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An activated kundalini-advice

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Sat Nam


I would be interested to know, what people may think or the advice

given to someone doing kundalini yoga, specifically the Kundalini Yoga

teacher Training - if their kundalini had already activated prior to

embarking on the path of kundalini yoga, in an attempt to understand

and progress with the experience.And that that particualar arousal had

disorganised ones life & normal functionings etc.But stability had been

reached & that the practise of the regular kundalini Yoga, as taught in

the training was having adverse effects ...and just restimualting an

already overstimulated system and creating far to much arousal in the

head & prana to focus & function in ones day to day life.



Would all the various kriyas / sets & meditations be as conducive to

this & safe to work with...or would they being doing more harm than

good if they were not chosen appropriately - as such things as the BOF

etc.even the spinal flexes are indeed stimulating to a system that

perhaps has already been stimulated & remains top heavy...

I am loathe to withdraw from this path, but I feel that without

suitable knowledge or personal guidance I may do myself more harm than


The original opening & kundalini release lasted for some time & was

extremely full on, with all the atypical phenomena...however, the 10

years since this has been an attempt to heal / integrate & understand

the process...

I would apprecaite any views / info / opinions /expericence of this..



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Dear Makaela


I am not sure if you are talking about yourself.


1) Kundalini Yoga in itself is not a practice to create a " kundalini

experience " or activate the kundalini for activation sake. It may

happen, but that's not its 1st goal.

2) The first goal of Kundalini Yoga is awareness and building

everything in a balanced way including the nervous system. If

kundalini energy rises it is safe and smooth.

3) I have never heard of kundalini yoga practitioners having a bad

kundalini experience. I have heard of meditation practitioners who

don't practice yoga having a kundalini experience that left them

weakened. I have also heard of people who willed themselves to

experience something too powerful for their body to handle who

shattered their nervous system. I have also heard of a person who had

a " kundalini experience " during a Reiki atunement -- in that case it

was powerful and enjoyable.

4) If a person has had a " kundalini experience " that has left them

with physical weaknesses, then it is usually the nervous system that

suffered and it has to be strengthened. Kundalini Yoga should be

practiced slowly with the first goal of rebuilding their nervous

system including long deep breathing instead of BOF. If BOF is

attempted the practitioner should pay close attention to his/her

physical reaction(s), and be ready to stop and do something soothing

like sitali breath or long deep breathing. BOF will eventually be


5) As for all advice, you should take into account that everyone is

different and close attention to what this person needs and how this

person responds is essential.

6) This person should be supervised by an experienced Kundalini Yoga




Awtar Singh

Rochester, NY

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Makaela i think that the arousal of the Kundalini draws always adverse effects, I have heard many cases, some are very smooth, but there is always a change in the body and in many things. When my K energy aroused, I was not aware of it by that time, and I was very stressed because of the death of a dearest relative. All kind of electrical appliances began to unsettle, turning on and off all the time while I was near, even medical instruments. With time it passed but I had the doubt if the instruments of the doctors were influenced by my energy, even my heart changed the beat rhythme. But it passed, and the K path worths every symptom, sometimes we have to pass some "proofs" to cleanse the body. The Key word is to surrender any symptom with love and gratitude. Sat Nam Aisha

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Kundalini-Yoga , " yogahs " <kundalini_yoga



> Dear Makaela


> I am not sure if you are talking about yourself.


> 1) Kundalini Yoga in itself is not a practice to create a " kundalini

> experience " or activate the kundalini for activation sake. It may

> happen, but that's not its 1st goal.

> 2) The first goal of Kundalini Yoga is awareness and building

> everything in a balanced way including the nervous system. If

> kundalini energy rises it is safe and smooth.

> 3) I have never heard of kundalini yoga practitioners having a bad

> kundalini experience. I have heard of meditation practitioners who

> don't practice yoga having a kundalini experience that left them

> weakened. I have also heard of people who willed themselves to

> experience something too powerful for their body to handle who

> shattered their nervous system. I have also heard of a person who


> a " kundalini experience " during a Reiki atunement -- in that case it

> was powerful and enjoyable.

> 4) If a person has had a " kundalini experience " that has left them

> with physical weaknesses, then it is usually the nervous system that

> suffered and it has to be strengthened. Kundalini Yoga should be

> practiced slowly with the first goal of rebuilding their nervous

> system including long deep breathing instead of BOF. If BOF is

> attempted the practitioner should pay close attention to his/her

> physical reaction(s), and be ready to stop and do something soothing

> like sitali breath or long deep breathing. BOF will eventually be

> possible.

> 5) As for all advice, you should take into account that everyone is

> different and close attention to what this person needs and how this

> person responds is essential.

> 6) This person should be supervised by an experienced Kundalini Yoga

> teacher.


> Blessings,

> Awtar Singh

> Rochester, NY


Dear Awtar Singh

Thankyou for your offering,

I understand that kundalini yoga is not intended 'in itself' to

activate kundalini, but my question was its suitability for someone

who has already had a raised kundalini & who has now embarked on its

teachings / practise & is having undesired stimulation.

As it is myself, I am relieved to hear of your further

recommendations, as I have indeed paid close attention to myself & my

responses, and this is how my concern has arisen.

And I to agree that I would need an experienced Kundalini yoga

teacher & supervision to if I am to progress with this safely. As I

am on a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course I am not receiving

this, and hence where my problems & subsequent concerns have arisen,

despite my having spoken with the teachers & informed them of my


I cannot afford to let this situation continue, at my own expense,

hence why I have appealed for more information in regards to

kundalini yoga.

Brightest Blessings



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Dear Makaela:


> And I too agree that I would need an experienced Kundalini yoga

> teacher & supervision if I am to progress with this safely. As I

> am on a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course I am not receiving

> this, and hence where my problems & subsequent concerns have arisen,

> despite my having spoken with the teachers & informed them of my

> situation.


It seems to me the teacher training would surround you with people

able to supervise and help you. If it does not provide that

environment for you perhaps it is not the right teacher training for you.


I don't want to know who these people are, they may have their

reasons. But ask yourself: Is this teacher training KRI approved? If

it is, you can contact KRI and ask them for advice on how to proceed.

If it is not then you don't really have a recourse that I know of.


I would consider those things. If I am not receiving what I need, I

have 2 courses of action:

1) Ask for my money back and take a teacher training that offers me

what I need.

2) Continue with the training and partner with a student you trust who

remains with you when you do yoga so you can let that person know how

you feel, and ask for help if you need to.


When I took the teacher training I did not have much experience but I

was assigned to be the buddy of someone who was having trouble coming

to class on time and was in a lot of physical pain. The organizers saw

to it that this student was supported. You can give yourself that much

if the organizers are not providing the help you need.



Awtar Singh

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If you are experiencing negative effects from the Kundalini energy,

you are probably having a blockage somewhere. Sometimes a block can

create a pleasant experience, sometimes an unpleasant one. This can

be subtle or extreme. At one time I was having physical body

movements during my meditation. It was a very pleasant experience. I

asked Guru Dev Singh (School of Sat Nam Rasayan) what my problem was

and he said my Nadis were blocked and gave me a meditation to

unblock them. It worked!After that I had stable body for meditation.

I also had problems when people in my family had severe medical

issues. I was taking on their energy empathically which was giving

me the same symptoms they were having and not helping them. I felt

very ill when I was with them in the hospital room, but fine when I

left. I've learned to control this by learning the healing technique

of Sat Nam Rasayan. Now I can be helpful to someone who needs

healing rather than draining my own energy.

My suggestion is to learn all you can about energy and healing. You

are obviously a very " in-tune " person and it may serve you better to

develop your talents rather than deny them, as you may continue to

have the same kinds of experiences. You may want to look at this as

an opportunity for growth.

My personal experience is that I have studied many styles of healing

techniques, but found that Sat Nam Rasayan was the most powerful and

most exacting in being able to help the patient. It also taught me

how to control my own energy. Please recognize that you are blessed.

Kartar Kaur (Portland, Maine)

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Kartar Can you share your technique with us, or tell us of a site where we can learn about ? I always detect the lies from people or from any relative, and this bothers me a lot, cause I can't do anything about, is like if my brain were reading their mind, and it's very painful to know that they are lying. Sat Nam Aisha

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