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threats to our supplements, therapists and food

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While this is a for kundalini yoga, as I've repeatedly said, it's actually for the "humanology" taught by Yogi Bhajan. And given that no topic wasn't covered by the great yogi over his 3 decades of American teaching, almost anything goes at this forum in terms of humanology, or "how to live as a human". Couple that with the libertarian ethic of the dawning Aquarian Age, and we have a recipe for "anything goes," as long as "it's peaceful". I'll add that as long as it contributes to this great Path that has drawn us all, it's OK. Bad posts disappear via neglect. This system works. That said, my political post deals with something important to yogis - access to food, nutrients and therapies that are natural and thus uncontaminated by industrial forces such as chemicals and other unnatural interferences. I happen to represent an advocacy group called the Natural Solutions Foundation. And based on our

congressional visits last week, I feel compelled to warn this that we have to involve ourselves politically, or risk loss of access to natural health.There is a great need for congressional hearings on several of FDA's smothering Guidelines, such as those:* reversing congressional intent and the Thompson v Western decision, by prohibiting claims for failing to meet an impossible scientific agreement standard, * threatening illegality to modalities, with no congressional authorization, by calling them untested CAM products,* guaranteeing bankruptcy with untenable required manufacturing practices, * banning safe nutrients (such as ephedra and bioidentical hormones) by improperly using risk analyses previously reserved for dangerous pharmaceuticals, and* ignoring the role of pharmaceutical mixing in nutrients' Adverse Event Reports.These hearings need also to examine CDC's admission to dangerous levels of mercury in

vaccines (while still encouraging state "forced" drugging), as well as FDA's 1995 "harmonization" requirements with the United Nation's Codex Committee, which:* uses WTO sanctions to impose its guidelines on US and other countries* follows the anti-natural therapies bias of FDA's own representatives,* treats safe nutrients as toxins, and limits dosage to 15% above the naturally occurring equivalent (a pathetically low standard, since, for example, the orange, in the case of Vitamin C, is grown in soil that is depleted by poisonous Big Agri chemicals, many of which were banned until reintroduced by Codex)* requires irradiation of imported food, and trying to use misleading word, "pasteurization"* requires Monsanto's growth hormone in imported milk* prohibits Genetically Modified labeling, in case people think GMOs are riskyAs you can see, the natural therapies preferred by a vast majority of Americans are threatened, and despite the

congressional education by my client, no one in Congress yet has agreed to shine a light on FDA and Codex. May we count on this 's members to educate themselves on this issue, by going to www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org, and forwarding to friends?At the website, please feel free to sign up for the eNewsletter, so you can become more familiar with our heavy involvement with countries around the world in opposing the United Nation's Codex and, here in the U.S., opposing FDA's attack on safe and natural therapies, nutrients and food. Also, if this topic interests you, please "comment" at my blog on this issue: http://www.commoninterest.info/2008/02/08/another-futile-day-on-the-hill/#comments.Blessings,Charles "Amar Atma" Frohmanwww.cfrohman.comwww.GlobalHealthFreedom.orgwww.CommonInterest.info

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