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life just gets more and more amazing

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Do you know that Hershey's candy bars practically unwrap themselves.

Yep, you pull this strip on the back side and it opens up

immediately-just FALLS open.


Imagine the technology involved for the MOTHER COMPANY to come up

with this idea, let alone invent it. Most likely, given the mentality

involved, they are busy devising a way for the candy to float up to

ones mouth and pry ones lips open, so the candy can insert itself into

our mouth. I just can't get over it. It makes opening a Hershey bar so

easy to do--maybe its part of the NEW FOOD being talked about. I have

more trouble getting ball point pens out of their plastic wrappings

than opening a candy bar. And, when I think of all the technology and

money involved in making sure packages of aspirin and food, like ice

cream for instance, are double sealed, lids screwed on so tight that

it takes a wrench or a hammer to get them open. Simply, amazing where

technology is going and with our money, too.




Intentional Chocolate™ is the result of the findings of a breakthrough

scientific experiment conducted by Dr. Dean Radin and a year of

consumer testing. Dr Radin is Senior Scientist at the Institute of

Noetic Sciences and author of The Conscious Universe (HarperOne) and

Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster). See his exciting new study just

published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing.


" Effects of Intentionally Enhanced Chocolate on Mood " , by Dean Radin

-Click here to read full article



Why does homemade chicken soup taste better than the same soup

purchased at a restaurant or scooped out of a can? Proposed

explanations range from the serious to the humorous. Among the serious

reasons, one contributor is undoubtedly the nurturing association

between home and food. Another might be an ingredient missing from

both the restaurant and the soup can—the role of good intentions.

Parental love and caring are known to be significant predictors of a

child's future health. Is it conceivable that such factors may also be

subtle " ingredients " in food? Most cultures have maintained the belief

that spells, prayers, or intentions can be mentally imprinted into

substances, which if ingested, would help bring about those

intentions. The act of blessing water, wine, and bread still plays a

central role in many religious rituals, and even in secular contexts

the practice of toasting or offering special salutes with food or

drink is universal.


Occasionally, consuming blessed food or water is said to result in

remarkable healings. The conventional explanation for such reports is

that belief becomes biology, that is, that any such healings are due

to the placebo effect. But given that the means by which belief

becomes biology are not well understood, one wonders whether food

exposed to good intentions might play a role. Such intentional effects

would presumably require the existence of a form of direct mind-matter

interaction (MMI). Experiments investigating MMI have studied systems

ranging from random events, to the structure of water, growth of cells

in vitro, and human physiology and health. Cumulatively, the empirical

evidence supports the plausibility that MMI phenomena do exist.


From an orthodox scientific perspective, the idea that physical

effects may be associated with focused intention is dismissed as a

vestige of primitive beliefs about sympathetic magic. From that

framework, any evidence presented in favor of MMI must necessarily be

regarded as flawed. But there is at least one aspect of traditional

magic, so-called contact magic, that deserves a second look. As

described by Frazer in the early 20th century classic, The Golden

Bough, contact magic involves objects " which have once been in contact

with each other [and] continue to act on each other at a distance

after the physical contact has been severed. " If we substitute the

word object for electron, then Frazer's definition is virtually

identical to the modern physical phenomenon of quantum entanglement,

which is now accepted as a demonstrable fact in microscopic and a

growing number of macroscopic systems.


Similarities between ancient beliefs about contact magic and the

modern phenomenon of quantum entanglement raise the possibility that,

like other ethnohistorical medical therapies once dismissed as

superstition—eg, the use of leeches and maggots in medicine—some

practices such as blessing food may reflect more than magical thinking

or an expression of gratitude. As William James put it in 1897,


In psychology, physiology, and medicine, whenever a debate between the

mystics and the scientifics has been once and for all decided, it is

the mystics who have usually proved to be right about the facts, while

the scientifics had the better of it in respect to the theories.


James' observation prompted us to investigate the possibility that

under placebo-controlled conditions, intentions directed toward food

might be detectable by monitoring mood changes in people who consume

that food. Chocolate was used for the test substance partially because

it is the most craved food in the world, and also because of its mild

psychoactive properties, principally methylxanthine and its

constituents, caffeine and theobromine. These stimulants, combined

with the sensory pleasures associated with chocolate's bittersweet

taste, creamy texture, and sensuous aroma, are known to produce

short-term elevations in mood. This experiment investigated whether

these known mood enhancements could be further elevated through the

use of intention.


-Click here to read full article



Sat Nam,

Sat Avtar Kaur

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