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Kirtan - mind cleansing

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Kirtana (from "Prakruti" by Robert Svoboda,

essential reading)


"A mind filled with fear holds onto it's fear tenaciously and releases

it only after consistent application of mental heat and oil, which is

Sneha, sincere affection. Mental inertia requires strenuous stimulation

to induce it to purify.


Of course, if the individual's mind is weak and the disorder is strong,

purification is unwise, as it will further weaken the mind. Then

balancing of Rajas and Tamas with the power of Sattva is first

essential. Men­tal rejuvenation is indicated in such cases.


When the mind is filled with Ama created from unsatisfactory

interpersonal relationships, fasting from cravings is a must. There is

even a mental Triphala to help scrape away the old Ama of selfish

attachments. It is called Kirtana, the devotional singing of God's

name. Even if you don't believe in a God with form, you can select a

name which represents whatever you do believe in, and repeat it with

devotion, allowing that force to enter and heal you. Kirtana is also

the best rejuvenator, because it helps us rectify our relationship with


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