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TB did say that if one sits on their left heel, it will help





Kundalini-Yoga , " Sujan S. " <noi wrote:


> Sat Nam!


> Do you know a good way to face an important problem of migraine?


> Thank you all in advance for any input!


> Sujan S.

> http://www.yogajap.com


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Sat Nam


I will share with you my own journey with this; coming to a healing

with headaches, some of them migranes.

I took my training with Amrit Nam Sarovar school, based in france, at

the London centre, 7 years ago.

On Level 1 of that training, i asked Shiv Charan Singh, who was

taking us through the karma/health weekend what headaches represented.

I was interested because i suffered quite a considerable amount with


He told me it was lack of connection through the crown chakra.

As he said it, something in me had an understanding, i sensed that if

i could open my crown, it would siphon off some of the pressure.

It would give me a connection that would do my head good, i grasped

this as he spoke the words, and that potential/possibiity has been


and reverberating within me all this time. That was 7 years ago.


I also suffered from a lack of blood supply to my head, this is

something in my constitution.

What i did was; bear in mind the crown and being open to that opening

up, i tried to get my circulation through my spine increased, get the

whole system

up and running a bit more, breath of fire, spinal energy sets, plus

brain oxygenating meditations, which you can find in the kri approved



The breath meditation that works particularly well with me is the

meditation to burn off negativity in nirvair singh's book: 10 bodies

of light consciousness.

I think it is body number 2 or 3.

I would recommend buying that book.

Also buy Medical meditations, Dharma Singh he has some good

meditations including one to prevent migrane headaches, plus some

theory on headaches, too.


I also had some healing on my throat.

This last part of the jigsaw has been totally liberating.

I saw a Soul Journey Healer here in the UK.

She told me my throat had a lock in it from a long time passed, and

she removed this; immediately i felt relief.


The most important part of the journey now is speaking my truth,

chanting and of course sadhana. And enjoying that strong sense of

connection during sadhana particularly.


I don't get headaches any more!!


Good luck, if i can help any further, i am happy to.


Love light, peace and blessings to you and your community


Har Hari Kaur


Sukhmani Centre

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Sat Nam, Sujan Singh ji--

personally, more than 30 years of migraine experience became my

" teacher. " for the past decade I've come to a relative mastery of the

problem. in other words, if I stress myself " way over my limits " I

might still experience migraine, even a severe one. however,

stressing oneself is not a healthy lifestyle trait on a regular basis.

so, first of all, I learned to take and make life " easier. " combined

with all of the following: eat well, understand enough about cellular

nutrition to ensure your basic mineral and antioxidant needs are being

met, drink plenty of pure water, do pranayam, practice yoga regularly,

exercise, and especially practice " non-violent (ie., wisdom and

compassion based) communication skills. " in other words, live as

simply and as purely as possible (in a word that is anything but

simple and/or " pure " ). (in regard to non-violent communication, if

you're not familiar with the work of Mashall Rosenberg, I recommend it

highly, because it WILL relieve a huge amount of the frustration and

stress that easily results almost automatically from unskillful or

dysfunctional communication experiences, especially in close

relationships and/or when " the stakes are high " ).


these things (above) are all preliminary and necessary. I'm sure

there are more.


next it would be important to get an understanding of the underlying

causes for the migraines, for the individual involved. (is this about

yourself, or someone else)?


there are many types of headache, and perhaps there are at least

several different types, causes and patterns of migraine. some have

" auras, " some don't. ultimately, the blessing here (that I found) is

the opportunity (invitation, in fact) to practice Plato's most

important advice: " Know Thyself. " following this diligently and

unequivocally can lead one to enlightenment.


my migraine pattern was typically as follows: migraines generally

occur on one side of the body or the other, my tended to be on the

right side (but rarely they were on the left). accompanied by nausea,

preference for dark rooms in which to relax, isolate, and sleep as

much as possible. warm showers on my head were (are) especially

helpful. avoid stimulating (pita dosha) foods. there was generally a

lot of heat (and stress, and constriction) in all areas traversed by

the Gall Bladder Meridian (you might want to figure this meridian out

and study it, see if it correlates with the experience you're asking

about). get massage. do self massage. apply pressure to meridian

points around the eye brows, and squeeze between the thumb and

forefinger (the " plain of mars " as Yogiji called it) of the opposite hand.


all of the above is palliative and helpful. but the gall bladder

meridian connection was the big " AH-HAH. " It points to a liver

function disorder. for myself, I experienced hepatitis A when I was

11 years old. this influenced later liver metabolism for me. I

didn't metabolize fats in the same way or as effectively as before.

then, working in an industrial, metal working factory resulted in some

later detections of heavy metal toxicity. this further diminished my

liver's capacity to manage stress function. additional economic,

financial and performance stresses also diminished adrenal functions,

and migraines became frequent (up to 4 or 5 times per month), severe,

and tended to last 1 to 3 days of down time, after which I would feel

really good again.


(our entire world is now polluted by more than 70,000 toxic

industrial, commercial chemicals that are now commonplace in

commercial and houesehold envrironments, which did not ever exist in

the world at large just 100 years ago. we've collectively created

" worse " (not better) living through chemistry).


Now, Sujan Singh, (if you've made it this far and you're still

reading) here is the most essential piece of all -- in my experience

Migraine is mostly about Excess Toxicity in the body, especially

bloodstream. One primary Liver Function is to purify the blood of

this toxicity and eliminate it into the colon via the gall bladder.

Excess Gall Bladder and Liver toxicity is stressful, and involves

excess (and unhealthy) Fire element. so if that's going on, we must

learn to " chill out " and purify (detoxify) our metabolic system.


If this is the case, after 30 I have found that the very best way to

detoxify the Liver and keep it that way is through an old Osteopathic

(and naturopathic) remedy which is COFFEE ENEMA. I've personally

learned (at least in my own case, I'm not telling you what might be

exactly right for the situation you're asking about) to DISREGARD

COMPLETELY what many others (including health care people who don't

seem to be speaking from experience) that enemas and coffee enemas are

unhealthy. After almost 10 years of daily (yes, daily) use, coffee

enema has ALWAYS been 100% safe and effective for me (the " for me "

part is the caveat - I'm not a doctor and I cannot say what is " right "

for anyone else). I have great confidence in this discovery as a

cornerstone of my own health self-care experience, and am essentially

migraine free, although if I skip the coffee enemas I quidkly begin to

have problems again. I use it as an advance herbal solution (boiling

6 tablespoons of organic coffee in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20

minutes, then filter out the grounds and cool. I can provide more

details about administering this, for anyone who would like to know).


this solution has allowed me to become self-managing and responsible

for my own health reality, using readily available, non-toxic,

non-pharmaceutical, natural resources. the pharmaceutical solutions

that trick the blood brain barrier to manipulate the cerebral

capillaries are (in my experience) extremely toxic and undesirable.

once I used a pharmaceutical called Imitrex and soon began to

experience intense rashes under the arms. Yogiji stated that

" underarm sweat is where the toxic exhaust from the brain eliminated. "

this insight is worth $billions, since we have a civilization that is

underarm sweat phobic, uses antiperspirants to stop underarm sweat,

and so these toxins circulate back into the lymphatic system which is

very much connected with breast tissue (AND BREAST CANCER).


So, in all cases, DETOXIFYING is one of the most important aspects of

good health and yoga practice. And for me, given my personally unique

reality (as we are all unique and must discover our own solutions),

detoxifying has come to involve coffee enema, on a daily basis, to

manage and/or prevent migraine.


this is probably much more than you expected. However, anything I

might do to assist anyone else who experiences migraine, I would

happily do, including writing such lengthy monologues as this in order

to raise the level of common awareness about real solutions. perhaps

this all may be helpful. for these reasons, any questions are welcome.



Krishna Singh


Kundalini-Yoga , " Sujan S. " <noi wrote:


> Sat Nam!


> Do you know a good way to face an important problem of migraine?


> Thank you all in advance for any input!


> Sujan S.

> http://www.yogajap.com


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---- Original Message ----

" Krishna Singh Khalsa " <Krishna

<Kundalini-Yoga >

Saturday, November 03, 2007 6:13 PM

Re: Migraine


> Sat Nam, Sujan Singh ji--

> personally, more than 30 years of migraine experience became my

> " teacher. "

> ...


Sat Nam!


Thank you too for your reply.


I was thinking to start with tips about detoxification since my student told

me that many doctors just said her " it's stress " : in the book " Relax and

Renew " there is a section " Guidelines for stress reduction diet " and I will

strat by this point.


Of course the pratice will help me and her to have a better awareness on

what happens to her body and see how this two things (diet and pratice) will



If you know specific kriyas or meditions (as well something is better to not

do suffering for migraines), please, let me know.


Fateh Dharma!


Sujan Singh



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---- Original Message ----

" harharikaur " <harharikaur

<Kundalini-Yoga >

Saturday, November 03, 2007 5:41 PM



> ....

> The breath meditation that works particularly well with me is the

> meditation to burn off negativity in nirvair singh's book: 10 bodies

> of light consciousness.

> I think it is body number 2 or 3.

> I would recommend buying that book.


Sat Nam!


It's funny.......I bought this book (to know better about the 10 bodies)

just few days ago...i'll run seeing the meditation you're talking about.


> Also buy Medical meditations, Dharma Singh he has some good

> meditations including one to prevent migrane headaches, plus some

> theory on headaches, too.


Is that the exact title?

I've found " Meditation as medicine " -



....is it what you're wrote about?


> I also had some healing on my throat.

> This last part of the jigsaw has been totally liberating.

> I saw a Soul Journey Healer here in the UK.

> She told me my throat had a lock in it from a long time passed, and

> she removed this; immediately i felt relief.


> The most important part of the journey now is speaking my truth,

> chanting and of course sadhana. And enjoying that strong sense of

> connection during sadhana particularly.


> I don't get headaches any more!!


> Good luck, if i can help any further, i am happy to.


> Love light, peace and blessings to you and your community


Thank you for all your inputs.......peace and blessings to you and your

community as well!


Fateh Dharma!


Sujan Singh



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Sat Nam Sujan Singh,


In response to

your question about migraines; I used to get really bad migraines as a

child. I started KY about 11 years

ago still having occasional bad headaches. Daily cold showers have been my saving

grace, along with stretching and doing yoga every day. If I start getting a headache now I

usually have not taken a cold shower in two or three days which, for me, is a

mistake. Yogi Bhajan said when a

headache is coming on go splash the face (eyes), elbows and behind the neck and

wait three minutes. See the

change. I still do this if I feel

one coming on. So shoulder shrugs

for all the stress/stretching/neck rolls, consistent sadhana

and Cold showers especially.


But there were

quite a few years where headaches would come occasionally, even with all my

practices. But just keeping up,

they are pretty much gone. A

headache can also come from not being totally present in your body. If you are having trouble pulling

yourself in and being centered and your spirit is flying next to your body instead

of in it. If you’re not

grounded enough going in and out can affect the head and the neck.


Also, once YB

said in a class that a headache can come from a block in the neck. If you lower your left ear toward your

left shoulder, then come straight up to center then go to the opposite side,

very slowly if need be, and back and forth this way. I believe he said until

you feel a release, perhaps a click…


These have helped me. Hope it helps you.


Do you ever

get massages? You may want to

consider it.




Guru Nam


Spirit Voyage





Posted by: " Sujan S. " noi acsujansingh

Fri Nov 2, 2007 5:55 pm (PST)

Sat Nam!


Do you know a good way to face an important problem of migraine?


Thank you all in advance for any input!



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I recently wrote some pretty extensive material on migraine,

and did a scientific conference presentation on the topic, including a journal

paper and a PowerPoint.

Feel free to contact me off the group at this email address:





It would be my pleasure to forward the material.

Migraine is tricky to treat, but essentially completely

curable, or at the very least, preventable, in the vast majority of cases.

In my work with Yogi Bhajan, I never saw anyone not respond



Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa

Eugene, Oregon


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