirror concept.

Isn’t this spiritual journey fun!!!

With love and prayers, satsimran

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wow you are still in Shaktipad...how long does it last ;i'm worried for myself...

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