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Go to Winter Solstice? Of Course

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I'd love to get folks inspired to attend Winter

Solstice this year, especially since I'm unable to

attend myself. My daughter is graduating college this

December so we're doing the whole visiting relatives

dance and get togethers and parties, etc. Also, I have

some very very minor surgery scheduled for that time

(the only time the doctor had open).


But I do think its important for folks to attend

Winter Solstice. As many as I've been to I've never

come away uninspired , unenergized, unblessed,

unblissed and not just blown away in general. And, it

is in a different way from our beloved Summer

Solstice. Winter is of course smaller, cozier, warmer

(?), mellower, brighter, shinier (it's Christmas time

of course, and doesn't everything sparkle just a bit

more during that time of year?).


As inspired as I am at Summer Solstice to be doing

White Tantric in the company of 1200 or 1300 or 1400

other participants, it is even more elevating to do it

in the company of 300 or 400 others. Why?


Well for example, last year, in all my 30 years of

doing White Tantric, was the FIRST (Yes! first) White

Tantric in which we did some actual KY kriyas, like

Basic Spinal Energy Series and others, as part of the

White Tantric Yoga. These weren't just warmups in the

morning before starting, these were actually PART of

the White Tantric Experience. It was a lot like, and

almost the same as, when the SSS used to be there

personally, leading us through and urging us to keep

up and yelling in a spiritually threatening/supportive

way to keep up or our entire life would be lost. It

never was, of course but his sense of humor linked to

our " pain " was enough to get us through because he

left us no option but to Keep Up!


Again, at last year's winter solstice there was the

last day when the rains came and came and came and

came! Wahe Guru! There was no movement on the lines

until the lights went out, shorted out by the

flooding. We held our ground because that is what we

do, in life, in love at Winter Solstice and at Summer

Solstice. It was like a great amusement park ride that

got our hearts pounding, pulsing but without the

danger. There was only the prospect of progress in our

journey another way to cleanse, and scrub off karma.

(After all, where else would we have gone but straight

to heaven if lightening had struck us all ... straight

to GOD from those Tantric lines?)


And the feeling when the lights came back on but we

couldn't use all the power. So, Snatam and others

simply got up on stage and finished our White Tantric

meditation acoustically, no DVD just voices, chanting

in the cool rain, making progress, making progress.

Isn't that what Solstice is all about, making progress

in great leaps. We do it everyday we practice our

spiritual practices but at Solstice it is

mega-multiplied because we are so far from alone that

we are ONE.


Who could make up the warm and cozy feeling of

evenings in the dining hall at Winter Solstice. Songs

by musicians from Herndon and smells of Yogi Tea and

Golden Milk and sounds of kitchen cleanup (Sat Nam,

Jot Singh!).


Getting up for Sadhana -- floating through the early

morning mists damp and chilly to the big top for Japji

and yoga and chanting. The sandy grass cleans and

clings to our feet as we walk to Gurdwara and sit

moving gracefully to the kirtan and then enjoy the

warm prasad. Another day begins fruitful and friendly

and the sun escapes the earthy bonds as we have done

the same in the two hours plus before the dawn.

God, what a blessing! I am sorry to miss it but all my

memories will still bind me there in spirit and



Just getting there

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Thank you Karta Purkh Singh for your very "true to life" description of Winter Solstice. Last year many swam in the pond almost every day-the weather was so lovely. Having warm weather consistently there in the past has been more the exception than the rule-though with the global warming, maybe we'll have perfect weather again beginning 5 1/2 weeks from now. Blessings to all and hope to meet you there! Jot Singh It's not the life that matters-It's the courage you bring to it.The Three Laws of ProsperityBe kind to everyoneNever speak ill of anyoneNever speak ill of yourselfYogi Bhajanwww.khalsakirpans.comwww.lifeknives.com

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