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9-11 & OK City bombing occurred during a Moon Wobble

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After the events of September 11th, amidst the myriad of tragedy and

dramatic changes, more people became interested in the Moon Wobble

Cycle. September 11th, as well as the Oklahoma City bombing, the USS

Cole attack, all occurred during a Moon Wobble, a Cycle of upheaval

and catastrophes. The greatest terrible acts of Terrorism, as well as

other forms of violence happen more during Moon Wobbles and Moon/Solar

Wobbles than any other time. These Cycles bring suppressed energies

in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting.

Moon/Solar Wobbles are essentially just prolonged Moon Wobbles, the

energy is the same, just longer due to additional Cycles triggering

the Moon Wobble Center point.


During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more

accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of

nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence,

Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals.


On a personal level, when an individual's chart is triggered by a Moon

or Moon/Solar Wobble it reflects that the individual will be going

through major changes.


The Moon Wobble energy only magnifies any problems there are,

heightening them so the problem or problems must be dealt with. If

you face your Moon Wobble situation constructively, then it becomes a




Richard Burns's Moonwobble Winter Weather Report - November 2007

« on: November 01, 2007, 04:17:46 PM »



Peak is November 23 - 24 - 25, 2007



Oct 31 WEAK Nov 12 CRITICAL Nov 24 PEAK Dissipation Nov 27



This Winter Moon Wobble Weather Report symbolically marks a shift from

the dark age of Caesar into the light of Christos. Translators know

that the dark age has no reality, but we must thoroughly Translate to

not repeat forgotten dark ages. Christos is the new light in the

land. Winter Solstice is Square the horizon of the Fall and Spring

equinox. Horizon is consciousness, vertical is power. Thus we have a

shift in consciousness and power. Our purpose as Translators and

Ontologists is to transcend the law of accidents. Use this jolt of joy

wisely for accelerated evolution and yuletide joy to the world.


Each Moon Wobble undulate as articulated by Thane runs about 37 days

in duration. Carefully consider decisions during this period. Like any

transit, Moon Wobble represents a process, and there are stages of

buildup, release and integration. Moon Wobble is an emotional

experience shared inter-subjectively into an apparently objective

reality. As such, it is a communal RHS.


The Moon Wobble undulate starts building up energy some 25 days

(October 31, 2007) before the peak as personal irritability is

evident, entering a critical period some 12 days (November 12, 2007)

before the peak to a maximum build-up (November 24, 2007). There is a

release of energy letting up a few days after the peak (November 27,

2007) with a jolt of joy. The affect is gradually integrated over 12

days after the peak (December 6, 2007).


While all signs are affected, those with planets or indicators in

Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo will be most strongly influenced.

Remember that everyone has at least Houses of Sagittarius (Social

Survival - Changer - Fire), Virgo (Social Non-Survival Dynamic Changer

- Earth) and Pisces (Social Non-Survival Dynamic Guide - Water).

Social. Fire, Water and Earth. Deep structural, social change.


Sun in Sagittarius square South Node in Virgo opposition Moon in

Gemini and square North Node in Pisces. Sun in Sagittarius

opposition Full Moon in Gemini. But it may also mean disintegration.

South Node in Virgo square Moon in Gemini opposes North Node in

Pisces. Oppositions represent a time for awareness and

counter-accentuation. An awareness of form to be deconstructed and

retooled. Squares indicate construction. Saturn in Virgo squares Sun

in Sagitarrius and Moon in Gemini. Trines are creative. A definite

period of change, without the confounding underlay which has shadowed

us for two years. Earth will guide Water. Working. Labor issues.

Sympathy for workers. Flooding. Dykes? Fire. Philosophical

discourse. Saturn in Virgo is conjunct South Node in Virgo throughout

this Moonwobble. The recent California fires began at the precise

conjunction of Saturn and South Node, this conjunction wanes

throughout the balance of the Moonwobble. Deep structures of finance

and governance are the province of Saturn, which is challenged by

opposition (awareness) by Uranus in Pisces. Pluto in Sagittarius is

conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius. Expect volatile developments in

financial markets.


Lunar Samhain is November 9, 2007 with New Moon in Scorpio. Deep

Fall. Samhain is, in Celtic tradition, the first day of Winter.

Spiritual and temporal worlds are seamless. The Crone deepens within

Herself and enters a dream-time wherein past, present, order and chaos

exist simultaneously. A time of critical thinking. A time of great

change potential. Here reflecting that Her voice crackles of fire,

rain and earth. Also known as Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights.

November 12, Sun enters Sagittarius.


Like all other psychological influences, the best way to stay in

control is KNOWING! People who know the least about these things are

the most subject to the influences. People who know about them, can

ACT UPON the situation, don't REACT to it! Don't just TRANSLATE!

Channel the unusual flow of energy into AN UNPREDICTABLE GOOD!

Season's Greetings!


Prepared by Richard Burns HWM



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