Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Dear Charan Singh, Sunia / Sravana / hearing, is a condition that in Kundalini Yoga results from Sadhana and Aradhana. · See A Proper Understanding of the Active-Passive Aspects of Kundalini Yoga Practice The Sadhana practice involves a three part the practice of 1. Radiance (“Laya Path”), which increasingly penetrates voltage throughout the body, which is sustained through completing the passive aspect of each exercise. a. This aspect has a number of spiritual science aspects that include specialized breathing, breathing and movement, specialized categories of movement that are unique to opening centers like the Spiritual Heart, Amrita Nadi and others, sound, which has a unique effect in KY that is not experienced in other yogas, etc. The result should be the suffusing of radiance that results in the disengagement of the focusing mechanism. b. See The disengagement of the reticular activating system new 2. Withdrawal (“Pratyahar Path”), which draws the mind inward by watching the flow and experience of prana and apana. In KY this is called breath simran, and 3. Study of Scripture of the various religions of the lives and teachings of the Saints, Sages and Saviors, to try to understand, comprehend and recollect for one’s own self the experience exemplified in their words and lives. · See Sadhana, Aradhana, Pradhupati 2004,%20Nov%208,%202004.pdf The result of this consistent practice is that the encoding of mind’s impressions throughout the nervous system begins to release their hold on the body and its reactive energies, and as the experience of penetrating radiance and deepening stillness evens out and begins to be felt all through and around the body (the Ten Bodies), the voltage becomes great enough that the force of awareness, which has its own frequency, that projects through the mind giving the notion of a subject seeing a separate object begins to disengage, and you experience yourself as a field of consciousness. This is why you often read the Sages, Saints and Saviors referring to the individual as the “field” because who and what we are, as experienced as an individual is a ¾ dimensional “field” of consciousness, which illumines the mind and body without focus. When this begins to be experienced, with it comes a distillation of the sense of “I,” a sense of unique discernment that discriminates the Self from impressions that appear on its screen, like a diamond that experiences its purity despite the color of nearby objects that give it the appearance of a different hue. This is why the experience is called in KY “Pradhupati” or Crystallization. This experience comes, when, through Sadhana and Aradhana, this self radiant Crystallization manifests. It’s an experience that comes of Its own accord, as a result of the study of scripture, where, because the mind and body are poised in radiant stillness that effectively opens a door to where the Self, which is always already the self-effulgent screen upon and within which the mind and body appear, suddenly “hears’ the words and recognizes Itself as Truth, as “I am the Truth” – “Sat Nam” There is a simultaneous inward pulling and outward flashing that is both single and pervasive, which is what is meant by the sense of pulsation, “atma sphurana.” You experience a radical relinquishment of attention to the impressions emerging in the mind, a discarding of all ideas and concepts of what and how things are. You become grounded in overflowed with singular truth, the Absolute. So, it’s not really a resonating, as it’s the experience of soundless sound. You might consider it to be like a Pulsar. I was watching a program once in which Steven Hawkins was describing the nature of a “Black Hole,” and as I listened to it, there emerged this experience of the Singularity of Truth. So, the reason that this experience is called “One Star Spirituality” and the center called the “Ik Tar” or One Star in Kundalini Yoga is that you experience your Self as That. There are a lot of interesting esoteric words that you see in all these Religions, such as uncaused, unconditioned, timeless,, space-like,….. But when this experience – awakening – remembrance emerges, and you abide in the truth of what and who you really are, there is a kind of deepness and vastness and silence beyond silence, in which timing and distances have lost meaning, as though you encompass the universe, and within that deep vastness comes these words that you recognize deeply - uncaused,…….. unconditioned,…….. timeless,…….. space-like,….. If in this condition you notice the Spiritual Heart, which is where you point when you say “I” to the right of the sternum, which is also the pacemaker for the heart to the left of the sternum, You will notice that the intensity and brightness throughout the body and amrita nadi (mind nerve) increases tremendously. This Heart is like a door. You might liken it to the following story. In the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, where the European population collapsed form a civilization of 60 million to 4 million, and most accumulated knowledge was destroyed or hidden, serfs would ask the monks in the Abbeys, what the sparkling lights were in the night sky, and were told that at night god pulls a shroud over the planet, and within that shroud are a number of holes behind which is the infinite light and glory of God. Taking this analogy, the Heart, called the One Star, is a door or gateway or Gate, penetrating through which is discovered All-Pervasive Infinite Being Consciousness, as one’s Self. So you might say that when you experience this pulsing of the Self, you are abiding or standing Transfigured at That Doorway, which by Itself exudes a light that both surpasses and is the source of the light that lights the mind and body. It’s singular, because It’s a force of Intelligence. There are various power centers in the body, such as the Kundal, the crown (10th gate) and Hrdayam / One Star. Usually when one is felt, the others will be felt, as well as the main nadis between. As one continues to practice and the mind deepens and purifies, your conscious / waking mind begins to become aware of the subconscious dream mind. In terms of meditation, it means that you begin to experience consciousness without the physical senses. The subconscious or dreaming mind creates whole worlds within you, where you are a subject experiencing an apparently separate object, which has been created by you. But when the mind is very still and the voltage great enough you experience how both the creation and the subject appear simultaneously within your Self. The short answer to the question is that this “hearing” does not involve a subject listening to or meditating on an object. It involves the subject (the seer) holding singly and abiding in and as the subject (seer). When you read the scripture, for example, there is not the intellectual process of comparing this to that, but rather a sense of poised consideration, as though in the intensity to try to “grok’ to hear to grasp what is being said in the actions and words of the Sages, Saints and Saviors, you put the mind and its judgments and interpretations and categorizations completely aside and you utterly stop to consider, like an eagle poised as it sees its prey, as though you have entered into a timeless moment, where even the notion of time is put aside to somehow “hear!” Then you will feel this force of Intelligence pervading and penetrating and grounding, as the whole body fills with Living Light. But even as this is happening, you are discarding any attention or noticing of what is happening to the body and mind, and this discarding itself causes the experience to increase. Then at some moment you become entirely grounded in that Singularity of pervasive Being. There is no more attention to what is happening to the mind and body, as you are in a state of relinquishment. “Empty clear self illuminating with no exertion of the mind’s power” (Third Zen Patriarch) When this “recollection” (Mania / Manana) emerges, you suddenly understand and “hear” the words of all the scriptures as describing you. When you consider your body, you will notice that a kind of a tension that you never noticed is gone or dissipating, and all around your body there is an outward pressing radiance as though the ends of the nerves no longer contain energy but exude it. You abide beyond stillness. All this also quickens the process of breaking loose from the wheel of karma, in which you begin to notice in yourself and everyone else a recurrence of a pattern of behavior where you see yourself in several areas reliving the same events over and over, as though the actors and setting have changed, but the plot is the same. Becoming conscious of your karmic predicament, you begin to experience those areas in the conscious field, awakening to which you are able to unravel predicaments you realize you yourself have through your perceptions based on the projection of stored impressions created your own predicaments, but suddenly you experience a wholeness, completeness and grounded steadiness that enables you to care, be careful of, to love, to be steady in what might have felt like fear that prevented correct action. And in all dimensions of life you experience healing and wholeness to you and your environment. So, the conclusion of all this is to do your Sadhana every day, no matter what, and all this will emerge on its own. Here are a couple of kriyas that will help open the Spiritual Heart, Crown and Amrita nadi between. 1. Mahashakti kriya. Sitting with your legs straight and together, hands beside your thighs, lean back and raise the legs straight to 60 degrees and begin breath of fire, for 1 minute, then inhale hold the breath. Then 2. Come into platform pose, and continue breath of fire for one minute. Then inhale and hold, while relaxing the whole body. 3. Then repeat 1 and 2 three times, and come sitting straight legs crossed feeling the radiance throughout the body. The glands will secrete, as a result of directing attention to all parts of the body and gradually the chemicals in the secretions will start to sustain the voltage, so that the voltage pervades and normalizes to where the whole nadi system begins to normalize at a greater voltage. 4. Then come into tailor pose, with the feet together before you holding the feet together and begin a spinal flex in which as you straighten you are also expanding forward, so that your chest and spine gradually coming forward to 60 degrees, then 45 degrees, then 30 degrees. 2 minutes. Finally come up so that your buttocks are above the feet, hands on the ground before you, and you begin to lightly bounce up and down inhaling up, exhaling down. This will open the base of the spine. After a minute, inhale, hold, arch the spine forward, press the chest forward and shoulders back, pull the root lock, stretch the lower spine, then exhale and come sitting back on the buttocks feeing the radiance through the spine and out the tip of the head for a minute, during which you’ll notice that deepening radiance penetrates and expands as the glands are triggered to secrete to support the voltage generated. 5. Then make your tongue into a trough, and inhale drawing the air deep down to the bottom of the lungs, expanding the breath upwards until the clavicles come up by themselves. At the same time feel the flow of radiance come up the spine the through the cortex and up over the top of the head down to the ajna, hold the breath, stretch the spine, press the chest forwards shoulders back, project through the point between the eyebrows on up to the crown. Then purse your lips and very slowly project the air out your mouth, while again taking the radiance up your spine and through the top of the head and at the same time from your ajna to the crown and out the top of the head. Do 10 such breaths. Then sit still in the flow of radiance for a minute. 6. Then sitting with the legs crossed and holding the shins with the hands, expand the spine straight chest forward inhaling and then slowly slouch crunching back, so that the spine ins stretched in each directions. Slowly, begin to move into an easy rhythm until you’re doing the camel ride spinal flex kriya, easily, with the whole body becoming more relaxed in the movement. As you continue there should be the emergence of a special kind of radiance that causes the movement to become more powerful, faster with more powerful breaths, after around 3 minutes, inhale and hold the breath, stretch the spine and neck, pressing the chest forward, shoulders back, pressing the tongue to the pallet and then, stretching the lower spine, pull the root lock. Then sit in the radiance feeling the electric flow through the spine out the top of the head, and gradually begin to notice the radiance throughout and around the body. One way to do this is to project from the ajna to the knees, and you will start to feel a disengagement of the focusing mechanism and feel a simultaneous radiance throughout the body. 7. Repeat 5 8. The next kriya is very powerful, but easy to practice. You sit cross-legged. Bring your hands up so that the base of the palms are at the level of your throat, palms cupped facing each other around the width of your face apart, thumbs around an inch or 2 from the face, elbows just forward of the sides of the rib cage. Now press the shoulders back so that the arms come back chest expands, hands at the level of your head, purse your lips and suck the air in powerfully through the mouth. Then compress forcefully the hands to the original position, compressing the abdomen and navel so that the air is squeezed out still through pursed lips. Begin to make this into a rhythmical but forceful action. Be sure that the shoulders come back forcefully, as it causes the granthi or knot binding the nerves in the heart area to break free. Compressing forward with the forceful breath is like doing the “har” compression. Soon you’ll come into a powerful rhythm, which you continue for 3 or more minutes. Then inhale, hold the breath, stretch the spine and neck up, shoulders back, chest pressed forward. Feel the radiance through the spine, through the front of the body and pull the root lock. When you exhale, project the energy up the spine and out the top of the head, while up the ajna to the crown and out the top of the head. Relax the breath and sit still for 2 to 3 minutes feeling the pervading radiance. It’s here that you may notice that the mind begins to be drawn inwards, while radiant, and you feel a sense of abiding in the seer, because the radiance from the subject “I” is flashing with a force greater than the pervading radiance of the body. This is called “impact” 9. Repeat 5 10. Next, you bring your arms to 45 degrees, shoulders pressed back, arms straight, and begin a movement in which, breathing through the nose, you exhale as your right arm stretches up and left arm comes parallel to the ground to the side. Inhale during the transition through 45 degrees, then exhale as the left arm comes up and right arm comes to the side. When you do this right, the breath is similar to the breath of fire. After a minute, switch to a motion starting from the arms both stretched wide parallel to the ground and moving up 45 degrees on one side down 45 degrees on the other side with the breath going out on the upward/downwards motion and in on the transition, through the arms being parallel to the ground, continuing for a minute. Then shift to a motion, where your index and middle fingers are stretched straight together, and the thumb is covering the pinky and ring ringer. This time the right are comes up, while the left arm comes towards the left knee, exhaling, inhaling during the transition through the arms coming forward, straight and then exhale as the opposite arms come up and down, continue for a minute. Then shift to a punching motion. Hands in fists at the chest level a forceful motion exhaling as the fist of one arm punches forward with the elbow of the other back, inhale in the transition, etc, as before for one minute. Then finally shift to the hands in gyan mudra at the level of the ears and begin a spinal twist motion that includes the head turning completely to the right, as the body’s torso twists right, and left as it twists left, exhaling on the twist inhaling on the transition. Continue for 2 minutes, then inhale deeply to the bottom of the lungs, through the abdomen, the solar plexus, the heart until the clavicles lift. Stretch the spine and neck up and slightly back, head straight, shoulders back, chest forward, tongue pressed to the pallet, then stretching the lower spine, pull the root lock. Then purse the lips and, as you exhale, slowly project the radiance up the spine (the silver cord), through the cortex (the passage), though the crown and top of the head, and at the same time from the ajna to the crown (the gold cord) and out the top of the head. Relax the breath and sit in the pervading radiance for 3 minutes. 11. Repeat 5 12. The next one is another Heart, Amrita nadi crown polarity kriya. You clasp the hands together in Venus lock, with the fingers laced forming a tight grip. Inhale through the nostrils as the arms strait stretched come up and back with force to expand the chest shoulders back, exhale coming down forcefully so that the elbows come down striking the front part of the chest, 15 to 20 times, then continue with 3 inhaling sniffs up, one forceful exhale down, 6 times, then repeat single breaths up and down 10 more times, then same movement, but 6 inhales with each upward arm movement, and one forcefully down, then another 10 single breaths up and down., but concentrating on the force of the upward movement that forces the shoulders back, and downward movement where the front of the chest is struck by the downward movement of the elbows and back of upper arms. Then arms up, inhaling deeply to the bottom of the lungs, through the abdomen, the solar plexus, the heart until the clavicles lift. Stretch the spine and neck up and slightly back, head straight, shoulders back, chest forward, tongue pressed to the pallet, then stretching the lower spine, pull the root lock. Then purse the lips and, as you exhale, slowly project the radiance up the spine (the silver cord), through the cortex (the passage), though the crown and top of the head, and at the same time from the ajna to the crown (the gold cord) and out the top of the head. Relax the breath and sit in the pervading radiance for 3 minutes. 13. Then still sitting cross legged, bring the right arm behind the back, and put the left arm straight slightly to the back of the back, hand pressed into the ground, leaning down, with the right hand clasping just below the left elbow. Twist the body, turning the head to the left, which pressing down, and begin a breath of fire to become more and more powerful over a minute., inhale hold the breath, chest forward, twisting the body and head. Then slowly exhale through the nostrils, and relax. Remain sitting for a minute feeling the radiance all through the ida nadi, back of the left side of the neck, over the left side of the top of the body down to the ajna., then radiating through the entire left side of the body. 14. Repeat 13 to the right side. 15. Now stretch your arms up to 60 degrees, stretching the fingers inhaling forcefully through the nostrils. Followed by exhaling forcefully as you bring your elbows down striking forcefully the sides of the rib cage, exhaling through the nostrils, hands coming into fists at shoulder level, continue this rhythmically and powerfully concentrating on the upward stretch of the arms and powerful striking of the ribcage downwards. Inhale bring the arms to 60 degrees. Then bring the thumbs up, press the fingers straight then curling in the first joints, and begin breath of fire until you feel the magnetic field around the body, Inhale, hold the breath, bring the thumbs together, then bring the thumbs to the level of the forehead pressing together, still holding the breath, and exhale and relax. 16. The final part is slow alternate nostril breathing, controlling the breath with your left hand. a. Inhaling to a count of 4 while watching the energy come into the left nostril up over the left side of the top of the head, down the left side of the back to the neck and to the left side of the spine to the base of the spine (the ida nadi), hold the breath, stretch the spine, chest forward, pull the root lock, holding for 16 seconds. (Feel the prana expanding. Then exhale to the count of 8 through the right nostril watching the same energy flow to the right nadi (pingala), attention now between the eyebrows projecting and seeing through, hold 16 seconds. Feel the flow of apana dissolving. Then inhale to the right 4 seconds, hold at the base of the spine 16 seconds, and exhale up the left side 8 seconds, holding again for 16 seconds at the ajna. Repeat 5 times. b. Repeat the same, but this time, when you exhale, press the thumb or middle finger against the nostril you’re exhaling from to force the exhalation through that nostril, which considerably expands the energy through the related nadi upwards. Repeat 5 times. You’ll begin to feel a radiant expansion through these nadis and spine and throughout the crown and beyond. c. Repeat the same as b, but this time, when you have inhaled through the left and close the nostrils to hold the breath, you bring your right arm to the right side and twist your body and head to the right, hold as above, then coming straight as you exhale in the manner of 8 above. The radiance will be considerably greater and directly affect the Vagus nerve, Amrita nadi. You might feel a tremendous force of electric energy through the body, heart, Amrita nadi through the top of the head, which you feel the mind drawn in as though there is a graviton in the heart. When you inhale through the right nostril and then hold the breath, this time twist your body to the left, bringing your right elbow and shoulder to the left and head to the left and hold. Then again as you come straight exhaling as with b above, holding the breath out, again you will feel a force of radiance penetrating through the body, made easier because the exhalation effects the dissolving force of apana. Repeat 2 to 5 times. d. Finally, you have the focus on the subhuman, by compressing the back of the tongue to the back of the throat so that when breathing you have the sensation like snoring, both on the inhale and exhale. This activates the subhuman, so that, as you inhale, you will feel the flow of energy coming from above the top of the head, through the crown, through the cortex area, and through the spine to the base of the spine. When you hold, you will feel the prana expanding through the legs, then slowly upwards through the body. Then you exhale and feel the pressure of radiance coming up through the spine, cortex area crown and through the top of the head some distance above, holding the breath out feeling the dissolving effect of apana. Repeat 5 times. 17. Sit straight, empty, clear, feeling spatial radiance, for 5 minutes or more, and then lay on the back and reboot. If you do this every morning as part of a Sadhana, possibly with slow leg stretches to start, and repeating, if the legs become numb, then, gradually, with other KY classes at other times, and reading scripture, early in the morning or in the evening, the radiance will expand and even out and the experiences described will begin to emerge. See: for non-dual scripture and other texts of interest I thought to add the set, as it’s not just enough to explain an experience, but to also provide some means through which the stages of the KY Sadhana can lead to the experience towards impacting of the Universal Consciousness can be had and recognized. Pieter Vagus nerve Posted by: " Gurbani Vichar " gurbanivichar c1v4 Tue Jan 8, 2008 9:13 am (PST) Sat Nam Many thanks to Guru Nam K and Pieter for bringing up such a blissful and powerful sharing on The Vagus Nerve. More blessings were received by visiting Could Pieter please elaborate more on 1) " Pulsing " of " I " which is felt in spiritual heart and the vagus nerve......Does Sunia (listening) mean focused listening of this pulsing 2) or Does this means (sunia) listening to the pulsing sensation which first can be experienced/ listened to, at the naval point while meditating which often rises up from the naval point and starts pulsing/ resonating at the third eye point? With Prayers Charan Singh Oshawa, CA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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