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Yoga suffers another political attack

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I'm all for yoga in the schools, but I'm also for parents having the

choice of schools that don't offer yoga. The more we politicize

schools, the more yoga (and other innovative services) will suffer

political attack like what follows. While many yogis would like to

avoid politics, I'm afraid that politics has no interest in avoiding yoga!





Public School Follies: Y Is for Yoga

By Michelle Malkin

CNSNews.com Commentary

October 31, 2007


Michelle MalkinThe surgeon general really needs to slap a health

warning on the New York Times. My blood pressure increases a few

points every time I read it. This week, the newspaper of record pimped

the Next Great American Education Fad: In-school yoga classes.


According to the piece, " Less Homework, More Yoga, From a Principal

Who Hates Stress, " the head of Needham High School in the Boston

suburbs is pushing " stress reduction " through better stretching and

breathing. Principal Paul Richards, who last earned nationwide mockery

when he ditched publishing the honor roll, is part-Oprah, part-Deepak

Chopra, part-Richard Simmons and all edu-babble.


" It's not that I'm trying to turn the culture upside down, " he's

quoted telling the Times " It's very important to protect the part of

the culture that leads to all the achievement, " he said. " It's more

about bringing the culture to a healthier place. "


And here I thought high school principals should make schooling, not

" bringing the culture to a healthier place, " their top priority. Silly

me. Welcome to your new Nanny State nightmare.


Yoga classes are now a requirement for Needham high school seniors. To

further ease the supposed burden on overworked students, Richards has

" asked teachers to schedule homework-free weekends and holidays. " Just

what we need to turn around those one in 10 schools that are now

considered " dropout factories, " huh? Can't cut it in the classroom?

Bend like a bridge, take five deep, slow breaths and all will be dandy.


Why stop at yoga? Tantric chanting, here we come. And, hey, Kabbalah

has done wonders for Madonna. Let's add hypnotism and acupuncture

classes while we're at it. Hot stone massages? Bonsai tree-clipping?

No Relaxation Technique Left Behind!


Some point to a number of tragic student suicides to justify larding

up the school day with Tree Poses and Sun Salutations. But the school

officials themselves admit the deaths were not related to stress. No

matter. Richards is using them to forge ahead with " a movement to push

back against an ethos of super-achievement at affluent suburban high

schools amid the extreme competition over college admissions. "


It appears there are now more than 40 other high schools and middle

schools that embrace the " Stressed Out Students " agenda. There's

another yoga curriculum popular in California, Yoga Ed., that has

trained 10,000 teachers in more than 100 schools nationwide.


And guess what else I discovered after trying to find out whether yoga

was coming to a school near me? We are paying for this nonsense. The

Yoga Ed. program, created by Hollywood spouse/socialite Tara Guber,

was funded with taxpayer grants from the U.S. Department of

Agriculture and the federal Carol M. White Physical Education Program.


Bit by bit, the dumbed-down cult of mediocrity, secular extremism and

multicultural madness has infected American public education. Instead

of concentrating on the basics and then teaching children to manage

and conquer their " stress " through internal discipline, we're removing

every last source of possible damage to their egos.


Math test scores have plummeted. Solution: Remove the U.S. from

international competitions.


Students are failing. Solution: Hide the honor rolls so the

under-achievers don't feel bad.


Elementary pupils don't like drills and spelling tests. Solution:

Fuzzy math and inventive spelling.


Families can't manage their time. Solution: Less homework, more yoga.


" A lot of these kids, " lectures Principal Richards, " are being held

hostage to the culture. " No kidding. When the New York Times invited

one of Richards' students to recommend stress-reduction techniques, he

ended with this suggestion:


" Watch a short clip on YouTube (as long as you are not addicted). The

amazing and often funny feats on the site are inspiring and often

leave you feeling, 'Hey I want to do that!' This is a great attitude

to have towards your work. "


Watch feats of stupidity on YouTube. Yeah, that'll do wonders for

American student achievement.


The only ones who need stress reduction right now are parents fed up

with this runaway idiocy. If you think educrats are going to recover

their senses any time soon, well, you know, don't hold your breath.


(Michelle Malkin is author of the new book " Unhinged: Exposing

Liberals Gone Wild. " The views expressed are those of the writer.)


Copyright 2007, Creators Syndicate, Inc.

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