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Accessing the Akashic Record

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Yogi Bhajan said in meditation we access the 9th Body - the " Subtle "

Body - turning mystery into mastery, accessing the Akashic Record.

Just what is this " Akashic " Record?




Akashic records

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning " sky " , " space "

or " aether " ) is a term from Theosophy denoting a collection of

mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. The

Records are supposed to contain all knowledge, including all human

experience, held in the Universe. The Akashic Records are

metaphorically described as a library and are also likened to a

universal computer or the 'Mind of God'. The records are supposed to

be constantly updated. The concept originated in the Theosophical

movements of the 19th Century, and remains prevalent in New Age discourse.


Description and explanation


A theosophical term referring to a universal filing system which

records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are

impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether).

In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle

of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air,

earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent

the five senses of the human being.


Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or

collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by

different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the

collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think

the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.


It is believed by some that the events recorded upon that akasha can

be ascertained or read in certain states of consciousness. Such states

of consciousness can be induced by certain stages of sleep, weakness,

illness, drugs, and meditation so not only mystics but ordinary people

can and do perceive the akashic records. Some mystics claim to be able

to reanimate their contents like they were turning on a celestial

television set. Yogis also believe that these records can be perceived

in certain psychic states.


Certain persons in subconscious states do read the akashic records. An

explanation for this phenomena is that the akashic records are the

macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function

similarly, they possess thoughts which are never forgotten. The

collective subconscious gathers all thoughts from each subconscious

mind which can be read by other subconscious minds.


An example of one who many claimed successfully read the akashic

records is the late American mystic Edgar Cayce. Cayce did his

readings in a sleep state or trance. Cayce's method was described by

Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum who for several years used Cayce as an adjunct

for his medical practice. " Cayce's subconscious...is in direct

communication with all other subconscious minds, and is capable of

interpreting through his objective mind and imparting impressions

received to other objective minds, gathering in this way all knowledge

possessed by endless millions of other subconscious minds. " Apparently

Cayce was interpreting the collective subconscious mind long before

the psychiatrist C.J. Jung postulated his concept of the collective



Believers in the existence of the Akashic Records assert that they

were accessed by ancient people of various cultures throughout

history. Despite this claim, there are not any direct references to

the Akasha to be found in any of the historical documentation of the

aforementioned groups. The term Akasha itself, along with the concept

of an aetheric library, originated with the 19th century movement of



Individuals who claimed to have consciously used the Akashic Records

include: Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey,

Samael Aun Weor, William Lilly, Manly P. Hall, Lilian Treemont, Dion

Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel, Madam

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce.


According to believers, the Akasha are the library of all events and

responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Every life-form

therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records. Any human

can become the physical medium for accessing the Records, and that

various techniques and spiritual disciplines (e.g., yogic, pranayama,

meditation, prayer, visualization) can be employed to achieve the

focused state necessary to access the Records.


Just as conventional specialty libraries exist (e.g., medical, law),

adherents describe the existence of various Akashic Records (e.g.,

human, animal, plant, mineral, etc.) that in their summation encompass

all possible knowledge. Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in

the area of human experience but adherents believe that all phenomenal

experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein.


Other claims about the Akashic Records include:


* The Records have existed since the beginning of Creation and

even before.


* The Vedas of Hindus and the language of Sanskrit itself were

extracted from Akasha. [citation needed]


* In Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high

standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream

interpretation. [citation needed]


* The Druidic cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England

(???–500 (est.)) demonstrated the ability to access the

Akasha.[citation needed]


* The Bible refers to the Akasha records as the Book of Life in

both the Old Testament (Psalm 69:28) and the New Testament

(Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 20:15 and

Revelation 21:27 " Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone

who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are

written in the Lamb's book of life. " )


Specific accounts of the Akashic records


The Akashic Records are referred to by Edgar Cayce, who stated that

each person is held to account after life and 'confronted' with their

personal Akashic record of what they have or have not done in life in

a karmic sense. The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life

which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven.


Jane Roberts in the Seth books describes a different version of a

similar idea when Seth asserts that the fundamental stuff of the

universe is ideas and consciousness, and that an idea once conceived

exists forever. Seth argued that all ideas and knowledge are in

principle accessible by " direct cognition " . Direct cognition shares

semantic congruency with intuition and allows for the possibility of

direct knowing without time elapsing and without knowledge needing to

be transferred e.g. in speech or text. This is similar to what Robert

Monroe refers to as rotes in his out-of-body book trilogy.


William Butler Yeats' A Vision describes Four Faculties which are four

levels of human memory; these can be considered the human section of

the Akashic Records. Every thought or action taken by every sentient

being every moment is both shaped by the totality of the Akashic

Records, and at the same time gives a little tug to the direction that

universal memory is heading in, just as each drop helps fill a bucket.


According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, the Memory of Nature

(Akashic Records) may be read in three different inner worlds. In the

reflecting ether of the Etheric region there are pictures of all that

has happened in the world - at least several hundred years back, or

much more in some cases - and they appear almost as the pictures on a

screen, with the difference that the scene shifts backward. The Memory

of Nature may be read, in an entirely different manner covering the

essence of a whole life or event, in a higher world, in the highest

subdivision of the Region of Concrete Thought of the World of Thought,

and, last, it may be read in the World of Life Spirit, covering events

from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, but only

spiritual adepts, spiritual entities and through grace is access to

the Records granted.


In Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy, the author claims to

have been abducted by supreme alien beings, that in one part of the

book guides him through something that is most likely the Akashic

records. The term they are using is Psychosphere. The author's

understanding is that the Psychosphere is like a " vibratory cocoon,

which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as

a blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering) absolutely every

event occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are

inaccessible to us on Earth - we have no way of `reading the story' "


The Urantia Book asserts validity and reality of these " Living

Records " in several accounts. In Paper 25 is found the statement- " The

recording angels of the inhabited planets are the source of all

individual records. Throughout the universes other recorders function

regarding both formal records and living records. From Urantia to

Paradise, both recordings are encountered: in a local universe, more

of the written records and less of the living; on Paradise, more of

the living and less of the formal; on Uversa, both are equally available. "


And in Paper 28:


" The Memory of Mercy is a living trial balance, a current

statement of your account with the supernatural forces of the realms.

These are the living records of mercy ministration which are read into

the testimony of the courts of Uversa when each individual's right to

unending life comes up for adjudication, when " thrones are cast up and

the Ancients of Days are seated. The broadcasts of Uversa issue and

come forth from before them; thousands upon thousands minister to

them, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before them. The

judgment is set, and the books are opened. " And the books which are

opened on such a momentous occasion are the living records of the

tertiary seconaphim of the superuniverses. The formal records are on

file to corroborate the testimony of the Memories of Mercy if they are

required. "


In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations

with a channeled " social memory complex " known to humans as " Ra, " when

the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the

answer received is, " We have explained before that the intelligent

infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or

octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway

to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the

potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term

your peoples have used for this is the " Akashic Record " or the " Hall

of Records. " [1]




Historically, the Akashic Records have been rejected by the scientific

community, due to a lack of any independently verifiable evidence.

They are also not generally recognized within the specific religious

traditions concerned (e.g., neither the Christian nor Vedic/Hindu

traditions generally recognize their scriptures and beliefs as being

rooted in the Akashic record, though specific groups or individuals

may to such a belief).

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