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THE BUSINESS OF KUNDALINI YOGA - Teach More, Serve More, Earn More

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Teach More, Serve More, Earn More

4 Weekly Telephone Classes (Tele-Classes)

Wednesdays: September 12, 19, 26 and October 6

6:00 pm Central Time


Further your buisness savvy by signing up for a special four week

tele-class session with Shakta Kaur and GuruMeher Singh to your

skills in the Business of Kundalini Yoga (BKY).


Shakta runs a successful studio in Chicago, is interim President of

Yoga Alliance, and has a rich business background.


GuruMeher is the Director of Teacher Training at Yoga West in Los

Angeles, California, Yogi Bhajan's original yoga studio. He is also

a personal life coach ... he is, in fact, Shakta's coach!


In four weekly phone workshops Shakta and GuruMeher will guide you to

know your unique identity, your students and how to reach them. You

will learn how to immediately expand how much you teach and earn.

You will learn how to create a personal strategy for your yoga

teaching business and how to clear limiting prosperity beliefs.


You will receive a checklist to plan, start and build your yoga

classes/business. You will leave with your own business plan. And,

you will gather ideas worth $1,000's that will help you grow your

yoga business.


There are no pre-requisites for this tele-class series. There will

be homework to complete in between each week's class. At your

option, you may choose to have a personal one-hour consultation with

either GuruMeher or Shakta at the reduced BKY rate of $108. (This

offer expires October 3; afterwards, $150.)


To register for either the Business of Kundalini Yoga workshop or the

four BKY weekly phone sessions, go to www.shaktakaur.com or call 312-


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