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Winter Solstice 2012 only 5 years away (part 2)

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Sat Nam

If you trace the thought line Dev Atma Singh has eloborated to the

very founding document of the United States (its Constitution), there

was an " extra-legal " pre-Constitutional " ACT " called the Northwest

Ordinance, which financed the Constitution and it's new government,

without which the United States would probably not have lasted

another 5 years, as the Netherlands bankers who financed the

revolution were wanting repayment and could easily have financed a

mercenary army to topple over the new government, just as the U.S.

routinely does to populist governments today. Moreover, the former

officers corps of the revolution had been promised land and

opportunities to become wealthy " citizens, " and they too could have

(and threatened to) topple the new government if payment was not



The Northwest Ordinance layed claim to all lands and territories to

the Illinois River, and defined it into 640 acre sections, ready to

buy and sell as real estate. This asset base provided " credit

worthiness " for the new Constitution by an act of outright theft of

Native American lands previously guaranteed to aboriginal people by

the British. This guarantee was a tipping point, one of the

triggers, that led to the revolutionary war with Britain. Based on

the 1490 doctrine of the so-called Holy Roman Empire, the Pope

declared that all lands on Earth, not previously ruled by Christian

princes were free to be taken over and ruled by any other Christian

prince. This Papal Bull contained the doctrine of Terrus Nullis,

which means " empty land " even though occupied by " Pagans. " This

principle was pre-Reformation, and passed into English Common Law,

which then passed into U.S. Law as precedent in the absence of

statutory law. And, since the Northwest Ordinance is " off the books "

as far as U.S. statutory law is concerned (since it was decreed under

the Articles of Confederation, no one thinks about it today. Like

the Purloined Letter that was hidden in plain sight in Edgar Allen

Poe's short story, the U.S. was founded and bankrolled by an act of

theft. And, as Dev Atma Singh has explained, theft and

misappropriation have become a time honored tradition within these

lands, from sea to shining sea.


for many Blessings,

Krishna Singh


Kundalini-Yoga , John Hall

<johnandersonhall wrote:


> sat nam all. this is dev atma singh.


> i am writing to help others make sense of the

> vitriolic language in this original post.


> While, as Guru Kaur pointed out, some of its positions

> can be called Libertarian, I don't think that label

> quite does the original post justice. There are facts

> beneath the original post that cannot be glossed over

> or dismissed. And the issues pertaining to those

> hidden facts are effecting us today.


> So I am going to ignore the numerology and calims

> about the freemasons, and speak to what, with a little

> work, will become clearly relevant to everyone.


> First, this post mentions the creation of the Federal

> Reserve. This is a Central Bank for the U.S., and as

> such, is an institution just like the one that

> prompted the American colonists to revolt against

> England? Why did they revolt? Because a central bank

> is given the duty privelege of printing money out of

> thin air. (This is called " fiat money " since the need

> for it only needs to be declared by the right people

> for it to be created.)


> Our Federal Reserve System was drafted under

> conditions of great secrecy by billionaires JP Morgan,

> Rockefeller, Senator Nelson Aldrich, and others who

> only stood to gain. At the time this was drafted,

> there was a call in the U.S. to " break the money

> trust. " This was a popular opinion holding that the

> bankers in this country were in collusion and working

> to maximize their own interests at the expense of the

> regular joe. Thus the secrecy: when the Federal

> Reserve was proposed to Congress, it was sold as

> insurance for the American people, as a way to " break

> the money trust. "


> The result: our " legal tender " has no intrinsic value.

> A piece of gold, for example, takes work to make, as

> does a car, furniture, or any other " real good. " Our

> money, on the other hand, is made of faith: the simple

> belief that is has value. Its worked for a while, but

> as we all know, the dollar is falling is value quite

> consistently.


> So why is this? Well, when we hear of the Federal

> Reserve lowering interest rates, what that means is,

> in essence, they are printing more money. The more

> dollars in the market, the less value each of them

> has. The Fed has been steadily lowering interest

> rates for the last ten years, so of course the dollar

> is worth less.


> The major issue is why the Fed is creating this fiat

> money. It must be done at the request of Congress.

> Our Congress has, for the last thirteen years or so,

> only cut taxes. If money does not come in via taxes,

> then it is paid for by this fiat money. THis amounts

> to another, unseen tax, one that affects the poor

> disproportionately. Since the result of a flood of

> dollars is devaluation, the price of common goods

> rises, and our work (by which we earn our money) is

> devalued. In effect, the dollar is a measure of debt

> only, and is, from its creation, " borrowed " from the

> Fed.


> This all amounts to what is properly called a cartel.

> The banking industry can actually go to Congress (and

> has on numerous occasions) to ask that Congress

> absolve them of their losses. Taxpayers actually foot

> the bill for banking industry's woes.


> So... why the acidic tone of the original post?


> Well, Mason or not, FDR's uncle was one of the

> drafters and legislators who brought the Fed into

> existence. Not only did FDR, in fact, know about

> Pearl Harbor before it happened, he disobeyed

> international tariff treaties to impose sanctions on

> Japan long before, and in a sense, provoked them.


> Add to this that in every war the U.S. has entered in

> the twentieth century, American businesses have

> profited on both sides of the conflagration. Take

> World War II for an example. We profited in helping

> build the Nazi war machine. The fuel for the planes

> that blitzed London was a patented formula owned by

> DuPont. Then we went to war, and industrious

> enterprise in itself, and Truman's Marshall Plan in

> effect planted our businesses (especially banks) in

> Europe.


> I use WWII as the example because it is called a " good

> war " and its participants " the greatest generation. "

> No doubt people like my grandfather (USMC) served with

> the best interests of their country at heart. But the

> piece of the pie that the U.S. seemed to enjoy in the

> post-war years has been gradually eroding, and the

> reason is that the money that made possible " a car in

> every garage " has been propped up in different ways.


> Our current conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the

> real issue. Further, as with the other wars, the war

> is itself a way to justify the Fed's issuing great

> volumes of this fiat money. The U.S. borrows money

> from China to pay for the war, and the Fed prints

> money to pay the Chinese government.


> If all this sounds like a crisis, well, just remember

> that this is still the Piscean Age. As we children of

> loght move forward, we can observe this struggle at a

> distance, and realize that a de-valued dollar is only

> an inconvenience. But it is also a infringement of

> our rights, and what is more, when this pattern of

> barbaric, tyrannical control is considered, we have to

> ask ourselves what it means in terms of the Aquarian

> shift.


> I encourage every one to look into themselves and

> ponder this question, and to do so without fear.

> While the machinations of the so-called " elite " are

> attempting to institute a feudal economy, Aquarian

> entrepreneurs can realize what is going on and by

> simply opting out of it, diminish the power the

> Molochs think they possess.


> Whether you call this assessment Libertarian or a

> conspiracy-theory or acknowledge the facts (look it

> up!), what is sure is that God, whose presence we have

> all felt, will carry us through. As Yogi Bhajan said,

> " Let go, and let God. " In my opinion, it is important

> to let go completely, and part of doing that is

> knowing all the ways in which the things of this earth

> attempt to exert power on us. Only then can we truly

> " let go. "


> May we be blessed with open-mindedness, heartfelt

> community, and prosperity.

> Sat Nam

> Dev Atma Singh






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