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Winter Solstice 2012 only 5 years away

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With 2012's Winter Solstice only 5 years away, it's important to be at

least somewhat aware of what various " authorities " are predicting

about this important time. Yogi Bhajan certainly considered it an

important period, and he said sadhana was the best practice to build

our aura to survive the transition and thrive in the new, Aquarian, Age.




Sacred geometry, numerology and 2012



Posted on Wednesday, 31 October, 2007 | 5:26 | Comments: 27


William B Stoecker:


Repeatedly throughout history people have imagined that the end of the

world, or at least the end of the present age, was nigh. This is

particularly true in times of plague, famine, unrest, tyranny, and

war, which pretty well covers most of human history. Supposedly people

were panicking in the eleventh century, and, more recently, prophets

have convinced their naive followers to give up all their worldly

goods or even committ mass suicide. But this time is different.


We are nearing the winter solstice, 2012 date forecast as the end of

this age by the Mayas, who had remarkably accurate lunar and solar

calendars, and fairly advanced mathematics, including the zero

concept. The last 100 years or so has been the bloodiest, the most

tragic, in all of history, and that is saying a lot. Never before have

we had weapons of mass destruction that can virtually wipe out

humanity: nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. These weapons are

proliferating into the hands of terrorists and those states that

support them, and recombinant DNA technology can potentially create

even more deadly germ warfare agents. Never before have we had space

flight. Never before have we had anything like the United Nations,

which has done absolutely nothing to prevent or even reduce war,

terrorism, and democide (its stated purpose) but which serves as the

foundation for the dreaded global fascism of the New World Order. And

the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 seems to fulfill an

ancient Biblical prophecy; when Biblical and Mayan prophecy appear to

coincide perhaps we need to take notice. Yet another Biblical prophecy

was the so-called " mark of the beast' " without which men could not buy

or sell; proposed computer chip implants, the ultimate convenience in

a cashless society seem to fit this one pretty well, and can serve, at

the very least, to track people if not to control them.


And the timing, the date, and the place of many recent events

orchestrated by the global elite seem to point to the end. David Icke

has remarked that even if we choose not to believe in sacred geometry

and numerology, we should at least understand that the elite take all

of this very seriously. If nothing else, such an understanding helps

us to predict their next move, and they are becoming increasingly

predictable. So let us take a look at the basics of the subject.


The Mayans, and many other ancient peoples, were fascinated by the

planet Venus, whose movements form the most accurate clock in the

heavens. As Venus orbits closer to the sun and faster than Earth it

will pass Earth so that a line can be drawn through the Sun and both

planets. If Venus and Earth are on the same side of the Sun this is

called an inferior conjunction; if on opposite sides it is a superior

conjunction. Either way, the next one will be 583.9 days later, and

both planets will be exactly 216 degrees around in their orbits. This

is called a synodic cycle. Note that 216 is three times 72, and five

times 72 is 360 degrees, a complete circly. A series of five of these

cycles takes 7.99 years.A diagram showing the orbits with lines going

out from the sun at the conjunctions will have five lines each exactly

72 degrees from the next. If you then draw exterior lines connecting

the points of intersection with Earth's orbit, you will have a regular

pentagon like the one in Washington, D.C. the latest addition to the

sacred geometry of that city. Draw internal lines from point to point

and you have that most powerful of magic symbols, the pentagram, or

five pointed star. Note that the ancient Egyptians portrayed stars as

having five points, and the human body has five major projections: a

head, two arms, and two legs. Here is embodied the key idea of

astrology, the connection between us and the stars. As above, so below.


But things get stranger still. The ratio of one of the inner

corner-to-corner pentagram lines to any of the outer sides of the

pentagon is the Golden Mean: roughly 1.61803 to one. This was beloved

by the Greeks, and various ratios in the human body approach this

ratio. In most cultures the closer the ratio, the more attractive the

person is considered. Then there is the Fibonacci series:1,2,3,5,8,13,

21,55,89,144,etc. Each consecutive number is formed by adding the two

preceding, and as you get higher up the series the ratios get closer

and closer to the Golden Mean. A spiral formed from these numbers, the

Fibonacci Spiral, is found in whirlpools, galaxies, hurricanes,

tornadoes, snail shells, rams' horns, and certain bacteria. If you

extend such a spiral at right angles to its plane, you get a helix, as

in DNA. And if you are beginning to suspect that this cannot all be

coincidence, we're just getting started. There's more.


As the Earth turns on its axis every 24 hours, that axis slowly

wobbles every 25,920 years. Often called a Great Year, this is almost

certainly one of the causes of ice ages. This Great Year is divided

into twelve astrological ages, and each of these is 2,160 years long,

or ten times the 216 degrees discussed earlier. Every 72 years (that

number 72 again) the axis moves one degree around this circle. And if

that's not enough, the average healthy human heart at rest beats 72

times each minute. It would seem that the human body in some way

resonates with the solar system and perhaps with the entire universe.


If this isn't enough, mystics have always taught that, through

meditation, the chi or kundalini force, the fundamental energy of

consciousness, can be raised from the base chakra up the spinal column

to the crown chakra, resulting in the higher state of consciousness

called enlightenment. Counting the cervical vertebrae and the ones

fused at the base of the spine, we have 33 vertebrae. Note that the

thirty third degree is important to freemasons, and that thirty third

degree masons like several American presidents have played a major,

and sinister role in world affairs. Thirty three is, of course, three

times eleven, and the mysterious sunspot cycle is just over eleven

years long. As we shall see, multiples of eleven are seen again in the

dates and places of the darkest deeds of the global elite.


The twentieth century officially began, of course, in 1900, but little

of significance took place that year. More significant is 1914, the

year World War One began to make the world safe for fascism. Yet a

series of events took place the preceding year, 1913. On the way to

enslaving the world, the elite had to begin extinguishing the light of

freedom in their New Atlantis, the United States. In 1913 President

Woodrow Wilson (the same creature who would later preside over the

creation of the League of Nations, the first attempt at global

tyranny) secured the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, giving

America a national banking system, like the Bank of England and

elswehere. This consortium of private bankers were given control of

the money supply and interest rates, a sure recipe to make the rich

richer and to enslave and impoverish the rest of us. Wilso also pushed

through a constitutional amendment, allowing for direct election of US

senators, who, hitherto, had been selected by their state senates.

Seemingly " democratic, " this weakened states' rights and centralized

power. And Wilson gave America an income tax, via an amendment that

was never legally ratified. And few are aware that, in the US, no tax

law based on that illegal amendment was ever passed. Americans are

rutinely jailed for violating a nonexistent law based on a legally

nonexistent amendment. And note that thirteen, as in 1913, is a magic



If 1913 is taken to be the first year of a century, what is its final

year? You guessed it:2012.


More magic numbers appear. The global elite chose to end World War One

in 1918, and eighteen is the sum of seven and eleven, two magic

numbers. The ratio of the height to any of the base sides of the Great

Pyramid at Giza is exactly seven to eleven. Divide the height of the

pyramid into two of the base sides, or seven into twenty two, and you

have pi out to two decimal places. And they chose to end the war at

eleven in the morning on November (eleventh month) the eleventh. Three

elevens total thirty three.


Thirty third degree freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who turned

America into a socialist state and betrayed us at Pearl Harbor, took

office in 1933. His chosen successor, Harry Truman, was also a thirty

third degree mason, and was America's thirty third president. These

two gentlemen gave us the wondrous United Nations and nuclear weapons.

The first one was tested at Trinity Site in New Mexico, almost exactly

on the thirty third parallel, as is Nagasaki (but not Hiroshima).


And then there is the number 1947, or 19.47. Richard Hoagland has

pointed out that if the simplest polyhedron, a regular tetrahedron

bounded by four equilateral triangles, is of the right size to be

placed exactly within a rotating sphere like the Earth, and one vertex

is at the South Pole, the other three vertices will be exactly 120

degrees apart and some 19.47 degrees north of the equator. The ancient

Mexican site of Teotihuacan is at this latitude, and Hoagland has

pointed out that upwellings of volcanic energy cluster near this

latitude, like the great Hawaiian volcanoes on Earth, the Great Red

Spot on Jupiter, and the immense Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.


In 1947 freemason Harry Truman turned America into a militarist state

with the National Defense Act and a peacetime draft. And that year

Kenneth Arnold and others saw nine (another magic number) crescent

shaped UFOs. That year also saw the bizarre UFO sighting at Maury

Island in Washington State, and, of course, Roswell. The Roswell crash

site is almost exactly on the thirty third parallel, and the crash

took place on July (seventh month) the fourth (seven plus four equals

eleven), the date chosen by America's Founding Fathers, most of them

masons, for our Declaration of Independence in 1776. And what are the

odds of a UFO crash near a very small town that was the home both of

rocketry pioneer Robert Goddard and future Lunar astronaut and mystic

Edgar Mitchell? Both were living there at the time of the crash. I am

afraid we have run out of coicidences.


East of Roswell is Dallas, also almost exactly on the thirty third

parallel, and JFK was killed on November (eleventh month) the twenty

second, and eleven plus twenty two is thirty three.


Nine, as in 9/11, is also a magic number, and one of the planes that

day was allegedly flight eleven, and another was flight seventy seven

(seven times eleven). And don't forget that the train bombings in

Spain were on March (third month) eleventh.


Like I said, we ran out of coincidences quite a while back there, and

we now are suffering from the Chinese curse: we live in interesting

times. And those times appear to be getting very, very short.


William B Stoecker


Article Copyright© William B Stoecker

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Kundalini-Yoga , " C. F. " <cfroh wrote:


This is interesting as far as the numbers go. I would respectfully

have to disagree with the biased libertarian political slant. Wilson,

Roosevelt and Truman were some of our better presidents this century.

Roosevelt was undoubtedly the best of the twentieth century. I will

refrain from discussing the other references for now.






> The twentieth century officially began, of course, in 1900, but little

> of significance took place that year. More significant is 1914, the

> year World War One began to make the world safe for fascism. Yet a

> series of events took place the preceding year, 1913. On the way to

> enslaving the world, the elite had to begin extinguishing the light of

> freedom in their New Atlantis, the United States. In 1913 President

> Woodrow Wilson (the same creature who would later preside over the

> creation of the League of Nations, the first attempt at global

> tyranny) secured the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, giving

> America a national banking system, like the Bank of England and

> elswehere. This consortium of private bankers were given control of

> the money supply and interest rates, a sure recipe to make the rich

> richer and to enslave and impoverish the rest of us. Wilso also pushed

> through a constitutional amendment, allowing for direct election of US

> senators, who, hitherto, had been selected by their state senates.

> Seemingly " democratic, " this weakened states' rights and centralized

> power. And Wilson gave America an income tax, via an amendment that

> was never legally ratified. And few are aware that, in the US, no tax

> law based on that illegal amendment was ever passed. Americans are

> rutinely jailed for violating a nonexistent law based on a legally

> nonexistent amendment. And note that thirteen, as in 1913, is a magic

> number.


> If 1913 is taken to be the first year of a century, what is its final

> year? You guessed it:2012.


> More magic numbers appear. The global elite chose to end World War One

> in 1918, and eighteen is the sum of seven and eleven, two magic

> numbers. The ratio of the height to any of the base sides of the Great

> Pyramid at Giza is exactly seven to eleven. Divide the height of the

> pyramid into two of the base sides, or seven into twenty two, and you

> have pi out to two decimal places. And they chose to end the war at

> eleven in the morning on November (eleventh month) the eleventh. Three

> elevens total thirty three.


> Thirty third degree freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who turned

> America into a socialist state and betrayed us at Pearl Harbor, took

> office in 1933. His chosen successor, Harry Truman, was also a thirty

> third degree mason, and was America's thirty third president. These

> two gentlemen gave us the wondrous United Nations and nuclear weapons.

> The first one was tested at Trinity Site in New Mexico, almost exactly

> on the thirty third parallel, as is Nagasaki (but not Hiroshima).


> And then there is the number 1947, or 19.47. Richard Hoagland has

> pointed out that if the simplest polyhedron, a regular tetrahedron

> bounded by four equilateral triangles, is of the right size to be

> placed exactly within a rotating sphere like the Earth, and one vertex

> is at the South Pole, the other three vertices will be exactly 120

> degrees apart and some 19.47 degrees north of the equator. The ancient

> Mexican site of Teotihuacan is at this latitude, and Hoagland has

> pointed out that upwellings of volcanic energy cluster near this

> latitude, like the great Hawaiian volcanoes on Earth, the Great Red

> Spot on Jupiter, and the immense Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.


> In 1947 freemason Harry Truman turned America into a militarist state

> with the National Defense Act and a peacetime draft. And that year

> Kenneth Arnold and others saw nine (another magic number) crescent

> shaped UFOs. That year also saw the bizarre UFO sighting at Maury

> Island in Washington State, and, of course, Roswell. The Roswell crash

> site is almost exactly on the thirty third parallel, and the crash

> took place on July (seventh month) the fourth (seven plus four equals

> eleven), the date chosen by America's Founding Fathers, most of them

> masons, for our Declaration of Independence in 1776. And what are the

> odds of a UFO crash near a very small town that was the home both of

> rocketry pioneer Robert Goddard and future Lunar astronaut and mystic

> Edgar Mitchell? Both were living there at the time of the crash. I am

> afraid we have run out of coicidences.


> East of Roswell is Dallas, also almost exactly on the thirty third

> parallel, and JFK was killed on November (eleventh month) the twenty

> second, and eleven plus twenty two is thirty three.


> Nine, as in 9/11, is also a magic number, and one of the planes that

> day was allegedly flight eleven, and another was flight seventy seven

> (seven times eleven). And don't forget that the train bombings in

> Spain were on March (third month) eleventh.


> Like I said, we ran out of coincidences quite a while back there, and

> we now are suffering from the Chinese curse: we live in interesting

> times. And those times appear to be getting very, very short.


> William B Stoecker


> Article Copyright© William B Stoecker


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sat nam all. this is dev atma singh.


i am writing to help others make sense of the

vitriolic language in this original post.


While, as Guru Kaur pointed out, some of its positions

can be called Libertarian, I don't think that label

quite does the original post justice. There are facts

beneath the original post that cannot be glossed over

or dismissed. And the issues pertaining to those

hidden facts are effecting us today.


So I am going to ignore the numerology and calims

about the freemasons, and speak to what, with a little

work, will become clearly relevant to everyone.


First, this post mentions the creation of the Federal

Reserve. This is a Central Bank for the U.S., and as

such, is an institution just like the one that

prompted the American colonists to revolt against

England? Why did they revolt? Because a central bank

is given the duty privelege of printing money out of

thin air. (This is called " fiat money " since the need

for it only needs to be declared by the right people

for it to be created.)


Our Federal Reserve System was drafted under

conditions of great secrecy by billionaires JP Morgan,

Rockefeller, Senator Nelson Aldrich, and others who

only stood to gain. At the time this was drafted,

there was a call in the U.S. to " break the money

trust. " This was a popular opinion holding that the

bankers in this country were in collusion and working

to maximize their own interests at the expense of the

regular joe. Thus the secrecy: when the Federal

Reserve was proposed to Congress, it was sold as

insurance for the American people, as a way to " break

the money trust. "


The result: our " legal tender " has no intrinsic value.

A piece of gold, for example, takes work to make, as

does a car, furniture, or any other " real good. " Our

money, on the other hand, is made of faith: the simple

belief that is has value. Its worked for a while, but

as we all know, the dollar is falling is value quite



So why is this? Well, when we hear of the Federal

Reserve lowering interest rates, what that means is,

in essence, they are printing more money. The more

dollars in the market, the less value each of them

has. The Fed has been steadily lowering interest

rates for the last ten years, so of course the dollar

is worth less.


The major issue is why the Fed is creating this fiat

money. It must be done at the request of Congress.

Our Congress has, for the last thirteen years or so,

only cut taxes. If money does not come in via taxes,

then it is paid for by this fiat money. THis amounts

to another, unseen tax, one that affects the poor

disproportionately. Since the result of a flood of

dollars is devaluation, the price of common goods

rises, and our work (by which we earn our money) is

devalued. In effect, the dollar is a measure of debt

only, and is, from its creation, " borrowed " from the



This all amounts to what is properly called a cartel.

The banking industry can actually go to Congress (and

has on numerous occasions) to ask that Congress

absolve them of their losses. Taxpayers actually foot

the bill for banking industry's woes.


So... why the acidic tone of the original post?


Well, Mason or not, FDR's uncle was one of the

drafters and legislators who brought the Fed into

existence. Not only did FDR, in fact, know about

Pearl Harbor before it happened, he disobeyed

international tariff treaties to impose sanctions on

Japan long before, and in a sense, provoked them.


Add to this that in every war the U.S. has entered in

the twentieth century, American businesses have

profited on both sides of the conflagration. Take

World War II for an example. We profited in helping

build the Nazi war machine. The fuel for the planes

that blitzed London was a patented formula owned by

DuPont. Then we went to war, and industrious

enterprise in itself, and Truman's Marshall Plan in

effect planted our businesses (especially banks) in



I use WWII as the example because it is called a " good

war " and its participants " the greatest generation. "

No doubt people like my grandfather (USMC) served with

the best interests of their country at heart. But the

piece of the pie that the U.S. seemed to enjoy in the

post-war years has been gradually eroding, and the

reason is that the money that made possible " a car in

every garage " has been propped up in different ways.


Our current conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the

real issue. Further, as with the other wars, the war

is itself a way to justify the Fed's issuing great

volumes of this fiat money. The U.S. borrows money

from China to pay for the war, and the Fed prints

money to pay the Chinese government.


If all this sounds like a crisis, well, just remember

that this is still the Piscean Age. As we children of

loght move forward, we can observe this struggle at a

distance, and realize that a de-valued dollar is only

an inconvenience. But it is also a infringement of

our rights, and what is more, when this pattern of

barbaric, tyrannical control is considered, we have to

ask ourselves what it means in terms of the Aquarian



I encourage every one to look into themselves and

ponder this question, and to do so without fear.

While the machinations of the so-called " elite " are

attempting to institute a feudal economy, Aquarian

entrepreneurs can realize what is going on and by

simply opting out of it, diminish the power the

Molochs think they possess.


Whether you call this assessment Libertarian or a

conspiracy-theory or acknowledge the facts (look it

up!), what is sure is that God, whose presence we have

all felt, will carry us through. As Yogi Bhajan said,

" Let go, and let God. " In my opinion, it is important

to let go completely, and part of doing that is

knowing all the ways in which the things of this earth

attempt to exert power on us. Only then can we truly

" let go. "


May we be blessed with open-mindedness, heartfelt

community, and prosperity.

Sat Nam

Dev Atma Singh





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