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Need Some Understanding

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Hello, everyone!!


I have a friend who is experiencing the following sensation and was

wondering if this could be related to a kundalini rising. I am a

beginner, but I keep thinking this is what may be happening. If you

could provide some feedback, it will be invaluable. My friend does

not practice kundalini yoga, but practices contemplative prayer,

which is a form of Christian meditation.







Here are the three excerpts from his e-mails:


Something happened during CP last night that I think has to do with

healing energy. The first sit was very unpleasant. Lots of strange

psycho-physical sensations. The second sit picked up right where the

first left off. But it seemed to be going somewhere. Accomplishing

something. I just surrendered to it.


When you started reading the Gospel, I was going to turn the lights

on, but I couldn't stand up. I could not get out of my chair.

Remember when I told you that if I scan my body, there is a huge hole

from just below my sternum down to my belly button? And that I can't

seem to get inside my whole body? I've had that sensation since the

gastroesophageul reflux began about a year ago. Last night during CP,

when the second sit was over, I was fully inside my body. My center

of gravity and awareness -- virtually non-stop since last night -- is

several inches below my navel, and deep inside. At one point or two

I've had the sensation (I can't see it) that light is just pouring

out of that spot.


One of the most important lessons I've learned from Eckhart Tolle is

that he says to try to always have some of your awareness inside your

body. I've been practicing that for some time now. Well, since last

night my body seems unified for the first time in a long, long time.


I don't even know if I'm using the right words to describe this. Am I

making any sense to you?







Let me try again, and this time I will put aside my own reservations

about being exact.


During the second sit I had a sensation (even visual) that there was

a horizontal cut (like a Caesarean section) about 3 inches below my

navel. Blood and other matter was spilling out. Pouring out. Like I

was being purged of some really nasty stuff.


Then I felt (and this is what I didn't want to write) a sensation

under my scrotum. Like my center of gravity and awareness moved there

and became settled there. I am almost always aware of that spot now.

Grounded there.


It has occasionally moved up to the area where I " saw " the cut. But

now just a small spot. The " location " moves back and forth at

different times. Right now it is in the lower region. I feel deeply

centered, and don't seem to be capable right now of becoming overly

upset by anything. Two things have already happened this morning that

would normally upset me greatly. No reaction.


As for the light, I only experienced it a couple times in the night.

It was like a flashlight beam pouring from my abdomen, but without

the spilling out sensation. This was very gentle, and there was no

loss of energy. Like a beam in the darkness.


Whatever happened, I am, at least for now, deeply settled into my

body and very calm. But alert. Wide awake.





I will have to find that section in the book tonight. I've literally

been vibrating there for the last two hours. I'm in totally uncharted

waters. I've never experienced anything like these last couple weeks.

I know the last two sentences probably don't sound like it, but I am

remaining calm about it all. I just have no categories for

understanding this.

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