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Belief and Kundalini Yoga Continued

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Dear Nirvair Kaur and Kundalini Yogis:

I was so happy to see the discussion concerning belief and Kundalini

yoga posted on the site. Like Nirvair Kaur I have struggled with the

" Catch 22 " in Kundalini philosophy and practice. Also like Nirvair I

have studied several ancient yoga texts and would like to know which

" road map " kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan follows. I asked

several questions concerning lineage in my level one teacher training

and it was implied that I was being " too academic " and " not relying on

my experience. " I also got the standard " kundalini yoga was taught in

secret so we have no texts or other reliable sources save Yogi

Bhajan's oral teachings. " Spiritual development is a path fraught with

potholes and if we don't want to fall in, it is nice to have a tried

and true tested road map.

These are my questions, any answer is highly appreciated:

1) Yogi Bhajan was a student of Sant Hazbara Singh, but Yogi Bhajan

recognized Guru Ram Das as his root teacher? Correct? But....

2) How/when did the teachings of Kundalini and Hatha yoga become

intertwined with the Sikh lineage and Guru Ram Das? Do we have any

textual or oral documentation of the transmission of embodied

knowledge from early yogis into Sikhism?

3) Many Buddhist lineages keep a long record of their " golden chain "

so that each teacher's life is remembered and students can learn from

it. We are told that when we " tune in " we " manifest infinity through

the grace of Ram Das " (Aquarian Teacher Manual p. 45), but who are the

other links on the chain? Are we only linking to the Sikh Gurus or to

other highlyrealized masters? If so, which ones???

4) What are the direct or indirect relatioships between the Patanjali

Sutras, the Hathayoga Pradipika and Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi

Bhajan? Or are we dealing with an entirely different lineage? For

instance, we know that the founders of Astanga, Iyengar and

Viniyoga styles of yoga were all students of Krishnamacharya (born in

1888), a famous teacher at the Yoga Institute at the Mysore Palace in

India. But is Ashtanga/Hatha lineage related to Yogi Bhajan's? And

then, if not, what is his lineage? Who was Sant Hazbara Singh's

teacher? Or did Yogi Bhajan just channel all the teachings from Guru

Ram Das- and if this is the case, how/ from whom did Guru Ram Das take

his teachings?

5) I do not understand at what point Hatha Yoga traditions transferred

from Gorakshanath (the earliest recorded Hatha yoga) and intertwined

with Sikh teachings tracing from Guru Nanak. Do we have a date or a

record of this process?

And finally and probably most importantly:

6) Are there any early or ancient texts describing the practice of

Kundalini yoga (as a practice or as it is taught by Yogi Bhajan),

either in Sanskrit, Tibetan or GuruMukhi that I can study?

As a scholar and a practitioner it is very important for me to

understand these connections so I don't misrepresent the teachings and

so I can honor the teachers that have passed on these wonderful teachings.

Sat Nam,



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This is very much interesting to read your post charanpreet Jeo as I

have requested a near similar information from the Director of

communications of Sikh Dharama International if they have any

available brouchure on the sourcing/linking Kundalini with Sikhism


With Prayers


Charan Singh

Oshawa CA



Guru Piaray EkOngKaar Kaur Khalsa Jeo


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh


aapay patee kalam aap upar laykh bhe tooN.You Yourself are the writing

tablet, and You Yourself are the pen. You are also what is written on

it.(Ang:1291:14,First Mehla)]



I very much enjoyed reading your recent post " What Yogi Bhajan " Said "

" on Kundalini - Yoga online group. As a Director of

Communications for Sikh Dharama International,SDI, would you please be

able to suggest me any communication developed by SDI which is aimed

sourcing Kundalini yoga practices with appropriate references from

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jeo and hence strengthening the bonds between



After living in Guru Ram Das Ashram, Toronto, for two years, my love

for Yogi Jeo doesnt accepts Kundalini practices though Yogi Jeo's

blessings help me in making efforts to connect to the Guru. On

occasions though the Hukam of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jeo in the sadhana

room got reflected very well by Yogi Jeo's Everyday Calender placed in

the common kitchen area with which Yogi Jeo's presence became



I would appreciate your reply the way you emphasized that every thing

Yogi Jeo said could be sourced and better understood as enshrines and

illuminates in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jeo



Please help improving these evolving thoughts and bless ( Bhul chuk de Mafi)


With Prayers


Charan Singh

Oshawa, CA

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