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Vegetarian diets

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Hi everyone,


I am contemplating a return to a vegetarian diet. At this time I eat a

low fat diet with whole grains, veggies, fish and chicken. I was a

vegetarian for several years but then I found that I was getting sort

of spacey and I was ravenously hungry about 95% of my day. I put on a

lot of weight but still lacked energy. I think that I may have been

eating vegetarian foods of poorer quality. I did not analyze this at

that time. Since getting back to yoga and meditation I have been

planning how I would return to a vegetarian/vegan diet, only without

the pesticides and the refined starches. Perhaps a good reference book

would help.


This leads me to ask what effect this change of diet would have on my

yoga practice. Perhaps all of the KY breathing exercises that I now do

would mitigate any lack of energy from a change in diet toward a

vegetarian one. I like the idea of going vegetarian/vegan. Karmically,

I suppose, I wouldn't be eating all of the animals I think are really

cute. Also, I have heard that eating a vegan/vegetarian diet may be

helpful in ones meditation practice. Is this so?


Sat Nam



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Hi Fred,

You said......

" I found that I was getting sort

of spacey and I was ravenously hungry about 95% of my day. " Fred


Here's my suggestion....

I may shed some light on spacey and hungry, although you may already

have this part covered. Do you take vitamins? It is really important.

I have resisted in the past. B complex is extra important. That plus

GABA will help. Calcium, D3, Magnesium, Iron. Now, these are some

that I take for my female metabolism. It will be worth your while to

go the a vitamin store and read recommendations for men.


It is also important to load up on Heavy Duty Omega 3's first thing. I

found Hemp Milk at whole foods in with the Soy milk. It is so rich and

creamy. Tempeh is about the only meat substitute that actually gives

me direct and instant feeling of energy and satisfaction. You can eat

it raw or cook it because it is fermented already. Tempeh has tons of

protein. I really stay away from the easy carbs like pasta and bread.

If I go there, it is usually a Kamut or Quinoa based pasta and a

protein bread. I hope you have a TJ's, WF's, or other complete health

food store nearby. The large chain grocers overcharge for the good


Only in America can you by poisonish food in bulk and nutrient rich

food in snack size baggies.


Being a vegetarian is only for the truly intelligent and humble human.

It is the only " diet " that actually makes you think and be aware of

what you actually need to nourish your body.

One animal I sometimes eat is an egg. That is a quick boost and a

philosophical challenge to some. If I am going surfing or doing

anything really strenuous, I must have it.

I hope that helps.




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