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What Yogi Bhajan Said

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Sat Nam and blessings.So grateful to be reading all of theseposts.Having been around a short time (lessthan 10 years), I would be very grateful to share some perspectives withyou.First - very often and in very innocentways. people remember what they want to remember when it comes to whatYogi Bhajan " said. " Like any other teacher or master, you haveto remember that every student only filters what their own memory/experienceis. And filters always have bias. That's why the science of Kundalini Yogais to practice it for yourself and get it. As your awareness expands, youwill understand the teachings directly. The record of what any teachersaid is only a record subject to interpretation. Kundalini Yoga is nota philosophy. It's a science of your own awakening. So do the practicesand trust the Divine to guide you. As your awareness expands, you willbegin to see things differently.There are no texts when it comes toKundalini Yoga. But there is something that all of Yogi Bhajan's teachingsare grounded in - the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. He was a Sikh - and all ofhis teachings about psychology and human nature do have a reference. Thatreference is either Sikh history or the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. So if youwant to verify it for yourself - that's the place to go.Now - to the specific subjects. Do youhave to be married to attain enlightenment? Absolutely not. There's nothingin anything he taught or in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib to claim that. TheSiri Guru Granth Sahib teaches that union comes through grace. It isn'tin your hands when you merge. It's in the Hands of the one who made you.And the time and circumstances for that were written for you before yoursoul even began it's journey in time and space. Guru Amar Das talks aboutthis in the Anand Sahib.However, sexual desire run amok doescreate a block to your spiritual path. There are some yogas that teachyou to live without sex, period. The Sikh Gurus didn't do that. They believedthat sexual intercourse in the context of marriage was a very wonderfulway to handle the sexual energy. But they were very specific about it.No sex before marriage. One partner only. No sex except for your marriagepartner. If you are dedicated to a spiritual path, don't let sexual desireget the best of you. It's a common thread in every spiritual path - andthis is how the Sikh Gurus discussed it.As to the issue of women being 16 timesmore power than men. This is often misunderstood and misquoted. Women are16 times more intuitive and 16 times more creatively powerful than men.And I believe a lot of men and women can intuitively understand this. Butthat 16 times can work for or against a woman. This is part of what hetaught in the Khalsa Women's Training Camps. We can be 16 times more upliftingor 16 times more destructive. 16 times brighter or 16 times more neurotic.There is a power that comes with being a woman and the key is to own thatpower and act responsibly in the face of it. It's not a " better than " or " worse than " scenario. But we have to wake up to our powerto be responsible - and that's part of the overall awakening for a womanwho practices Kundalini Yoga.Now where does this teaching come from?It's not anywhere in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. But I personally believeit's part of the oral history of the Sikh tradition. The Sikh Gurus wereborn in a time in India when women were just treated terribly. By the timeof the 3rd Guru, Guru Amar Das, women were being given ministerial territorieson their own. Guru Amar Das trained almost 3 times as many women as mento go out and spread Sikh Dharma. So while I have no proof of this, andI totally yield that point, I do believe that it might be something inthe oral tradition from the Sikh Gurus themselves.These are just a few thoughts to sharewith you and I sincerely hope you find them helpful. Am grateful to discussany of these topics further if you would like.Sincerely and humbly yours,All Love in the Divine,Ek Ong Kaar Kaur KhalsaDirector of CommunicationsSikh Dharma Internationalekongkaarhttp://ekongkaar.blogspot.comWhen you feel there is no hope, be a hope. – Yogi Bhajan

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