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Sat nam,Given what we know about the power of yoga, healthful diets and natural healing, the following letter, by the author of "Slave Species of God," becomes less controversial. I share to give some political context to this incredible path - kundalini yoga - on which each of us has found ourselves. If you like what you read below, google the name of the author or the name of his book mentioned above...Amar AtmaMichael Tellinger <zuluplanet wrote: cfrohSubject: Week 12 - Conspiracy TheoriesFri, 1 Feb 2008 08:20:21 +0200Michael Tellinger <zuluplanet Week 12 Article - by Michael Tellinger. Hello Charles. Before I continue with the story of the Powder of Gold Part III and its many possible applications, I would like to briefly raise the dirty subject of conspiracy. In this week's article we cover: 1)

The ugly side of conspiracy theories. 2) Forbidden science – By whom and why? 3) The Holy Trinity of human enslavement. Forbidden Science and Conspiracies The more I investigate human achievements and new discoveries by great minds of the past, the more horrified I become by the overwhelming evidence of mass cover-ups of unthinkable proportion as far back as one can scratch. It seems that many great discoveries of the past and even of the present are always accompanied by inexplicable activity by instruments of authority or government, to cover up such discoveries. Most commonly, the shadowy figures of authority take control of the documents and knowledge relating to those discoveries, and follow this up with a campaign of disinformation during which the individual who made the discovery is slowly and meticulously discredited. This however does not seem to apply to all discoveries as we can see, but it is reserved for such works of science which have the potential to leapfrog human abilities to far greater heights. These discoveries seem to be prevalent in the areas of medicine and energy. It also seems that the tools of discovery in these areas are often related; like light frequencies and electromagnetic frequencies, just to mention two. It seems as if a higher power is preventing humans from gaining higher knowledge that may accelerate our evolution in some strange way. I have formulated an opinion that points to THREE areas of enslavement by the unseen global powers. Media, energy and medicine. The three so-called legs of human enslavement. Even just writing about this subject makes me feel that I am turning into a conspiracy theorist of sorts and that is not at all how I like to see myself. So on the subject on so-called 'conspiracy' theorists; I would like to state the following. I believe that the term 'conspiracy' is possibly the most dangerous and malicious word introduced into the human maze. Once a person has been tainted by this label, it becomes very difficult to redeem oneself and come across with

any kind of scientific credibility. This label has unfortunately discredited and destroyed some of the greatest minds, past and present, which could have contributed immensely to the rapid advancement of humans. The more research I do, the more difficult it becomes to ignore the concept and real possibility of the existence of the so-called 'Illuminati', a group of powerful individuals that basically run the planet and keep the humans in line and enslaved by very basic means. There has been much supportive argument by many researchers about the real existence of the Illuminati. But once again, this is just a conspiracy theory and anyone seen to be spending too much time on this preposterous theory MUST be a fool not worthy of any serious attention. It most definitely seems that the term 'conspiracy' was conveniently and cunningly introduced into the vocabulary of common folk to quickly and mercilessly remove any elements of credibility of targeted citizens. Just think of the McCarthy era in the USA. Once you were named as a sympathiser, or you were spotted reading a book about communism, you had very little chance of clearing your name. Your life became very difficult and many great minds in the arts and sciences were reduced to working under pseudonyms or were forced out of their professions completely. What a great ploy; what a masterstroke. Possibly the most brilliant move by the 'unseen' masters of humankind, who are doing everything in their power to keep humans ignorant and enslaved for as long as possible. On this note I recommend a book called 'Forbidden Science' by Richard Milton which includes some of the most famous names in science and outlines the onslaught they faced before getting their discoveries accepted by the authorities of their day. But of course, those were the lucky ones, and only the tip of the iceberg. I believe that there have been thousands of more great scientists and inventors whose work has been consciously covered up and removed from the mainframe of knowledge for very simple reasons. "The slave species must not evolve too quickly, or they may catch up with the intelligence of its maker and creator." So while we are on this topic, let me introduce to you the Holy Trinity of human enslavement. MEDIA, ENERGY and HEALTH. The media tell us what to believe, the energy masters keep us enslaved to the world around us, because energy is required for every aspect of modern living; and the health companies keep us sick by withholding new medical discoveries. These are the three legs of the Illuminati and with these they can control the slave species as they please. The global media that carry the news into our homes each minute of every day seem to be obsessed with human strife and human conflict. At first we tell ourselves that it's their job, and

they are only reporting the major news! But as we objectively look at the content of what the media is feeding us, we begin to recognise very clear patterns that are cunningly constructed to dehumanise its audience while pretending to do the opposite. We are told what to think; what to believe; who is good and who is bad; what to eat and what to wear; how to speak and what movies to see; where to live; how to live and who is right and who is wrong. There is overwhelming evidence that the energy giants who control the world, together with the pharmaceutical giants that control our health will not allow any scientific discoveries to threaten their existence. DO NOT think for a second that this is a conspiracy of some sort, because then my friend you have just given them your soul on a plate

to do with as they please. The energy giants will keep us enslaved for as long as they deem necessary and the pharmaceutical monopolies will keep us sick for as long as they possibly can. There is growing support for the argument that not only was AIDS a man-made disease, but so are many new strands of viruses unleashed on the planet each year. What possible benefit do these two industries find in the discovery of FREE ENERGY and a CURE FOR ALL DISEASE? So do not fool yourselves, this is very serious business and they will not allow anyone to shake their empire of control. On the support structure side, they need the media to keep the slave species obedient, disorganised and confused. From Nicola Tesla and his promise of FREE energy to the world; to Royal Raymond Rife with his cure for cancer and as the papers first called it in 1931; "The Cure for ALL Disease", many more great discoveries have been ridiculed and simply disappeared from the greater body of knowledge. I will deal with some of these discoveries in future articles, but for now I will end this here and next time, return to the conclusion of the White Powder of Gold Part III and its possible applications. Don't be a cynic, stay alert and keep exploring. Michael

Tellinger October 2006_________________________________PRIVACY POLICY AND DISCLAIMER This e-mail has been sent to cfroh from Zulu Planet using an email, sms, fax and web integration tool called Majestic. Not only is your data kept behind a secure firewall facility, but your data will not be sold, rented or given away to any third party without your express permission. If you receive communication using Majestic that you feel breaches ethical marketing standards,

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